A/N: Before I start, I'd just like to say that I have had a case of writer's block and I don't even know where to go with the plot after this. Please review or email me address is at the bottom of the story and let me know what you think should happen next. Anyway, on with the story!

Chapter Eighteen- Voldemort and Walter

"Can I get everyone's attention please?" Harry called. Immediately, silence swept over the room like a thick fog rolling in over a dry plain.

"I'm pretty sure that you all have heard what happened between me and the Death Eater who looked like Draco from a certain two first years."- Harry paused- "However, looks can be deceiving. The Death Eater who attacked me was Vincent Crabbe- Senior."

"Yeah, I'm not evil," Draco added.

"The Death Eater is currently under a spell so that he cannot move up in Dumbledore's office, but we are not to leave this room, for any reason."

People began throwing nervous glances at one another. What if the Death Eater somehow managed to escape?

"No need to worry," Harry announced, as though he had read their minds. "I for one trust Albus' capability to cast a simple freezing charm."

This appeared to have reassured most of the Gryffindor students, as the worried looks on their face seemed to have faded into nothingness.

"Besides" announced Ron, nodding at Harry. "We brought food."

Harry snapped his fingers, and the ceiling turned into the night's sky, which slightly resembled the ceiling of Hogwarts' Great Hall. Chocolate Frogs began to rain from it. He clapped his hands and a table set itself up against a wall. He whistled and big mugs of butterbeer appeared on top of it.

"God Harry, you've been practicing!" James exclaimed.

"Yeah. And I had this whole thing planned out for the Gryffindors a few days, I guess it was just luck that they got stuck in here- that way no one misses out."

"Hey- where are Sirius and Drew?" Hermione asked.

"Oh my god- we forgot about them!" Lily exclaimed. James rushed to calm her down- it wasn't very good to get over-excited when you were pregnant, especially now that she was six months along.

"I'll go get them," Harry said. "They are in their common room right?"

Sirius, Drew, Ron, and temporarily Fred and George all had bedrooms on the same staircase, but because of Drew's age (he was only two years old), his room connected to Sirius'. They also shared a common room, which connected the two rooms.


Harry left to go get Sirius and Drew, sealing the common room as he left.

"Damn" he thought. "I can't get back in! I don't even know the countercurse!"

He slid down the wall, finally sitting, propped up against it.

"Why in the bloody hell am I supposed to do now?" he said, speaking aloud to himself. "Why does it always happen to me?"

The nearest portrait turned to him- "You'd better be taking your wand out sir. I've heard rumors that a man in a black cloak is roaming the school looking for you."

"Great, just great. My day just keeps getting better and better."

"Just trying to help," the portrait responded.

"Thanks," he replied, walking away. He fumbled in the pocket of his cloak for his wand. "Damnit! I left it in the Common Room. Guess I'll have to go wandless... even though Dumbledore expressly forbid me to practice wandless magic in the corridors..."

A grin slowly spread over Harry's face. If anyone had witnessed it, they would have been scared- very scared.

"This could be fun!"

He continued walking, toward the portrait where his common room was located, but thought better of it once he realized that someone could be watching him.

'No way', he thought. 'I'm not endangering Sirius again! And especially Drew!'

Harry began to pace. He had no clue where to go. He couldn't get into any of the common rooms, or back to his. He didn't want to go back to the Headmasters office, and there was a Death Eater looking for him.

'Great... What do I do now?' he thought. 'Ah! The Room of Requirement!'

Just then, Harry had a wonderful thought. If he were to go to the Room of Requirement, then he might just be able to find a portkey there that would take him to his common room. Harry began to walk purposefully, with direction.

Down a corridor, up a flight of stairs, and he stopped. He hadn't reached the Room yet, but he'd heard something.

His scar seared with pain.

'Voldemort' he thought.

Harry turned around, facing Voldemort in the face.

"So we meet again Tom!"

"Do not address me by my filthy Muggle father's name! I am Lord Voldemort". Voldemort cackled.

"So Tom, come to finish me off, I suppose?" Harry asked, stalling for time. He had fought off Bellatrix Lestrange in the summer, but Voldemort was much more powerful than her. Harry put on a brave face, but inside he was terrified.

"We will duel."

"But I don't have my wand!"

"Yes! Finally, he is unarmed!" Voldemort said as he looked up at the ceiling, as if talking to someone.


"Yes you idiot boy! Unarmed! As in not having your wand!"

"Is it just me, or are we having a conversation?"

"I believe we are! But I am about to kill you now!"

"Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Harry screamed as Voldemort raised his want.

"Avada Kedavra!" yelled Voldemort as Harry countered with a simple "Protego!"

Unfortunately, because Harry was not using his wand, there was no connection this time. But what did happen was even more extraordinary.

The two spells collided, the green killing curse joining with the red countercurse. The two swirled together, and then the light that was the two spells turned rainbow. Harry and Voldemort stood, entranced.

The light spread throughout the entire corridor, and then quickly absorbed back into the small ball of light, which sucked in all of the light and hardened.

Voldemort went to reach for it, but Harry was too quick.

"Expelliarmus!" he yelled, and Voldemort was sent flying backwards before he could even counter.

Harry ran to pick up the small, rainbow ba ll, which had fallen after it had hardened. He hastily shoved it in his cloak pocket, and pretended as if he had never saw it.

Voldemort walked back.

"Where is it?" he snapped.

"Where is what?"

"You know what I am talking about!"

"No, I really don't"

Harry could feel Voldemort trying to get into his mind. He cleared it, just as he had learned to.

Voldemort looked disappointed, most likely because he couldn't read Harry's thoughts.

"Okay Potter," he spat. "Give it to me!"

"Give you what?" Harry said, still playing dumb.

Voldemort laughed, a menacing laugh it was. He then pointed his wand at himself, muttered something and was gone, but not before exclaiming 'we will meet again'.

Harry sighed. "That is impossible. You cant apparate or dissapparate inside the school!"

Something inside his brain clicked.

"Invisibility!" Harry exclaimed. "mostrare l'invisibilità!".

But Voldemort had gotten too far. There were no invisible people in the corridors. Harry knew this because he had just preformed the spell that would reveal those who were invisible.

Harry rushed to the Room of Requirement, and thrust open the door. Inside was a very small white room with white plush carpeting. Harry almost felt as though he was in a hospital. An old shoe lay in the middle of the room, black in color. This made it contrast everything else, so it was extremely visible. Harry picked up the shoe, aware that it was a portkey, and felt the familiar tug at his navel as the room began to spin.

"God, I hate this," Harry thought.

The portkey transported him to inside his common room.

"Sirius! Drew! SIRIUS! DREW!"

They emerged from their common room, came down the stairs, and into the common room.

"Hi Harry!" Drew exclaimed.

"Hey Drew."

"What's up, favorite godson of mine?" Sirius asked.

"Voldemort... and a party in the Gryffindor Common Room."

"Party? Great! Wait... what? Did you just say Voldemort?"

"Yeah, he just showed up in the corridor. But he's gone now."

"Wait- what?"

"I was walking down here to get you guys because you got left behind when Voldemort showed up and I had to duel him and then I blocked the killing curse and this rainbow thingy came out of it, but I didn't have my wand and then I went to the Room of Requirement to get a portkey here."

"Wow... you blocked the killing curse again, Harry? How many times is it now?"

"I don't know. I don't keep count."

"But I do... that's.... 7 times that you've either escaped Voldie or survived the killing curse- because I counted what you told me about killing my darling cousin Bella... thanks for that."

"You keep count???"


"That's sick. Anyway, lets just go."

They left the common room and walked back up to the Room of Requirement so that they could get another portkey to the Gryffindor Commonroom. Seeing as the portrait was sealed and all.

Harry opened the door to the Room of Requirement. The walls and carpeting were now black and a fluffy white cat lay sleeping in the middle of the room.

"What?" Harry asked. "The room gave us a cat as our portkey?"

"Well, it uses what it can find," Sirius explained.

Drew let go of Harry's hand, which he had been holding, and ran over to pet the cat.

"Drew! No!" Harry cried out.

Drew turned.

"Why not?" he asked.

"Because that kitty is a portkey and if you touch it, you will leave without us. You wouldn't want that, would you?" Harry explained.

Drew grabbed Harry's hand and dragged him over to the cat. Sirius followed.

"Okay, on the count of three." Harry ordered.

"One, two, three!" Drew said, counting. They all reached out to touch the cat, and with the familiar pull on all of their navels once again, they were transported into the Gryffindor Common Room. Everyone began clapping.

"Me keep kitty?" Drew asked Harry.

"You have to ask Sirius." Harry said, as he walked away to go find his mom and dad.

"Me keep kitty?" Drew repeated to Sirius.

"Yes, you can."

"What kitty's name?"

"The cat doesn't have a name." Sirius explained. "You can name it, though."

"Harry has a kitty named Tiger."

"That's right," Sirius said. "What is your kitty' s name?"

"Walter." announced Drew, after a brief pause. He was thinking back to Harry's birthday party when Peeves had pelted everyone with water balloons.

"Walter it is." Sirius said, trying not to laugh.

"Come on Walter. Find Harry." Drew told the cat, as he walked off to find Harry.

A/N: Yeah, I know that it's been a while since I've posted. I've had an extremely severe case of writer's block. And even now I cant think of anything to follow this... grr...

So, if you have any ideas about where I should take this plot, tell me in a review or email me (sugarcraziesarahhotmail.com) and let me know. I really need some ideas.

Anyway, please review now!