Author's Note: Hey all I'm doing a Romance!! ^ ^*happy* yes that's right a romance but it's in the Maurader era so of course there is going to be humor.*grins* well I've been wanting to write this for a while, hehe. So without further ado......

Finding the Moonlight

Chapter 1: The Chance Meeting

Remus walked onto Platform 93/4 with his three best friends. Sirius, the handsome prankster. James, the macho seeker. And Peter...... the..... quiet, shy one. Remus, himself was the bookworm of the group and mostly stayed in the rules. Mostly. It was kind of hard with James and Sirius around. Remus looked around at the familiar sights and sounds of the Hogwarts express and the hustle bustle around him. He sighed.

"Another year full of opportunities." Sirius grinned sexily.

"GASP! Is Sirius Black actually going to do his work?!" James was mock shocked.

"Why when I can just turn on the charm?" Sirius said looking around at all the girls.

Remus shook his head at the two.

"WATCH OUT!!" a girls voice screamed. Remus turned around in time to see a trolley-cart-thingy coming straight at him. He jumped quickly aside and the cart slammed into a brick wall.

"oh my god! Are you okay?" a warm, girls voice asked.

Remus opened his eyes. To find two big blue eyes leaning over him,staring. He jumped.

"Oops sorry," the girl said and sat up. Remus could now see that she had straight light Auburn hair that was cut a little above her shoulders. Remus stared.

"I told you not to get that close!" another girls voice said from somewhere close. "You scared him!"

"Are you okay?" the girl asked Remus again, ignoring what the other girl said.

"yeah...." Remus said and sat up. He looked around to find Sirius and James standing next to another girl, she had long straight dark brown hair and grey eyes. Peter was no where to be seen.

"I'm Alanna," The girl sitting next to Remus smiled. "Alanna Hayes."

"Remus Lupin." Remus smiled slightly, still a little dazed.

"So," Sirius said to the dark brown haired girl next to him. "want to go out with me.?" he grinned sexily.

"Oh," the dark brown haired girl said in a calm voice. Sirius thought for a second she was gonna say yes. "I would but I have a boyfriend." The dark brown haired girl smiled coldly.

"Ooo shot down!" James grinned.

"Suddup!" Sirius glared.

"Well it was nice to meet you Remus." Alanna smiled, leaned in, and kissed him on the cheek. "I hope to see you again." she got up and walked over to the dark brown haired girl. "Come on Rina!" and with that they both walked away.

Remus stared after them looking a little flushed, lightly touching where Alanna kissed him.

"Looks like Moony got himself a girl!" James grinned. "better then how you did!"

Sirius just glared at James. He walked over to Remus and slapped him on the back. "Good going we're gonna make a stud out of you yet!" Sirius grinned. Remus was silent.

A/N: that was short but oh well*shrugs* REVIEW!!