Jae: Okay! After much agony and crying (well, from my part anyway =]), this fic is officially over! * starts tearing up * I promised not to cry!!!!! * sniffs *

Amy: It's okay Jae. At least you have a fic coming up, right?

Jae: * face lits up immediately * Oh yeah! I was going to say that my next fic will be VERY (and I mean very) different from my usual fics that I write. You see, I want to try something new… Expand my horizons… Okay, it's not rubbish! Really, I just want to change my style of writing, and the next fic is a HUGE example. Of course, it will still be suitable for children, but it'll have… oh you'll just have to wait and see!

Amy: speaking of expanding horizons, Jae, you write a lot about Uncle Harry and Aunt Hermione. Why not try writing about my mum and dad?

Jae: An Uncle Draco and Aunt Ginny fic? Hmm… I never thought of that before…

Amy: * smirks * I could practically see the gears in your head turning like mad there Jae

Jae: * smirks * What can I say? Yes… I can definitely see an Aunt Draco/Aunt Ginny fic. Just let me work on my upcoming fic and sooner or later, a plot will come to me. But for now, enjoy the epilogue! Oh wait, before you move on though, my dear readers have been wondering what happened to the other couples. That's where the epilogue comes in. * winks * Have fun reading!

Epilogue: 2 months later

2 months later….

Parvati and Lavender entered the Common Room, making their way to the couches. They stopped midway upon seeing Harry and Hermione, oblivious to the world and were currently occupied with each other. With a look of disgust, the two decided to move to the table at the corner of the Common Room.

"Can they at least come up for air?" Parvati cried out, glaring at the couple hogging the couch. Lavender snorted.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think they were able to live without air," she replied. The two continued to watch the couple, dimly aware that they shouldn't be doing that in the first place.

"Ever since they've been together for, they're inseparable! It's disgusting!" Lavender suddenly exclaimed. Parvati looked at her friend, an eyebrow raised.

"You miss Hermione, don't you?" she asked. Lavender pouted.

"Yes I do," she replied. The two continued watching the couple again, this time with longing looks in their eyes.

"I want what they have," Parvati said. Lavender nodded in agreement.

"You two shouldn't be watching them," a voice said, startling the two. They were amazed to find Dean sitting next to Parvati and Ron beside Lavender. Lavender stared at Ron.

"When did you two come here?" she asked. Ron smiled.

"We've been sitting here for quite sometime now. You just never realized since you two are so occupied in watching the two wankers over there snogging their brains off," she replied, jerking his head towards Harry and Hermione. The four then went back to watching the couple once more. Lavender sighed.

"I want someone to love me like how Harry loves Hermione," she thought, unaware that she said it aloud. Ron looked at her.

"But someone does love you," he whispered. Lavender tore her eyes away from the couple and turned to Ron, confused.

"Who?" she asked. Ron's eyes softened.

"I do," he said. Lavender looked into his eyes and knew that he was telling the truth.

"So why do you act like an arse?" she asked, a smile slowly creeping up her face. Ron chuckled.

"It was the only way to get you to notice me," he replied. Lavender shook her head.

"You didn't have to do that," she said. Ron looked at her.

"I don't?" he asked. Lavender smiled.

"Not anymore," she replied. Ron smiled back. Lavender leaned towards him and kissed him, who gladly kissed her back. The two were so wrapped up with each other that they never noticed a girl dragging a boy away from them.


"PARVATI LET GO!" Dean cried out, trying to claw his way out of Parvati's grasp. Unfortunately, Parvati had a one bloody strong grip.

"No you don't! Lav and Ron needs time alone!" she exclaimed, slowly making her way out of the Common Room. Dean tried to take her fingers out of his arm.

"But I want to tease Ron!" he exclaimed. Parvati slapped his hands away repeatedly.

"Do that later! But not now!" she cried. They were now in front of the portrait, and Dean had a sudden idea. He continued to struggle out of Parvati, then stopped. This sudden move caused Parvati to lose her balance, and dragging Dean with her, the two stumbled out of the portrait hole, with Dean on top of Parvati.

"Smart move Thomas!" Parvati exclaimed, squirming underneath Dean. Dean didn't say anything. He just continued watching the Parvati. Parvati, realizing that Dean was still on top of her, looked at him.

"Aren't you going to get off?" she asked. Dean shook his head. Parvati gave him a dull look.

"And why not?" she asked. Dean grinned.

"I like the view from here," he replied before bending down and capturing Parvati's lips with his. At first, Parvati was too shock to speak. Then she tried to push Dean off of her, but soon weakened when Dean tried to deepen the kiss. Finally, Parvati surrendered and kissed Dean with equal passion. Dean tore his lips away from Parvati's and started trailing kisses down her neck. Parvati shuddered when Dean found a sensitive spot.

"No snogging in the hallway!" a voice exclaimed, and the two sprung apart from each other like the other was on fire. They turned to see Draco, laughing and in front of them was Ginny, grinning.

"I'm going to murder you Malfoy," Dean growled. Malfoy would've been scared if it wasn't for Dean's red face. With this, Draco only laughed harder. Ginny gasped.

"THAT'S ONE BIG HICKEY PARVATI!" she cried out, pointing at Parvati's neck. Parvati's hand instantly went to her neck, blushing.

"Ginny!" she cried, turning just as red as Dean. Ginny couldn't take it. She burst out laughing, much to the couple's dismay.

"Next time, go snog in the Astronomy Tower," Draco managed to choke out, now clutching his side.

"you know, it's safe to go back in now," Ginny said. Parvati and Dean looked at each other, and like a bullet, the two rushed inside the Common Room, bumping into Ginny. Ginny looked at the portrait hole before it closed.

"The least you could say was 'Excuse me'!" she cried. Then, walking past Draco, she went down the stairs and headed to the library. When she turned the corner, she stopped walking.

"Malfoy, will you stop following me?" she asked, turning to see Draco leaning on the wall.

"I don't want to," he replied. Ginny rolled her eyes.

"Well then stop stalking me," she said. The next thing she knew, Draco had her pinned to the wall, his arms on either side of her so she couldn't get away.

"Do you seriously want me to do that?" he said huskily. Ginny swallowed a lump in her throat. What is this boy doing to her?

"No – I-I mean yes," she stammered. Draco grinned.

"I seriously doubt that Ginny," he said before kissing her. Ginny's heart started beating rapidly. With that kiss, Ginny could feel exactly how Draco feels about her.

He loves me, she thought. Smiling, Ginny wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back, surprising Draco. He soon relaxed and deepened the kiss.

"Get a room you two!" a voice exclaimed. This didn't stop Ginny and Draco, however. Draco was dimly aware that Harry and Hermione had stumbled into them. He didn't want to break the kiss, so he did the only thing that could tell them to go away. He gave them the finger.

Hermione giggled and grabbed Harry's arm, whose jaw dropped at Draco.

"Come on Harry, let's go," she said, slowly pulling him away from the couple. Harry groaned.

"That's not fair! Dean and Parvati just had to shove us away from the couch," he said. Hermione giggled again and intertwined her hand with his.

"Race you to the Astronomy Tower," she whispered in his ear. Harry stopped walking, pecked Hermione on the lips and let go of her hand before running. Hermione frowned and stomped her foot.

"That's not fair Potter!" she exclaimed before running after him. Harry soon realized that Hermione was far from him, stopped running until she caught up. When she did, she stopped too, panting.

"Why'd you stop?" she asked, her hands on her knees. Suddenly, Harry picked her up and swung her over his shoulder, causing her to yelp in surprise.

"Harry!" she exclaimed. Harry grinned.

"You run too slow love," he replied, smacking her arse (causing another yelp from Hermione) and running to the Astronomy Tower. At the foot of the stairs, Harry dropped Hermione, who smacked him on the arm.

"Don't DO that again!" she cried. Harry just grinned.

"I love you Granger," he said. Hermione smiled softly.

"I love you too Potter," she replied. And before Harry could say anything, Hermione pushed him out of the way and ran up the stairs to the Astronomy Tower, with Harry closely behind her.


Jae: * sighs * there's just something about me and guys that swings their girlfriend on their shoulder. Maybe it's because I've seen dad do it to mum millions of times, but I kind of find it romantic. Well anyway, this story is officially done! Finished! Complete! I hope you guys like the epilogue! Please R+R! I'd really like that! =] Until then!