Moon Demon By: Princess Ashley

This is my first Daughters of the Moon fanfic, so I'm a little new at this. At least these characters. Lately I've been having these funny fantasies of some rather unusual couples. If you like unusual couples, and like Sailor Moon. I've got one Rubius/Usagi fic, called Silver and Rubies, and another called Model Behavior, which is Yaten/Usagi. I'm working on a Aragorn/Eowyn fic, for Lord of the Rings. I'm personally really proud of that one.

Now back to the point. This is going to be a Stanton/Vanessa fanfic. I just keep going back to the first book, 'Goddess of the Night,' and I was just wondering what would happen if Stanton really did care about Vanessa like that. No offense to all you Stanton/Serena shippers. I just wanted to try something new. So, here goes.

Summary: Takes place during Moon Demon, Book #7. What if Hector succeeded in getting Vanessa to go with him to be a demon, but they didn't kill the Daughters of the Moon. Now the Atrox has called them both back, and along with the Daughters trying to get Vanessa back, even though she has countless times shown her devotion to the Atrox, Vanessa struggles with feelings for Stanton that are resurfacing since her passage into the dark.

Chapter 1: Serenade Me

"Vanessa! Don't go with him!" Catty cried, running towards them, but was suddenly halted, as if she had run into some invisible wall. She continued pounding her fists into it, and within seconds, the rest of the group, Jimena, Tianna, and Serena were pounding away at the walls, crying for their friend to return to them.

Vanessa felt Hector's hands come around her again, resting his hands on her back. She sighed, hoping that this would be over quickly. She didn't want to go, but if she wanted to save her friends, she had to. The ring around the moon was almost finished. She felt tears well up in her eyes. It wasn't fair.

"Don't cry. I'll protect you. It will be a lot more exciting, running around the universe with a companion. We will ride around the rings of Saturn, and dance with the stars." Hector said, comfort and sincerity in his voice.

She felt slightly better, but nothing could penetrate the mourning in her heart. Ever since a month ago, her friends had been ignoring her, and spending as much time as possible away from her. She had had so little time to spend with them before this. And she knew she would regret their forsaking time to be with each other. Even though she had a sinking feeling as she thought about what her friends would do after she was gone. She smiled sadly. Probably start hanging around Tianna more. Accepting her into the group was the first thing Vanessa did, and now she was regretting more than ever. In her eyes, Tianna had taken everything that seemed to mean something to her. Almost taking Michael away, and Vanessa could tell that he was still smitten with her. Taking her job, modeling and time traveling with Catty. Even Jimena and Serena seemed to find her more interesting. But this was the way things go. They were still her friends, and she still felt the need to protect them, from whatever lied in their way.

'Are they really your friends?' A voice in her head, which sounded creepily like Tymmie, asked. She hated this. Arguing with herself, especially at a time like this. This whole two voices in one head thing was really creeping her out.

'Of course they are. Would they be here if they weren't my friends?' A more reasonable voice said, and sighed again, as Vanessa's physical self was watching and waiting for the ring around the moon to complete, and she would finally be free of all the cares she used to carry. Her friends could carry one without her, anyway. Right?

'Or maybe they are just here because they won't be as strong without the Daughter of Pandora.' The nasty voice said again. 'Wasn't it only now when they might loose you to the Atrox that they came? And what about Tianna? Wasn't it her that everyone was concerned about when you weren't in trouble? Why is it when you might join the Atrox and make it stronger that they come to you, saying that they are here for you?'

'What about when Catty apologized earlier? Hugh? What was that about if she didn't care?' Vanessa argued with herself some more, turning her head to see the other Daughters, tiring out, but still banging with all their might, and Tianna using her telekinesis, trying to bring the barrier down. But it was all in vain. She couldn't go with them even if they broke it.

'And then blew you off again. You see, Daughter of Pandora? Your decent into the darkness was preordained, thousands of years ago. You have begun to doubt your friends, and you have every right to, they ignore you, drawn to give attention to another Daughter whom they like better. Face it, Vanessa, you've been replaced.' Vanessa felt heat in her veins rise, as she remembered all the times that she and Catty had spent together, and how many things that Tianna had taken her place in. Catty and Tianna chose what they were going to do at seventeen, Tianna was the model in the painting that won the award, Tianna was the one that Catty would rather hang out and skateboard with. Tianna was the one that Catty got dressed with to go to Planet Bang with. Tianna was the one that spent the night over at Serena's with Jimena and Catty. That was all they wanted to hear about. Tianna this, Tianna is beautiful, Tianna going to be a pro-skateboarder one day. Tianna is the only real one that needs to be angry with the Atrox because they took her family and yada, yada, yada. That was probably the first time in her life that Vanessa felt useless and unimportant.

' It's hopeless. You have to admit, if you fought against Tianna, you would loose. She is just stronger, and more valuable to the Daughters than you are.'

She let some tears fall free, and then let the blackness take over her vision, as her molecules began to spread. Hector must have felt her anger at her friends, because he smiled and started to let himself go as well, gladly molding into everything that was his new companion in eternity. Vanessa felt the newly exotic part of herself go free as she melded with Hector, letting him run himself through the cracks in her spirit and fill them with everything the darkness promised to her. Life, Love, and Freedom. She could see the tears in her friends' eyes as they tried to get through the barriers, each screaming for her to stop, to come back to them.

'Oh, now you miss me?' She thought, as she heard their screams and crying is desperate attempts to make her see. But all she could see right now was the beautiful completed ring around the moon, opening to door to her, beckoning her to become a part of space where it would only be her and Hector, for the rest of eternity. No more worrying, no more doubt, no more fear, and no more of this endless thing called love and jealousy.

(Vanessa's POV)

"Vanessa!" Catty sobbed, falling to her knees, unable to fight anymore. Her mouth was wide with her sobs, unable to close it and stop her choking, bringing her arms to cover her face as she laid herself on the ground, to weak to stand. "Please! Please, I'm sorry! I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Her words were lost behind her chokes.

"Stop it now! You don't know what you're doing, girl!" Jimena was still pumping her arms against the force field. Hers was sadness and anger at her for making such a foolish choice. I may have been foolish, but this was the one last thing I could do to make them see how much I cared, even if they didn't care for me anymore.

"You idiot!! What are you doing!?" That one came from Tianna. Of course she would say something like that. Even when she was loosing a friend, she would never show emotion in anyway. She hit her sorrow and defeat by smiles, but this time she got away by anger and resentment. 'Good, just so we're on the same page now, Tianna.' I thought bitterly.

"How could you!" Serena's soft eyes had tears running down her face. She was trying to read the thoughts of a bunch of scattered molecules. It wasn't working. No one could ever know what I was thinking when I stepped through the barrier between worlds. Serena was the one that I had always trusted to be there for me. And she always was there, and so was Jimena. So as far as I was concerned, I was doing this for them. I felt my molecules and Hector's move together as they rose into the moonlight.

"" Catty choked, looking up at the moon. She couldn't see me, but she knew exactly where I was. And with one last look towards my so- called friends, Hector and I crossed the barrier between the Earth and the universe.