Shadow Fox777: Ok this is just something I threw in for fun after every thing was over and done with. Enjoy.


Shadow Fox: *sits down on bed* Well that was fun. But I still can't figer out why he beat her.
Koenma: Probly to hide his guilt. Or perhaps his heart was darkened by the deed he had to do.
Shadow Fox: I guess, Hay wait a minuet! Why are you still hear? Don't you have papers you should be stamping?!
Koenma: Don't remind me.
Shadow Fox: Feh, What ever. Well, at least I went out to help rescue InuYasha. Unlike some one who hid hear with his tail between his legs.
Koenma: I did get Yusuke and the others to help. Besides the whole event only took one night.
Shadow Fox; What dose that have to do with any thing?
Koenma: nothing I guess.
Shadow Fox: This is coming out of your week. Hm. Well, at any rate, I am existed to have Kai over hear. It will be fun.
Koenma: Well, What about her possible relation ship with Kurama?
Shadow Fox: What about it?
Koenma: Nvm. So you really think things will go that smoothly?
Shadow Fox: Sure. at lest as smoothly as it used to. maybe I'll even ask her to have her whole family over.
Koenma: Now that might not be wise.
Shadow Fox: *Glares at him* At any rate I'd Like to thank ME^^ aka Aya and Jennifer, AKA Kai for helping me right this story. It was great working with yea. Can't wait till next time. But for now, I'm glad things are back to normal.
Koenma: Next time? You mean your goanna do more of these?
Shadow Fox: Yea, did you think this was a one time thing? It was way to much fun. ...Aya, I wonder if we will ever hear from her again?
Koenma: I'm sure you will.
Shadow Fox: Yea. I'm taking questions again so make sure to post them. Also some comments on this would be nice. I've been thinking of giving this a title, But I'm not sure what to call it. maybe you can help there. Please respond.
Koenma: Well if they don't...
Shadow Fox: Get out!


Shadow Fox777: As you may have already noticed, I already gave it a title, so, you don't have to respond. However, I am always open to better suggestions.