Disclaimer: I obviously don't own anything, so please don't further my pathetic situation by suing me! Thanks!

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            Fallen into a dreamless sleep by staring at nothing. That's what had happened to Joan Girardi during her AP Chem class. She had been experiencing what she called a 'Charlie Brown Moment'. Lishek was droning on about something, and as usual, while her mouth was moving, it all just sounded like garble to Joan. The constant drone was what had actually lulled her to sleep. She didn't know how long it had been, but she was awakened by Adam's warm breath sweeping over her cheek and the soft sound of his voice in her ear. While Joan hated to admit it, it was one of the best wakeups she had ever had in the entirety of the sixteen years she had been living.

            "Jane, wake up,"

            "Why?" she mumbled.

            "Because Lishek keeps looking over here and I'm trying to save you from a visit to your mom and Price," he laughed softly. Adam Rove's laugh echoed through her mind. If she could save one sound in a bottle, that would be it. Then she could open the bottle and hear it whenever she wanted. It was like music, and it's rarity made Joan cherish it even more when it occurred.

            "Alright," she sighed and sat up slowly.

"Thanks," she whispered and smiled.

            "Hey Joan, could you pass me that barf bag beside you, you guys are making me nauseous. Thanks." Grace rolled her eyes at them.

            "Yeah well, Grace you-"

            "Miss Girardi," Joan was caught mid-sentence by her teacher.

"Perhaps you and your counterparts here could hold off on your conversations and see me after class." Joan groaned and Grace slumped over onto her desk.

She heard snickers from the lab bench near theirs and instantly shot her brother a dirty look.

"As well as yourself, Mr.Girardi and your partners. Now, Mr. Friedman, if you are finished, I would like to continue," Lishek turned around and continued walking amongst the desks while talking about amino acids and phosphate bases. They remained silent for the rest of the class and as soon as the bell rang, Grace made a dash for the door.

            "I give this escape attempt about 3 seconds," Adam said and began counting down.


            "Miss Polk!" Grace immediately froze in her tracks, realizing she'd been caught. Joan could swear she heard Grace swear under her breath, but she plastered a smile on her face as she turned around to face her teacher.

            "Miss Lishek, I almost had the pleasure of forgetting," Grace smirked and walked back to join Joan and Adam.

            "Miss Lishek, I must protest!" Glynis approached her teachers' desk. "While I found it humorous, I was not vocalizing this feeling of comedy and therefore cannot comprehend why I must also be punished!"

            "Woah…what?" Adam asked.

            "She's wigging out because she wasn't laughing and doesn't get why she's getting in trouble with us," Joan explained.

            "Oh, right," he nodded in understanding.

            "Calm down," their teacher said. "That's not why I asked you all to stay. Although you three," she motioned to Grace, Adam, and Joan.

"Need to save the chit chat for after class."

            "So, umm, why are we here then?" confusion echoing in Luke's voice.

"You are here because I have chosen you as six of my most promising students, to go to the REACH competition in two weeks!"

            "Say what?" Adam demanded.

            "I'm sorry, but what the hell is a REACH competition?" Grace questioned.

            "No need for profanity Grace. REACH is an academic competition, which high school teams made up of kids your age, from all over the country, compete to win a $5,000 prize. I am the coach of our school's team and since you are some of my most intelligent students, I have chosen you to compete this year," Miss Lishek looked very pleased with herself.

"So, how about it?"

            "Uh, I don't know…" Adam hesitated tugging at his hat, shifting it on his head a bit.

            "Mr. Rove, you have an incredible gift when it comes to your photographic memory. You have the capacity to retain information that not many people can. I believe you will be a valuable member of this team," his teacher coaxed. Adam still looked like he wasn't sure. A knock on the door startled everyone and Joan turned to see a middle aged man wearing a dark green suit poking his head in the door.

            "I'm sorry, could I borrow Miss Girardi for a moment?"

            "Of course. Joan," her teacher excused her.

            Joan followed the man out and shut the door behind her.

            "Join the team," was all he said.

            "What? Oh, it's you. I should have known you'd have something to say about this. And why should I?" she questioned.

            "Because I'm recommending it," God smiled.

            "In other words, you're not going to tell me," Joan nodded in understanding. "Just a question, when are you EVER going to tell me anything?"

            "Happy training Joan!" God called as strolled down the hall.

            "Oh, you are hilarious! Has anyone ever told you that!" she shouted after him. Joan sighed and went back into the chemistry class. All eyes were on her.

            "So Joan, are you in?" Friedman asked. Joan hesitated and groaned in frustration.

            "Fine, I'll do it," she agreed.

            "Splendiferous!" Glynis exclaimed and Grace stared at her as if she had just grown a second head. Grace then turned to Joan and rolled her eyes.

            "If Girardi's in…then, so am I," Grace sighed, sounding as if she'd just signed her own death warrant.

            "Yeah," came Adam's voice suddenly. He'd been so quiet that Joan had nearly forgotten that he was standing next to her. "If Jane will, then I will too." He shot her one of his hard-to-come-by-but-ever-so-adorable-when-they-do grins, making Joan's knees go weak. 'Breathe Girardi' she thought to herself. 'This is Adam and you are just friends, remember. You are the one who wanted it that way.' But she couldn't help but smile back at him. She thought she heard Grace snort, but ignored it.

            "Wonderful!" Miss Lishek looked overly thrilled about this decision.

"You are all dismissed. Take these forms home to your parents and I will see here tomorrow after school for our first practice!"

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Author's Note:

There it is! It is my first chapter and only my second story, so please let me know what you think! I am on a REACH team at my school, which is how I came up with this idea and it took me 3 hours to make it work with this story. Please review so I know whether or not to continue! Thanks!
