A/N: Well guys, this is it. This is the end. Our little adventure is over. This is the very last chapter in this fic. After this epilogue, there is no more. Except the sequel. I have, as I've mentioned before, the first 1 ½ chapters written in my notebook. I've pretty much decided to post it, because I have gotten such a good response from reviewers. Thanks guys!

Disclaimer: don't own, don't sue.


Selene stood and clapped along with everyone else as Marcus and Erika kissed. She felt the unfamiliar weight of her engagement ring on her hand, and her smile broadened. Michael had given it to her two months ago, and his divorce was almost final. She had already started planning their wedding.

Marcus and Erika walked down the flower-strewn improvised aisle that had been made on Ordoghaz's huge back lawn, smiling at each other like teenagers in love. Selene scanned the crowd, and saw Endainme En'Dae and Kestral, both now Elders, sitting together. Both were crying and smiling, but Kestral still had the lingering look of sadness that had haunted her face since Xavier's death.

Selene quickly pushed thoughts of Xavier out of her mind and turned to Michael, who was holding Ravyn. She took their daughter in her arms and smiled down at her baby, then looked up at Michael. He smiled back at her and leaned over, kissing her forehead.

"That'll be us soon," he told her. Selene turned back to look at the happy couple, who were almost inside. Many of the guests were beginning to follow, in anticipation of the reception that would soon follow. Selene leaned back against Michael, loving the feel of his warm bulk against her back. She sighed happily.

She couldn't wait.

A/N: I told you it was short. You can't say I didn't warn you. Now, to the acknowledgements.

Brainfear: You've been watching Van Helsing, haven't you? Well, here's how I see it. First, there's Sonja: she was Viktor's daughter, making her a born vampire. And then there's the fact that Michael is the father, and he's alive, so he can provide the baby with life. Or whatever you want to call it, because the baby is dead, but alive and...I'm confusing myself. I'll stop.

Uconn fan: I read it in a book. I'd tell you which book, but I can't remember. I think the girl was a vampire hunter, or some such thing, which fits fairly well with what I have planned for Ravyn. The author was Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, if you want to check it out.

Liz: I'm glad you liked the weapons; I did too. And by the way, when I got your review, I freaked out at first, because my mom's name is Liz, and just before I got your review, she told me she had read parts of my fic and that they had "interesting allusions." I think she read the chapters where there was sex. Really freaked me out, but then I realized that you weren't my mother and what a relief THAT was!

Xenocharm: took ya long enough! Lol, just messing with you. and by the way, Flame is not a character. There isn't anyone in this story that's based off of any of our friends.

Akemi Akibi: Your name gave my spell check fits! It's really cool, but the computer didn't like it. But it's decided to behave now. I made René a complete bitch because, when Michael married her, he didn't really realized what she was like, because he couldn't read her thoughts. Also, I needed to make sure that Michael would never go back to her, for any reason. And so I made her a bit more bitchy than she actually is so that he wouldn't.

Reven Eid: another name that bugged the crap out of my computer. Honestly, I think the silly thing needs to lighten up. It is the most close-minded thing I've ever met! I hope I answered your question about the purpose of the renegades in the story. I did try to. But, in case I didn't, the answer is: the renegades—or at least, Xavier—want to overthrow the Elders, and fix all the things that are wrong with the Coven. That's why they will follow Kestral, is because they know her, and they know that she will fix many things that are wrong with the Coven. That's one of the reasons I had to kill Xavier; because he would not have been satisfied until all three Elders were dead.

Chronicles Bailey: Your review, as I know I've mentioned in some previous chapter, made my day. I have enclosed it here for the enjoyment of all. (it came after the chapter where Michael considers going back to René. That's chapter 4, I believe) :

no, he absolutely could not. I forbid it. Hell, Raze forbids it, don't you Raze?
Raze: nods.
And Selene is furious! Aren't you Selene?
Selene: fumes
See? He isn't allowed.

Kaysey (who may or may not be Khayla): I'm glad you enjoyed it.

xXxCrimsonTearsxXx: thanks for the idea!

LuthienGraner2004: without you and xXxCrimsonTearsxXx, Ravyn wouldn't be here! Thanks!!

Flame: reads small print writer is not responsible for failure of reader's computer to produce entire chapter. Lol, you know I'm kidding right? –Ice

Otakuprincess: I appreciate your thoughts, although I disagree. The reason Moose's and mine are so similar is because...well, I don't really think they are. The shower is because she was covered in dirt and blood. Talking about the lycans falls under the category of duh. And as for writing a story with different characters...maybe I'm misreading that, but doing that would make it something original, not a fic. And that's all I'm going to say about that.

Wendy Dale Smith: I'm glad you enjoyed it. I tried to keep Selene's voice as best I could, but it was a bit difficult. She's a completely different character than anything I've ever written before, and I hope I've done a good job with her.

Nocturna Canis: thank you for reviewing. It really boosts my spirits, and helps me to write faster, as is evident from the fact that ch14, ch15, and the epilogue were all posted within two days of each other. Thanks a lot, I really appreciate it.

MD: I'm glad you like the renegade idea. I came up with it on the spur of the moment, as I was writing, and it really gave this story a direction.

Shyann: yes, I do realize that, and I have brought them back together. They're even going to get married!

Iridescent eyes: thanks for your loyal reviewing. To answer your question, Kestral knows that the father is a lycan, but not who. Erika guesses that it's Michael, because she has know Selene for a long time, and he's the only man she's ever really shown interest in. Endainme En'Dae doesn't know, because she and Selene aren't very close, so Selene just lets her believe whatever she wants to.

Sdakerrigan: Well, I'm sorry to disappoint, but I like happy endings, so I couldn't bear to do something nasty to Michael or Marcus. I'm sorry, but killing Xavier depleted my 'do something nasty to a character' stores. I hope you weren't TOO disappointed.

Kesaria: you're a genius! You're right about mason, he did follow her too easily, now that I think about it. I'll fix it though. That idea about his family, that's a good one! Thank you so much for all your suggestions. I hope you'll continue with them when I post Assassin (that's the sequel). Thanks!!

Moose: You are my best friend, and it is only right that I give you acknowledgement for your help in writing, editing, coming up with ideas, and hammering out the timeline. Thank you so much!! I couldn't have done it without you!

Lady K2: I know I've already thanked you, but it can't hurt to do it again, can it? I'm glad you enjoyed this fic, and I hope you will enjoy Assassin (the sequel) just as much. You, too, have been a driving force in the continuation of this fic. Thank you!

Khayla: Thank you for your very loyal reviewing. I appreciate you taking the time to review every chapter, even though you came in in the middle. I'm glad you've enjoyed this fic.

Other Reviewers: Redd VampyricAngel Zevrillion Kelly Fan of too many shows Klaudestar Latanya Divamercury Gem-Cena Tigerlily-2250 Mary The Lady Mage Trithalol Manda Lucian's Sonja carrie Du Soleil Oriental XxVampire QueenxX Ray Kim Matasuri Kikyou Lady of Shalotte SoT'n'Kenshin Morrgaine Eight Wondergirl03 gentlewriter Chris-21-2004 AquariusF5 Me (I don't know who you are, but I must admit to some curiosity, since it isn't ME)

Thank you to everyone who reviewed. I think I got everybody, but if I didn't, that doesn't mean I don't appreciate you reviews, and the time you take to write them! Thank you so much to everyone. I hope you will all read Assassin. I hope to get it posted in a few days.

Some fics to amuse yourself with:

Anything by Jess J. She is a very talented writer, and I really enjoy her stuff.

Anything by Nightslash, especially his humor stuff. He is so funny, I almost fell off my chair, laughing.

Anything by vampirehuntr00. she's my best friend, and a great writer, and I have to give her a recommendation.

Underworld: My Immortal by Lady K2. She has been a great supporter of this story, and she is a fantastic writer! If you haven't read her fic yet, you should.

Anything by Khayla. She mostly writes Charmed stuff, but she does have an Underworld one-shot that's pretty good. I highly recommend it.

Heart Veneer by iridescent eyes. Completed. A very good story. kinda short, but really good!

She is my Sin by Bronwyn/Moomimp. A Lucian/Sonja one-shot. Very good. Extremely well written. Just the right blend of beauty, sadness, and joy.

The Turning by Wendy Dale Smith. Completed. She is an AMAZING writer, and I highly recommend this fic. It's...unbelievable!

For more suggestions, you can check out my favorites list. Please Review!