Chapter Seven

Ferris Clayton's Estate

The state troopers had been called in and now with Walker in the lead they all advanced on Ferris Clayton's home. A few moments had been taken in the hot humid dusk of the evening for a briefing that finding Marie LaBrowd was their main objective.

Slowly they all advanced towards the main house taking out the sentries as they came upon them. Suddenly out of no where Gage caught sight of a young man moving up stealthily behind Trivette poised for attack. With lightning speed Gage tackled the him bringing him to the ground. As he brought his fist back to fire a punch to the attackers face Gage recognized him from the photo he had seen, it was Charlie LaBrowd.

Instead of punching him Gage clamped his hand over the boy's mouth hissing out the words to him. "Charlie I'm a Texas Ranger, we're here to rescue your mother, she's a friend of my partner Ranger Sydney Cooke."

With the mention of his mother and Sydney Charlie stopped struggling, slowly moving his hand Gage helped Charlie to sit up. "Old Ferris Clayton has her, he aims to kill her," he blurted out trying to scramble to his feet.

"Hold on," Gage told him pushing on Charlie's shoulders to keep him from charging in. "We're going to get her out but…"

"She's my mother," Charlie hissed out all ready scrambling to his feet.

"All right, all right, but you just stay out of the way," Gage gave in watching him nod his head in acknowledgement. "Let's go," he added taking off beside LaBrowd.

By the time they rounded the house Walker and Trivette were all ready in the middle of things along with a half dozen officers. Suddenly both caught sight of Ferris Clayton grasping hold of Marie's arm dragging her towards his old caddie both Gage and Charlie taking off after them.

"Let her go," Charlie shouted Clayton stopping dead in his tracks.

"Well, well I've been looking for you boy," Ferris snickered through clenched teeth. "I've got you two and when my boys take care of those two Texas Rangers the score will be evened. Now come over here or I'll put a bullet in her where she stands," he leered at Charlie.

"Charlie run! Get out of here!" Marie shouted Ferris grabbing a handful of her hair yanking her against his heavy girth.

"Shut up, shut up now," Ferris yelled over top of Marie's shrieks. "Shut up or I'll…" Ferris didn't have time to finish Gage had come up behind him wrapping his arm around the man's neck until he slowly let go of Marie to sink to the ground himself.

"Mom!" Charlie was at Marie's side instantly his arms around his mother as were hers around him.

"Oh Charlie are you all right?" Marie cried out taking hold of his arms and pulling away from him to look him over to make sure he hadn't been injured.

"Mom I'm fine but you," Charlie exclaimed looking at the bruise down the side of her face.

"It's nothing Honey," she responded pulling him to her once again.

"Marie it's been a long time."

"Ranger Walker," she smiled looking to where Walker stood.

"It's been a very long time," Walker smiled back.

"Yeah a long time and here you are coming to mine and Charlie's rescue again," she answered. Turning slightly she smiled at Gage saying, "And thank you too Gage. Is Sydney around I wanted to thank her too and well I think I owe her an apology too."

Gage had all ready pulled his phone and begun to dial. "You're welcome," he absently answered waiting to hear Syd's voice come on the line.

"Something wrong Gage?" Trivette asked Gage looking up to find everyone was looking at him.

"No I don't think so," Gage flashed a quick smile even though the worry was very evident. "She must just have the phone turned down she was really tired…"

"Gage is she all right?" it was Marie who asked.

"Yeah we actually got a little news confirmed for us at the hospital," Gage began to say clamming up thinking better of telling them without Syd being with him.

"Come on Gage what's going on with Sydney? You just can't leave us hanging," Trivette prodded his friend for information.

Again everyone was staring at Gage as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. Clearing his throat he looked from one to the other before speaking. "The other night when Madam Beaubien helped us escape from Kyle Clayton she told us something…"

"Madam Beaubien? You ran into Madam Beaubien?" Marie cut in questioning him.

"Yeah she helped us get away from Kyle… looked right after Syd. She was real worried about her," Gage hedged.

"Gage we have to get to Syd I have to see her with my own eyes that she's all right," Marie insisted.

"Gage take Marie and Charlie with you and go check on Sydney, let us know," Walker told him nodding his head towards town.

"Thanks Walker," Gage answered all ready moving towards the car Marie and Charlie close behind.

A Small Cabin Close To Madam Beaubien's Cottage

Even though the night was descending on them the heat and humidity of the day hung thick in the air. A single candle had been lit and sat on a roughly hewed table a black inky smoke shooting into the air from the greasy tallow.

A low mumble came from the figure who lay tossing restlessly in sleep a top the white sheets of the old feather stuffed bed. Once again she was dressed in a white cotton gown only now the lacing at the front was pulled open slightly allowing the stale air to caress her damp perspiring skin.

The last few hours had blurred into one never ending scene, people touching her, laying their hands on her, chanting. She had tried to call out for Gage but he wouldn't come to her. "Where are you Gage I need you," her mind screamed for him another moan escaping her lips.

The door to the room had opened she could feel people filing in surrounding the bed she lay in. Try as she might she couldn't force her eyes to open. Her mouth was dry she tried desperately to call out to Gage again the words no more then a desperate moan.

"She is the vessel that carries our Prince," Sydney could hear Madam Beaubien's voice rise above the low din of the followers who had crowded into the room falling silent. "We must care for 'er and protect 'er until our Prince arrives," her words again rose above the rest as a low mumbled chant began.

"No, no…" Syd forced the words out.

"Yes ma cher petite. You 'ave been chosen to carry d'his precious child and it h'is up to us to keep you both safe until the babe is born," Madam Beaubien began to explain the same time nodding to the two that had helped her kidnap Sydney from the hotel that afternoon.

While one man took up a position at the head of the bed the other took up a spot at the foot of the bed. One grasped hold of Syd's wrists pinning them to the bed while the second grasped her ankles in similar fashion. Syd struggled to no avail she was still under the influence of the potion she had been given earlier she was unable to break free. Her eyes blinked open taking in the scene of what seemed like a multitude of people all dressed in brightly coloured outfits and wearing masks converging on her in this tiny room.

Again Madam Beaubien nodded her head and a ceremonial drum began to beat in time with the chanting which was growing louder. A woman dressed as Madam Beaubien was in the bright colours of the voodoo medicine shaman stepped forward to stand on the opposite side of the bed. The old woman nodded to her to proceed waiting for her assistant to stuff a clean white cloth into Syd's mouth to keep her silent before finishing to unlace the white gown Syd wore pulling it back exposing her breasts and abdomen.

A second and a third drum had begun to beat now the chanting louder as Syd still fought a loosing battle for control to put an end to things.

Madam Beaubien's assistant now held a silver tray with an assortment of coloured bottles and colourful feathers on it. Reaching out she lifted a small blue bottle and removed the stopper the scent of almond filling the air. Lifting the bottle upward the woman chanted a few words before pouring a generous amount of the aromatic oil on each of Syd's breasts the level of the chanting again rising.

Replacing the bottle on the tray she picked up a second one repeating the procedure with first the chant then removing the stopper she poured the entire bottle of avocado smelling oil on Sydney's stomach watching it slowly run off her.

The beat of the drum had picked up the pace, the followers that were chanting were rocking back and forth from side to side as if they were caught up in some sort of trance watching Madam Beaubien perform the ceremony.

Reaching forward she picked up the third and last bottle, opening it she lay the stopper on the tray declaring, "D'he blood of d'his goat will keep our prince safe." Picking up the feather she dipped the plume into the bottle to cover the tip with the red sticky contents.

With steady hands she stood above Sydney terror ripping at Syd's heart before once again Madam Beaubien began chanting before she began drawing a circle around each nipple of her breasts with the blood on the end of the feather. Once more she dipped the feather into the bottle coating the tip using it again only this time drawing a large circle on Syd's tummy. Inside the circle she very primitively drew what was to represent the baby Syd carried.

That being done the feather was placed back on the tray the stopper put back in the bottle and replaced also. The chants had become loud shrieks the followers were in a wild frenzy dancing from side to side.

Sydney wanted to shriek too, wanted to make them stop, wanted to escape the insane carrying on that she had become the center of but something was making her stop. Even though she was still being held tightly to the bed her struggles were becoming less and less. As much as she wanted to get away her arms were becoming heavier as were her legs.

Suddenly there was an abrupt silence the small crowd moving back against the wall opening up a path to where Syd lay. "Come forward," she could hear Madam Beaubien command giving way to a young woman very scantily dressed with a huge snake draped over her shoulders to come towards them.

Again Madam Beaubien began to speak, "D'his lowly serpent will provide the portal to guide d'he prince to us." Nodding her head the young woman lifted the snake from her shoulders to lay it between Sydney's legs.

Hardly daring to move Syd couldn't help herself she once again began to squirm against the hands that held tight to her. Her screams for help were muffled by the gag in her mouth not that anyone would have noticed because the wild frenzied chanting had gone up once more. She could feel the reptile moving across her center upward towards her bare stomach her hands clenching her nails digging into her palms as sheer fright began to over take her. Her eyes closed and her mind cried, "Gage, Gage please help me," the snake's head slithering between her breasts. The struggling had stopped replaced with her body tensing unable to move the snake's head moving to rest against her cheek.

Leaning forward Madam Beaubien held a cloth beneath her nose and mercifully Sydney lost all consciousness.

Sydney And Gage's Room At The Sheraton Hotel Baton Rouge

Sliding the key card through the lock Gage was all ready calling Syd's name as he came through the door Marie and Charlie close behind. "Syd, Syd Honey," he called out getting no answer.

"Where is she Gage?" Marie was asking coming up behind him as he stood in front of the empty bed.

"She may have just stepped out for something to eat," Gage suggested trying to hide the panic that was mounting inside of him.

"Mom," Charlie was trying to get his mother's attention. "I think you better have a look at this."

Both Marie and Gage turned to face Charlie, to look at his out stretched hand that held the only clue to what may have happened. He held out a single talisman exactly like the one they had found at Madam Beaubien's when they awakened in her cabin.

"Gage… is Sydney… well is she going to have a baby?" Marie questioned.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Gage answered with a question.

"Just answer me Gage."

"We just found out this afternoon for sure but when Madam Beaubien helped us out she insisted that Sydney was pregnant and she didn't want us to leave. Said Sydney wasn't rested enough that she had to look after the Syd and the baby," Gage told them his mind going back to what had happened at the woman's cabin.

"What else Gage?" Marie asked. "What haven't you told me?"

Looking from Marie to Charlie then back to Marie Gage decided to trust them quickly explaining what they had awakened to, the candles, the note and the talisman.

"Mom she's got her you know that she has her," Charlie burst in.

"We have to go after her Gage!" Marie exclaimed all ready heading to the door.

"Marie I don't know if I could find Madam Beaubien's cabin in the daylight not alone at night," Gage answered traipsing after Marie and Charlie.

"I know the way I've been there many times if we start now we should be there by morning.

"Wait Marie what makes you so sure that it is Madam Beaubien?" Gage questioned not wanting to be going on a wild goose chase.

"First she's expecting Gage and Madam Beaubien has decided that the baby is their new prince, she isn't going to want to have Syd out of her sight until she has her hands on the baby. Second the talisman I've seen many times before it is one of Madam Beaubien's creations. It was left here to help keep the baby safe and you away," Marie quickly explained.

Gage stood a moment letting the words sink in before agreeing with Marie deciding that she was right. Nodding his head he followed Marie and Charlie out.

The Early Hours Of The Morning At The Small Cabin

The early morning sounds of the bayou were filtering into the room yet they were quiet and peaceful compared to the wild shrieking and chanting that was accompanied by the drumming of last night's ceremony.

The warm sunlight shone through the only window bathing her face awakening her to her thoughts. The events of the night before were slowly being replayed in Syd's mind even before her eyes opened. "Gage," she called out sitting up in the bed her eyes wide now.

She looked down realizing the gown she wore was still open past her waist and what had been painted on her had dried in a smear where the snake had slithered over her. An involuntary shiver went through her at the thought of it. Her emotions being wrought she pulled the gown around herself and gave way to tears.

Suddenly the door to the tiny room opened and Madam Beaubien filled the doorway. "Good you are awake mon enfant," she addressed Sydney.

"What am I doing here?" Syd defiantly questioned. "You had no right to bring me here and do what you did…" her resolve as well as her voice dying away at the recollection of the night before.

"Shh ma cher petite you mustn't cry, you are to feel honoured, you have been chosen to give birth to our Prince. Many of d'he young girls would give anything to be in your place to bear d'he young Prince," she exclaimed to Syd.

"You're crazy," Syd cried her fight coming back to her. "All of you are crazy mine and Gage's baby is our baby it has nothing to do with you or your followers and he certainly is no Prince of voodoo," she snapped out swinging her legs out of bed at the same time.

"You are wrong mon enfant," her raspy voice sounded as she began to walk towards Syd. "Your time with us will prove that to you, you will come to see d'hat I am right." She had come to stand right in front of Syd pinning her between the bed and herself. "What you do will determine 'ow pleasant your stay with us will be. But mark my words mon enfant d'he child you carry is our Prince and nothing you can say or do will change 'is destiny."

"Get out of my way old woman," Sydney ordered through gritted teeth trying to move past her only to feel the woman's hands grasping her shoulders pushing her back against the bed.

"Les gardiens viennent rapidement avant qu'elle se blesse ou le Prince," the woman cried out in what Sydney thought she recognized to be French. Immediately the two who had held her down the night before appeared in the room. "Obtenez-rapidement la de nouveau dans le lit," she ordered moving back so both men could tackle Syd and force her back into the bed.

"No, no let me go! You can't do this, let go of me," Syd cried as she struggled in vain to break away from them. Before she knew it she found herself in the same position as the night before being held to the bed by the wrists and ankles.

"You will learn ma cher petit, you will learn," Madam Beaubien told her coming forward to the side of the bed. Reaching into her pocket she pulled out two long pieces of leather strapping, Syd's eyes becoming fixed on the woman knowing she was capable of anything.

Quickly the strappings were looped around Syd's wrists securing her tightly to the iron headboard of the old bed both men taking a step back. "Now you will 'ave some ting to eat and d'hen you will spend d'he morning resting," she told Syd first resting her hand on Syd's forehead then moving it to her tummy pressing slightly as if she was actually touching the baby.

The man who had been holding her wrists had slipped from the room returning with a tray that held nothing more then a bowl of mush and a spoon. "Come 'ere with it," Madam Beaubien commanded. "Sydney must h'eat."

Obeying the man moved over to the bed as he came close enough Syd's foot shot out sending the tray and bowl flying.

"La chienne lui obtiennent des pieds," Madam Beaubien shrieked and within moments Syd's ankles had been lashed to the bed the same as her wrists.

"Outside forces still plague you mon enfant," Madam Beaubien whispered bringing her lips close to Sydney's ear. "Do not fear I will drive d'hem from you," she smiled once again reaching in her pocket this time to hold up a small doll that had been made to resemble Gage. "Lesson number two you will be'ave or 'e will pay d'he consequences," she hissed out.

Syd's eyes remained fixed on the doll her heart pounding in her chest the old woman's hand resting there. Without looking up she once again spoke to the guardian, "Sydney is ready to h'eat 'er breakfast now."

The man left returning a few minutes later with another tray of the mush which he set down on the little table beside the bed. Coming to the table Madam Beaubien set the doll on it so Sydney could see it then reaching to a shelf above the table she took down a small jar and opened it to reveal a white powder. Taking the spoon she generously sprinkled the powder over the mush in the bowl then she dumped a spoonful in the palm of her hand. Looking down at Syd for a moment the old woman's eyes closed and she began to chant the same time sprinkling the powder over Syd. When she had finished she opened her eyes and sat on the edge of the bed. "Now ma cher petite you must h'eat and keep up your strength," she smiled bringing a spoonful of the mush to Syd's mouth.

Syd stared at the old medicine woman for a moment then slowly opened her mouth letting the woman spoon the food into it. "D'hat's a good girl," Madam Beaubien smiled. "a very good girl."

Five Miles From The Small Cabin

"You're sure this is the way?" Gage anxiously asked his fears for Sydney multiplying with every step he took.

"I'm positive Gage," Marie answered darting on ahead of him.

Gage had called Walker to let him know what was going on he and Marie leaving Charlie to guide them in while they went on ahead.

"You're sure Charlie knows the way?" Gage questioned he too picking up the pace.

"Like the back of his hand," Marie answered not looking back until Gage grabbed hold of her shoulder and spun her around to face him.

"What aren't you telling me Marie? How much danger is she in?"

Marie looked away staring to the trail ahead of them before she spoke. "A few years back shortly after Charlie was born I met Madam Beaubien. She took a real liking to me sort of took me under her wing. I became a true believer Charlie and I went to live with her and I began my training to be a medicine woman just like she was. Things were going really well for us until Rebecca."

"Rebecca? Who's Rebecca?" Gage questioned.

"At the time Madam Beaubien claimed she was the one who carried our prince. That the son that Rebecca carried would be the salvation for our people. Rebecca was like Sydney a non-believer, but it didn't matter Madam Beaubien had her brought here against her will. She kept her under lock and key performing all the ceremonies me helping because I believed that what we were doing was right, that this would be mine and Charlie's salvation…" her voice dropped off and her eyes went to the ground.

"What happened Marie? What changed your mind?"

"About six months into Rebecca's pregnancy things changed. Madam Beaubien decided that evil forces had been at work trying to destroy us. That the child that Rebecca carried was evil and must be destroyed. I overheard her telling her two faithful guardians to take her somewhere and make sure she was never found again," Marie explained.

"It was then I gathered up Charlie and everything we owned to hightail it back to civilization. I went back to my Mom's old place that was falling down around us I needed money and that's when Kyle Clayton came to my rescue setting up the lab in the old barn. The rest you know."

"What happened to Rebecca Marie?" Gage asked in his heart all ready knowing the answer.

"She was never heard of again and no one ever spoke of her again. Now she is claiming that Sydney's baby is the Prince…" Marie left the sentence unfinished.

Gage could feel the panic rising in his throat at the very thought of Sydney at the mercy of this woman especially now with Syd expecting their first child… If anything happened to either of them… Gage just couldn't fathom it.

"Come on Gage we're almost there," Marie urged bringing him out of his thoughts.

"I'm right behind you," he answered once again letting her lead the way until they finally came upon a small clearing.

The cabin stood to the back on the edge of the woods while in front there was a large fire pit that was surrounded by rows of wooden benches facing the cabin. "It's just as I remember it," Marie whispered.

Suddenly the door of the cabin opened Madam Beaubien emerging from inside her two guardians right behind her. Again the old woman began issuing instructions in French her faithful assistants obeying her commands.

Madam Beaubien began to take her leave one of her companions accompanying her while the other went back inside the cabin.

"What did she say?" Gage hissed at Marie.

"She is going home to prepare for the cleansing ceremony this evening. Jacque is going to go to help her at home while Louis stays here to watch over Sydney," Marie explained. "We'll give her a few minutes to get along the trail a ways before we rescue her."

Gage uneasily shifted his weight not wanting to wait for anything yet nodding his agreement.

"Gage I know it has only been a day and I know she is strong but don't be surprised when you see her," Marie warned.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Gage snapped back the question.

"She has probably given her some sort of relaxing powder so that she might be out of it a little. She's been terrorized Gage no matter how tough she is…"

"I get the picture let's just get her out of there," Gage cut back in all ready on the move.

Taking off right behind him Marie cut in front of him going right to the door motioning Gage to lean against the wall so he could get the drop on the man inside. As Gage took position Marie rapped loudly on the door only having to wait a minute for it to open.

"Marie?" an astounded Louis questioned, "What are you doing 'ere?"

"We've come for Sydney," Gage answered for her hammering his fist into the man's face knocking him cold to the ground.

"Drag him inside Gage," Marie hissed all ready taking hold of Louis' arm. In seconds the man was inside and the door closed behind him.

"Syd, Syd," Gage was all ready calling out to her opening the only other door in the small cabin. The sight of her lashed to the iron bed was almost more then Gage could take. "Syd Honey," he cried out going to work releasing the bindings that held her arms as Marie went to her ankles. Pulling the white cloth gag from her mouth Gage scooped her into his arms to hold her watching as her head lolled back and her eyes rolled into her head.

"Marie, Marie what's wrong with her," he hissed out laying her back on the bed yet still holding her.

Going to them Marie took a quick look at her friend before letting her eyes roam around the room coming to rest on the shelf above the little table. Reaching up she grabbed down the jar from which Madam Beaubien had taken the powder. Taking a bit on her finger Marie tasted it with her tongue. "It's a sleeping powder that she mixes herself. Sydney'll be all right once it wears off," she began to explain. "You're going to have to carry her Gage."

"That's not a problem lets just get out of here," Gage exclaimed grabbing her up in his arms and clasping her to his chest.

"Gage," Syd softly moaned.

"I'm right here Honey I'm taking you home to Dallas," he whispered letting his lips caress her forehead.

"The doll Gage…" she managed to get out her head rolling to the side.

"What doll Syd?" he asked looking up at Marie hoping she understood.

Looking around again Marie caught sight of the voodoo doll on the table scooping it up she called out, "It's all right Sydney I have it I have the doll."

As if understanding Syd whispered, "Okay," her head falling against Gage's chest as sleep over came her.

"Lead the way Marie," Gage cried, "Syd and I are right behind you."

Stopping for only a moment to check outside Marie finding the coast clear swung open the door so Gage could go out ahead of her. Closing it she scurried past them to lead the way down the trail they had come up. With Gage close behind her they disappeared into the woods.

In The Woods Between The Cabin and Madam Beaubien's Cottage

Madam Beaubien walked a few paces ahead of Jacque when suddenly without warning she stopped short her guardian almost walking into her.

"What is it Madam?" Jacque questioned her having seen her in this trance like state before.

"She 'as returned with d'he ranger and d'hey h'are trying to take Sydney away from us.

"Who Madam? Who returns?" Jacque asked a feeling of over whelming panic coming over him knowing the woman's premonitions were almost never wrong.

"Marie, Marie has returned and she is trying to take Sydney and the Prince away from us," her voice rasped. "Quick we must return to d'he cabin and stop d'hem."

Madam Beaubien had all ready pushed past Jacque to lead the way back down the trail they had just travelled. "Come she takes d'he nort shore," Madam Beaubien cried averting from the trail to cut through the dense forest. "We will cut d'hem off and take back what is ours," she muttered out her guardian Jacque but a pace behind.

Down The North Shore Trail

Hoisting Syd a little closer Gage hurried to keep up with Marie. She hadn't opened her eyes since they had started out from the cabin and Gage was beginning to worry about her. "Are you sure she's all right?" he questioned Marie as they hurried along. "She feels like she is burning up."

"We all are Gage and you are clutching her tight to you," Marie answered not looking back.

"Still I don't want to put her or the baby in jeopardy…"

"Then quit talking and get moving cause if she catches up with us…"

"Yes Marie tell 'im what will happen if I catch up to you," Madam Beaubien's voice cut in. "Now set Sydney down," she ordered.

"And what makes you think I'll do that?" Gage quizzed clutching tighter to Syd.

"Because I'll killer 'er if you don't," the medicine woman shrieked holding up a doll in Syd's image.

"You don't scare…"

The words didn't get out of his mouth before Marie cut in, "Set her down Gage."

"I don't think so," Gage tried again.

"Do it Gage set her down," Marie cried, "Set her down before she snaps her neck."

"Listen to 'er," Madam Beaubien threatened looping a piece of twine around the dolls neck and pulling it taunt. At the same time Syd began to squirm in Gage's arms her head forcefully falling back her mouth open trying desperately to suck in air.

"Stop it, stop it," Marie cried turning to Gage to plead, "Put her down, put her down she'll kill her."

Slowly Gage began to crouch down with Sydney still in his arms gently laying her on the mossy ground taking her hand in his.

"Move back from her," Madam Beaubien demanded her eyes fixed on Gage.

Looking up Gage's eyes met the voodoo woman's as he calmly spoke. "You can't have them Sydney and the baby belong to me," he simply stated looking beyond the woman to where Walker had silently brought Jacque to the ground.

Marie had caught sight of the rangers too as she watched Madam Beaubien tightly clasp the doll representing Syd in her hands the string still in her fingers ready to yank at any moment.

"That is where you h'are wrong Ranger, she and d'he babe belong 'ere with me, she is mine," Madam Beaubien sneered.

Walker was coming up quietly behind the old voodoo woman about to take her into custody but with eyes on the doll in the woman's hands Marie quickly made a leap for it.

"Ungrateful little…" Madam Beaubien shrieked out pulling the string around the doll's neck tighter. Sydney's head went back her mouth opening as she gasped for breath the very life being sucked out of her.

"Marie the doll," Gage cried holding Syd watching helplessly to her suffering.

Balling up her fist Marie brought it hard into Madam Beaubien's face knocking the woman off her feet to the ground giving Marie the opportunity to wrestle the doll out of her hand.

"Give d'hat to me now," she shrieked making a lunge at Marie her hand clutching Marie's hair yanking her back making her own grab for the doll. Before she could get hold of it both Walker and Trivette were restraining her. "Let me go, you have no idea what evil you are crossing," she cried as she struggled against the two rangers.

"Marie do something," Gage shouted sitting with Syd cradled in his arms as she fought to breath.

Her trembling hands on the doll Marie searched her memory to try and undo what the voodoo witch had set in motion. Slowly she began to speak in a low mumbled chant her fingers going to the twine around the doll's neck pulling it loose. As the string loosened Sydney's breathing became easier until she had relaxed in Gage's arms her arms closed as if nothing had happened.

Going to her friend Marie put her fingers on her neck feeling Syd's pulse quietly slow to normal. "She's going to be fine Gage after she sleeps off what she was given," she told him not taking her eyes from her friend.

"Do you not feel it?" Madam Beaubien jabbered on. "The evil is all around us, h'it is all around us. Sydney and our Prince is our only 'ope," she muttered on suddenly pulling free of Sheriff Karl LeBrun. "H'its 'ere all around us, d'he evil h'is 'ere all around," she cried out running towards the water edge stopping short to twirl around and face them.

"You bring 'er 'ere to me or we will all die," she cried pulling a small silver dagger encrusted with red and green jewels dramatically holding it ready to plunge into her chest.

"Madam Beaubien," it was Marie who spoke walking towards the woman.

"Mom don't," Charlie called out softly feeling Walker's hand on his shoulder.

"You will pay Marie you treacherous…" she was shrieking again lunging at Marie the dagger piercing Marie's shoulder. Both Walker and Trivette moved to subdue Madam Beaubien again, turning to run she caught her foot in an old root tumbling head first into the murky water below.

Without giving it a second thought Trivette was pulling his boots off, as was LeBrun's deputy both diving into the water after the medicine woman. Charlie had gone to his mother as had the sheriff. "Take it easy Marie," LeBrun who had been sweet on her for years was warning her as she struggled to sit up.

"Anything?" Walker called down as his partner surfaced.

"Nothing Walker she just disappeared," Trivette retorted crawling out on shore.

"She should wash out down stream at the cross roads," LeBrun confirmed his eyes still on Marie.

"Gage? Where are we? What happened?" Syd's eyes had sprung open her mind trying to understand what was going on. Her eyes suddenly opened wide her hands clutching onto Gage as she whispered, "Madam Beaubien?"

"You and the baby are safe Honey she's gone," Gage answered her.

"Gone?" Sydney vacantly questioned. "Where Gage? Gone where?"

"I'll tell you all about it once you, Marie and our little one are home all safe and sound," Gage murmured his lips caressing her cheek once again.

Sydney And Gage's Townhouse Dallas Texas

"Francis will you stop making a fuss over me," Syd ordered her partner grabbing hold of his arm and pulling him down on the couch beside her.

"I'm not fussing Syd I just want to make sure that you and the baby are comfortable," Gage insisted. "Besides I want to leave nothing undone that your father can see so he won't be able to tell me I'm not looking after you," he smiled letting Syd settle in his lap.

Gently he lay his hand against her tummy smiling almost shyly at her. "You're sure you're father is all right with this?" he softly questioned.

"Yes Francis," she replied cuddling closer to him a tear clouding her eye.

"Syd what is it? What's wrong?" Gage questioned the same time using his thumb to wipe the corner of her brown eye.

"Of all the horrible people that we have faced in our line of work I've never been as scared as I was…" her voice drifted away and her face turned tightly into his chest.

He could feel her hands clutching him her nails digging into the muscles of his arms the terror of her ordeal grasping her again. "Syd you're safe now I'm not going to let anything happen to you. Madam Beaubien has disappeared and we are home in Dallas about to get married and be parents," he told her letting his lips caress the top of her head.

"I know Gage I know you're right," she answered feeling his hand rub over her tummy once more before moving upward towards her breast.

"Umm Gage," Syd softly moaned leaning back her arms around his neck pulling him forward.

"Francis, Sydney." Joe Cooke's voice could be heard as the front door opened.

"Daddy," Syd called back struggling out of Gage's arms trying to stand up.

"Honey let me look at you," Joe exclaimed marching in ahead of her mother to take Syd's hand and hold her at arms length.

"Now Daddy don't make a fuss I'm fine…"

"Of course you are," Joe cut in, "But now we have to concentrate on getting you married.

"I'll say we do," Trivette who had let himself and Erica in chimed in.

"And now more then ever," Alex took up the conversation following the Trivette's inside Walker carrying Angela behind her.

"All right everyone we get the picture everyone," Gage agreed standing beside Syd his arm around her.

"It was you Francis that got the horse before the carriage," Joe reminded his almost son-in-law followed by agreement from everyone else.

"Yeah well," Gage began to hummed and hawed.

"Gage why don't you take the men outside and get the bar-b-que fired up while us girl's go upstairs so we can talk wedding," Syd smiled bailing out her fiancée.

Walking arm and arm with her mother Alex and Erica behind them Syd headed for the stairs.

"Sydney," it was Alex who spoke. "Walker spoke to Sheriff LeBrun this morning thanks to Marie's testimony they aren't going to be having to worry about Ferris or Kyle Clayton any time soon. He sort of indicated that things between himself and Marie were… well lets just say they are becoming quite close."

Both Sydney and her Mom smiled at the comment before Syd asked, "And Madam Beaubien did they find any sign of her.

"No Honey nothing the sheriff is pretty sure that they won't either so you have nothing to worry about," Alex assured her.

As they got to the second floor Amanda Cooke pulled her daughter aside to softly whisper, "You're sure that you are all right?"

Smiling Syd put her arms around her mother's neck drawing her into a hug as if she was a little girl again. "Yes Mom I'm fine," she answered.

"Then lets really get down to business here," Amanda replied pulling slightly away from Syd. "We need to get you married to that ranger of yours."

"Oh Mom," Syd laughed, "yes we really do."

The End.