Disclaimer: No

A/N: Dude, did you SEE that new episode?! It was AMAZING! I cant wait for the next one. *grin*

This takes place directly after the ep. Family Matters [I think] ended pretty much. So if you havent seen the new episode. I would suggest you not reading this. You have been warned.


Rory sighed as she walked to her room. Great, the guy she was currently trieing to get over, was back in town. To get his car? What kind of crap story was that?


No, he is not back for you Rory. He's getting his car. Just that. Why else would he come back. For me? Noooooo.

Well, he did it once before. But that was, there was a chance then. There isnt one now. Well, at least she didnt think there was a not-reason. He left her, so why would he come back now? Unless he thought...

Another sigh.

Looking around she suddenly had an instinct to... what. Yell at him? Kiss him? She wasnt really sure, but she didnt get these need-for-a-spur-of-the-moment feeling often.

She stood quickly, and ignored that woozy standing-up-to-fast feeling in her head as she grabbed her jacket and walked over to the window.


"So do these open?"

"Oh yeah, you just have to unlatch them and then push."

"Great. Shall we?"

"Shall we what?"



Did everything remind her of him? Lately it did, little things. Stupid things really. Like how in her Lit. class they had just finished discussion on a Hemmingway book. And all she really wanted to do was talk to him.

Without a glance to her room, she opened the windows and crawled out, breaking into a jog as soon as she hit the ground.

She had no idea what she was doing.

Soon the car was in her sight, and she was now running.

Why was she doing this? She wanted to see him sure, but... what if he didnt want to see her?

She got to the car, and looked into the window. Hand in mid knock, she frowned. He wasnt there...

Maybe... she wasnt meant to talk to him? Maybe she should have talked to him sooner? It didnt matter, he wasnt there.

What was she thinking anyways. Just out-of-the-blue climbing out her bedroom window to talk to him? She hadnt seen him in... months. What would she say? What would he say? It would just be a big awkward... akwardness. And, he wouldnt be staying for long. Right? He would get his car, and leave. Except, he wasnt IN the car.

Rory sighed, and began walking back.

A slight rain started to fall, but Rory didnt really mind. That way she couldnt tell the difference between the tears and the rain.