...The chapters of this story are going to be undergoing editing, mostly due to the fact that I seriously don't write like a squealing Shadow fangirl anymore.

I still am a squealing Shadow fangirl, of course...but honestly, can you blame me for that? Look at him! Who wouldn't squeal?


Point of the matter is, this was originally a old, not-particularly-great story that I went over again, decided could be salvaged, and then created this story out of. And now I'm going over and making further improvements...

So basically, I hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I do not own Sonic the Hedgehog

Claimer: Stuff I invented belongs to me




"Hello, little Shadow. Little brother..."


Shadow stirred in his sleep.


"Still here, little Shadow. Always still here, little brother. You can't stop me now, but then you never could, could you?"

"I'm coming for you, little brother...just wanted to let you know..."


The voice disappeared at that moment, twisted into piercing peals of maniac laughter which faded away far more slowly. The laughter was still faintly ringing in his ears when the black hedgehog shook himself awake. He shivered against an imaginary chill, and searched the room around him in confusion until his memory kicked in. Right...this was his room at Sonic and Tails' house.

That fact, in and of itself, was also fairly confusing for Shadow. When he had found himself standing on their doorstep and knocking on the door, Shadow had half-expected that they wouldn't deign to so much as allow him to spend the night.

Instead - and much to his surprise - they had shown him to a spare room and made it plain that he was welcome to stay as long as he wanted. It was a strange experience, to get this sudden acceptance from people he'd nearly killed not too long ago. At first, Shadow had suspected them of taking him in out of a sense of pity, or to keep an eye on him. It had taken a few weeks for Shadow to realize that Sonic and Tails had let him in the door because they viewed him as a friend. It was still a strange feeling...the last people had ever considered to be his friends had been...had...

That was when the black hedgehog remembered just what had woken him up this late at night. That voice...that terrible, familiar voice saying those things...there was only one person he could think of that would speak in that manner, or say things like that...or laugh so terribly...

"No...it couldn't be -"

Shadow shook his head, vigorously denying the idea of the voice's identity that had sprung to mind.

"There's no way it could be...it's been too long for it to have been him..."


It took a long while before Shadow could get back to sleep again. He didn't dream of the voice again, but his rest was still uneasy.

Something was about to happen, maybe...

((I'm trying not to change the content too much, therefore this chapter's going to remain fairly short. Sorry about that...))