Yay! I got three reviews! That means that I can post the next (and last) chapter of this story.

Thanks to:

KPKrazy400: I see you were smart enough to know how to push a button. (Hint for my other reviewers!) *Liz starts beating Amy* WAIT! I didn't mean it like that! I meant it as a hint for the other reviewers! *doesn't seem to take notice and continues to beat Amy until Kim and Ron stop them* lol Thanks for all your reviews!

Spooky-Angel: Yes, I LOVE picking on Quin! It's so fun. Haha. Anyway . . . thanks for all of your reviews. I feel special to hear that you're reading these fics even though you're not big on reading Kim and Ron fics. *beams* Thankies!

Cynthia Krenshaw: Yes, I have finished! lol. SO sorry that I forgot to give you a Shout Out on my first pass of the chapter!!

Ok, now you must review! lol. Ok, here's the last chapter for this story! PLZ R&R!


The weeks dragged by slowly for Quin. Everyday seemed like a year to her. She hated lying day in and day out in a bed with nothing to do but eat and sleep - she was too active for that type of stuff.

However, as the days dragged slowly by, her health began to improve . . . slowly at first.

By the end of the third week, she was able to sit up and sit on the side of her bed with her feet touching the ground. But she was still not strong enough to actually stand up and walk although she tried it numerous times.

Quin had never told anybody about her encounter with Shego and what Shego had said to her. Quin had felt her attitude for the other changing. She didn't hate Shego nearly as much as she had before . . . although she wouldn't consider the two of them friends. After all, they were still enemies.

By the end of the fourth week in the hospital, Quin was up and walking around. But even though she was walking, she got out of breath easily and had to rest for a half an hour - even if she only had walked half way around the room.

"Don't worry." everyone had told her. "You'll get stronger as time goes by."

And she did. One day the doctor was running his weekly checkup on her.

"Well," he started once he was finished with the examination. "She seems to be recovering marvelously. I don't see her needing an oxygen tank . . . heck, I really don't think she'll get a chronic breathing illness. However, the damage to the lungs was substantial. They will never completely heal."

"So when can I leave?" Quin asked.

"How does tomorrow sound to you?" the doctor asked.

"Tomorrow?! Yeah!" Quin said excitedly.

"You'll still have to take it easy though." he warned. "If you don't, you'll be back here in no time."

Quin nodded as we walked out. She'd do as she promised. She didn't want to come back here ever again.

Ron turned and looked at her excitedly. "Soon you're goin' home!"

"I know!" Quin squealed in delight. Kim laughed. Quin had sounded weird when she used that tone of voice.

"But just because you're going home, doesn't mean that you'll be going on missions or anything." Kim teased.

"I know. But better be home than here." Quin replied.

Kim nodded. "Why don't you get some rest. You'll have a big day tomorrow."

"Yeah." Sarah agreed. "Especially since you'll have almost a month's homework to catch up on."

Quin groaned as she laid back in bed and drifted off to a light sleep.


The weeks past. Soon Quin was back in school and the other kids at school didn't alienate her like they used to. Quin had moved up to just the new girl in school instead of the 'ex super villain new girl' (A\N: If that made one ounce of sense.).

Quin started to feel like a normal girl, well as normal as she could be with Kim Possible as her best friend and despite the fact that she wasn't able to run around in gym class like she used to. In fact, she had to drop that class . . . and of course Quin didn't like it. That meant that there was going to be another class without Ron or Kim in it.

So, since she couldn't do gym, she decided that she would take up a creative writing class . . . and she found that she enjoyed it quite a lot. She liked the feeling that she got whenever she got to create a world of her own that she could enter at any time that she wanted - well, except for her Algebra class which she really wanted to get away from.

And, as time went on, Quin felt these feelings toward Ron grow - she was just afraid to show them. She didn't know why, she just was.

But all in all, her life slowly started becoming one similar to the one that she had years ago. However, even though it was the same, it was different in many ways as well.

But that didn't bother Quin. She had a great mother, and two awesome friends that she could count on to be there and be the best friends that they could.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE END~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Yeah, that concluding chapter was short, but hey, it's my story. MWHAHAHA!

Ok, before I sign off on my story, me and Liz wanna make an announcment (if she's not still mad at me. lol)


Me and KPKrazy400 are writing a tie-in sorta thing (ok, actually a third part) to this story. It's called "Ron's Secret" and what we have written so far is pretty good (ar least I think). Here's a short summery:

Ron is startled to learn that he has a harmful . . . and fatal if not treated . . . disease. Even though he tells Kim almost everything, he can't seem to bring himself to tell neither Kim nor Quin about it. He figures that Quin's been through enough and doesn't want to get neither her or Kim worried. But he knows he should tell someone. Will Ron tell them? Or will Quin and Kim find out? If they find out, how will they react? Is Ron going to die? Will I stop asking myself these stupid questions?!?! *sees Liz shaking her head* Yeah, I know, I'm crazy. No need to rub it in!

So, there's the story and announcement.

Thanks to everyone who read and reviewed! You guys are the bestest! :) :P


(aka Amy)