Well, I'm sorry to say that I've pretty much neglected this story but no longer. Today I can officially say that I finished {Emotionless}

Not Luck, Fate

"Long, long, ago was story of the miko, Kikyo, and the, hanyou, Inuyasha. Kikyo was the guardian of the Shikon Jewel. Inuyasha wanted the jewel to himself to become a full-fledged demon.

Then a foul hanyou, Naraku, tricked them into betraying each other. In effect, Inuyasha was sealed to the tree and Kikyo was killed. Since she was a miko, she requested to be burned, but with the Shikon Jewel.

Fifty years later, a girl by the name of Kagome fell down the Bone-Eaters Well into the days of Sengoku Jidai. She released Inuyasha from the tree by removing the arrow that sealed him. But by chance she was Kikyo's reincarnation, nut not luck...Fate.

Because of this, Kagome had the Shikon Jewel within her body. In her first battle the Jewel was released from her body. Then Kagome had to become its guardian. By a bad string of luck, a stray arrow hit the Jewel and shattered it into hundreds of shards, but not luck...Fate

Inuyasha and Kagome began searching for the shards of the Sacred Jewel. Through their trek they met the monk Miroku, a kitsune child Shippo, a taiji-ya Sango, and her cat-demon Kirara.

But they forgot they were the only ones after it. The demon that sealed Inuyasha was after them, too, to become a full-fledged demon, Naraku. Over a course of two years many things occurred in the Jewel's completion.

It came down to that only Naraku and Inuyasha and his friends had shards. Their long awaited battle came down to Inuyasha and a now full-demon Naraku. Inuyasha was on the brink of becoming full demon because all of his friends behind him were close to death.

They had a single strike each. Naraku had bitten Inuyasha and injected his venom in him. Inuyasha had done his sword's best technique, the Backlash Wave, on Naraku. The overwhelming energy obliterated Naraku.

Inuyasha picked up the Jewel and rushed to Kagome's side.

'Don't worry Kagome. It'll all be o-kay.' He cooed.

Kagome knew she was dying and looked up at Inuyasha.

' I know I'm dying Inuyasha, but before I die I want you to know I love you.' Kagome finally confessed.

' I love you too, Kagome.' Inuyasha replied.

Right there, Inuyasha cried for the first time. He held up the Jewel. Even though he didn't look he knew all of Naraku's surviving minions were running at them.

' Kagome, I'm glad I met you. In fact it's the best thing that ever happened to me, and I live you very much... that why I have to do this.' Inuyasha proclaimed and stood up. He held the Jewel in front of his eyes. ' I'm going to make a wish, Kagome. I met not know you in the future, but as long as your happy.'

The Shikon Jewel began to glow with tainted light. He knew that his selfish wish would curse him but he didn't care.

' I wish that things were different! I wish that we all lived!' Inuyasha wished upon the Jewel.

Before he knew it, Inuyasha was back at the Bone-Eaters Well. He did not know what was happening. He could see what was before him, but could not control himself. That;s when he learned of his curse. He was cursed to live forever under the influence of his demon blood. He had to watch as his demon blood killed millions of innocence for hundreds of years.

As the years went, he became able to resist the demon. But one day he just gave up hope. Then by luck, Kagome showed up with Sango at her side, but not luck...fate. He knew that she didn't recognize him. After centuries of being locked in his own head Inuyasha had learned some telepathic techniques.

He was able to make his way into Kagome's dream as the demon slept. After she didn't kill him, he knew that the dream affected her. The next day, he projected a memory into her dreams so that she knew where he would be.

Inuyasha was able to make the demon stay at the spot he needed Kagome to be. When she appeared Inuyasha was more hopeful than ever. While she argued with the demon Inuyasha telekinetically made her seal him once again.

Kagome didn't know it then, but by releasing the arrow she changed history. Whilst she cried there her past was changing. A younger her found him sealed to the tree. She released him a just the right time. Luckily, Inuyasha was strong enough to defeat the demon that killed her's and Sango's family, but not luck...Fate.

And just like Inuyasha's said in Kagome's dream:

'We are destined to meet and love the ones we should no matter what the circumstances.'

So ends the story of Kagome and Inuyasha, and always remember. There's no such thing as good or bad luck.......everything is Fate"

Inuyasha watches everyone walk into the house. They all walk in but him. They might not remember a thing, but he remembers everything that happened in their Feudal Fairy Tale.

"Oh, how the times are changed." Inuyasha mutters to himself and walks in after his friends.

Inuyasha and Miroku converse around the T.V. Inuyasha starts to laugh and then Miroku starts too.

"Ouch! She must slap hard!" Inuyasha laughs.

"You're preaching to the choir." Adds Miroku.

Inuyasha sighs quietly. Miroku stops laughing and looks at the ceiling.

"We're two lucky guys. We're engaged to two beautiful women, and we've never had any big tragedies happened to us." Miroku says. Inuyasha couldn't help but laugh at his last words.

"That's just our luck, right Miroku?" Inuyasha asks.

"Sometimes Inuyasha, I don't think luck has anything to do with it."

"You're right Miroku. We are destined to meet and love the ones we should no matter what the circumstances." Inuyasha speaks poetically.

"What am I right about Inuyasha?" Miroku asks curious.

"It's not luck, Miroku. It's Fate.

It's always sad to have a story come to the end. I hope you enjoyed my story, Emotionless.

Ja ne!

-In the Stampede