The legasy of draco

Disclaimer: I do not own dragon heart but I made a few of the charicters!

Sum: Before Draco is presented to give up his heart, a female dragon beats Inon to it. but will Draco be able to protect his love from Boens wrath?

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Draco was walking down a corn feild that summer day. He had managed to land without much notice, wich was getting harder as the number of dragons was depleating by the day. He heaved a great sigh & paused. The woods were deathly silent. A sudden flutter of birds was fallowed by a screech. Draco doubled back in suprise. He immediatly took from the ground in one leap & soared above the trees. He looked around & was about to give up hope when he spotted something. He then saw a beautiful being surrounded by a group of dirty scum of men. The female dragon reared her head & gave a loud shreik as to frighten them off. Instead the men drew their sheilds in case a stream of fire fallowed. She backed away obviously frightend. The men raised their bows & released. Some of the bows missed but most were forced into her neck & along her body. She gave a loud wail wich sounded something like the voice of a young women & a feirce beast. By now Draco was in a rage, feeling his blood boil he almost litteraly dived toward the men. He landed on the ground with a large rummble, kicking up dust & leaves everywhere. The men cringed in fear, some even took off running or rideing their horses. As for the ones who hadn't left the rosend up their arrows & aimed right for draco's heart. But just as they were about to strike Draco let out a stream of hot fire, burning the men & ground around them. The men screamed in pain running about then falling like flies. Draco looked down at the bodies triumphantly. He had been fighting humens off for years & had lost many freinds to them. His entire family was dead & he rarely saw any others of his kind, so it was easy to see how he wouldn't stand to see another of his kind fall. He then snapped back to the present & looked up to see the female dragon. She was busy pulling off the arrows that had been rammed in. Lucky none were to deep but she still had a large amount of blood smeard across her body. Draco stared absently at the female.'She's beautiful' Draco thought.

"Thank you."She said in a soft tone. Her voice was light & femmenin wich seemed to chime a bit. Draco lifted his head & cleared his throat. "It.....was my pleasure." Draco said a bit nervouse & felt like he had a lump in his throat. The female smiled & there was a long moment of silence. "Well aren't you going to tell me your name?" She asked suprizeing Draco a bit. "Oh! My name's--" He then started speaking dragon. The female blinked & cocked her head to the side. Draco felt his heart leap into his throat. "I-it's dragon."He stammerd. "Ah....."She said looking down. Draco frowned & stepped forward. "Is something the matter?" Draco said leaning his head down to her level. "Well.....I don't know how to speak...dragon.....sorry." She said dully looking down in shame Draco frowned a bit but the smiled & moved very close to her. "No need for apologies. Come lets get you cleaned up." He said turning & walking a bit. He stopped & looked back at her. She stared at him a bit then got up & walked beside him.

Later that day Draco had lead the female dragon to a small spring where he regretfully left her to wash. He had been wondering around all day & all he could think about was the female dragon. He had barely met her & he felt strange whenever he was around her. She was a very attractive dragon. She was muscular yet lean & thin. She was scarcely shorter than him & had sparkling green yellow eyes. Her scales were like burnt gold & glitterd as she moved. But he shook his head & looked down sadly. He didn't even know her name & already he was obsessing over her. He gave a sigh not really feeling hungry anymore. Dispite his emotional state Draco was still flying warely keeping an eye out for hunters or pontential prey. He spotted a flock of cattle in a nearby feild & swiftly sideways, makeing sure not to startle any cattle or humen. He then dived down & snatched a large bull imeadiatly snapping its neck. He then heard a familiar screem & gracefully dipped his wing & turned toward his home.

Draco landed shortly after at the water fall with his prize. He looked around & finally spotted the female shaking off bits of water. "Hi!" She said Happily. Draco gulped & stared intently towards her. Realizing he was stareing he quickly shoock his thoughts & smiled back. "I-i brought you some food." He said pushing the dead cow over to her. She smiled sweetly at him makeing Draco shiver. "That's sweet of you. But you really didn't have to do any of this." She said giveing an entranceing look. Draco felt his stumach cave in on it self & his heart leap in his chest. He calmed himself & took in a deep breath. "Yes I did have to. I couldn't just have left you there." He said gazeing dreamily at her in the moon light. "Umm......I still don't know what to call you." She said to him sweetly. Draco frowned the averted his gaze. "I don't have a name in humen language. Maybe you..can think of one...if you wish?" He said slowly. The female frowned & looked up at the sky. There was a long moment of silence & Draco was enjoying it theroughly. Finaly she looked to him with a beautiouse air about her. "How about Draco?" She said. "Draco? Where did you get that name?" he asked her. "Well it's the name of my favorite constalation." She said softly. "Well it's a great name. I'm happy to have it." Draco said in a charming tone. There was a long bit of silence. "You know" ,he paused a bit,"I still don't know what to call you." The female seemed to be shocked by his simple question but smiled. "My name's Aura." She said in an angelic voice. Draco smiled & the night was filled with talking & their laughs.

The next morning Draco was awakend by the small bit of movement beside him. He opend one eye & smiled. Aura was sleeping snuggly by his side, her scales gleaming with the dim light. Draco quietly lifted making sure not to wake her & made his way to the entrance. He was officialy happy & couldn't be happier to be alive. He then dove off the ledge & took to the skys. He then pearched himself atop a ledge & watched as two groups of humen clashed in a clatter of swords & cries. He saw two onlookers standing not to near yet not to far away from the revolt. He noticed the man in black armor on a black horse had seen him. He watched as the king ventured into the village alone. Draco sneerd in discust. He hated that humen & his dirty fallowers. He then watched as a crowed of humen rose from their huts & pounced on the king who attempted to flee. Draco watched as the onslaught of humen rave. He became to discusted & took away just in time to miss the event with Inon.

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Well? Was it good? Sorry but I was reading a story about that who was taking their sweet time so I decided to write one of my own don't worry I won't take so long to update this story! Well check out next chapter where Draco is presented with Inon & the big question pops! (No not That question! GOD didn't you read the last two paragraphs!?) Will he give his heart to Inon or keep it to Aura? (I apologize if this is hard to read. I'm still experamenting with this text thing.) Reviews are exsepted Flammers will be punished!(If you don't like these types of storys then by all means.......DON'T READ THEM!!) Oh yeah & I know how discribing & everything was......bad but I wanted to get through the meeting so the real fun can begin! Don't worry i'll do much better in later chapters!