Disclaimer: I do not own Peach Girl or any of Miwa Ueda's beautiful creations. Now on with the story!

I like to write my fan-fictions like a play script.

(Somewhere in the Change of Heart Series volume 5+)

Momo: Sae! How could you love Ryo? After all he put you through!

Sae: He didn't... **cries**

Kiley: Sae......... Ryo is my brother. He did this to almost everyone of his girlfriends.


Momo: He has a loving side?

Sae: Momo, this isn't a time for jokes!

Momo: Well...

Kiley: Momo, this might sound weird, but can I have some alone time with Sae?

Momo: Um... I guess so...

Kiley and Sae. Alone. I know Kiley hates Sae. And Sae hates Kiley. But... who knows. GOSH! What am I thinking! Kiley already has me and Misao! I need to get these things out of my mind. I think I need to go to Toji's place and thank him for helping Sae.


**Knock on door**

Toji: Hello...? Momo: Hi Toji. I just wanted to say thank you for coming to help Sae. I know sometimes I really hate her, but if I was in that situation I would like for someone to help me.

Toji: Um... Momo are you just gonna talk and talk or did you come here for something else.

I remembered how the other day Toji hugged me and said we should get back together... Does he think I want to get back together with him? I mean I do... I mean I really did like him. But that was back then. I have Kiley now... But Kiley likes Misao more than me.

Toji: Um... Momo are you in there? Do you wanna come inside to talk?

Momo: INSIDE? Do you mean like inside your house alone with the doors locked.

Toji: Momo... I think your making this bigger than it is. I'm not gonna rape you.

Momo: You're right Toji. I am making this bigger than it is. It's just. You know... I have Kiley now, and me and you went through so much drama.

Toji: But Momo. Don't you wish we could start over again?

Momo: I used to wish that we could. But that was the past Toji.

Toji: No Momo! I still love you! You don't know the whole truth about why I dumped you!

Momo: You dumped me! For Sae! You dumped me for Sae! And then you kissed her!

Toji: Momo...! **Grabs Momo and Kisses her** See! Now I kissed you!

Momo: **In shock**Slaps Toji** T...O...J...I...! I can't believe you!

Toji: I love you Momo!

Momo: Well I love Kiley now! Now Toji, I have to go now.

Toji: Can you think about it? Please?

Momo: ... Yes Toji. I will.


Kiley: Wow. Last night me and Sae had a long talk with Ryo... Momo? Are you even listening?

Momo: Yes.

Sae: Kiley, after class can we talk. Sorry.

Kiley: Sure Sae. Don't be sorry.


Kiley: Momo baby stay here. I will be back.

Momo: Tell me everything!

Kiley: **Kisses** I will. **Walks off**

Misao: Hey Momo.

Momo: Hi Nurse Misao.

Misao: Hi Toji...

Toji: Momo....

Momo: **jumps** What!?!?

Toji: Did you think about it?

Momo: I'll be right back... I swear I'll answer you soon. **spies on Kiley and Sae**

Kiley: Sae... I think that....

Sae: **See's Momo** Kiley I love you too **Kisses Kiley**


**Kiley turned around in shock to look at Momo*

**Momo grabs Toji and Kisses him**

Misao: She sure got over that fast.


Yay!!! I hoped you liked my Story! Please leave a Review! Go to My Peach Girl Website! www.peachgirl.tvheaven.com