Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho or Inuyasha.
Chapter Twenty-Two:
It has been a month since the battle with Naraku. The mirror was taken to the Spirit World and placed inside the vault by Koenma never to be seen again at least Kagome hoped so and she hoped Naraku was reliving his nightmares over and over again the bastard deserved it for everything he has done and the people that were hurt because of him and killed. Inuyasha had disappeared right after the battle leaving without saying goodbye. Sesshoumaru said not to look for him that he would return when he was ready and not before then. Sesshoumaru had decided to stay and run his company that he had Kouga run for him while he had been gone. Sesshoumaru was now Hachiro Aizawa and his partner Kouga a.k.a Kansuke Fugunaga. All this time Sesshoumaru was a millionaire and they never knew. Kagome was sure by the end of the year her cousin Shizuru will have Sesshoumaru just where she wants him. Hiei had decided to return to the Feudal Era with Sango having wanting to court the demon slayer and see if they could be more than friends. Miroku and Sango had made peace with each other and were now friends once again.
Kagura, Kanna, with Jin, Touya, and the rest of their friends had went back to the Meikai. Kanna was happy to have her children back and hoped to repair their lives from when Naraku killed her mate. Kagome was sure Touya and Jin would help all they could for the sisters. Kuwabara was once again back at flirting with Yukina now that Hiei wasn't around glaring at him Yusuke thought it was funny watching his friend make a fool of himself. Shippo was back playing his pranks on both his Uncle Kuwabara and Uncle Yusuke causing both to chase the kit around the house. Keiko was glad Yusuke was unhurt and had dragged him home right after the battle. They are both happy now to be together.
All in all everyone was happy and relieved that Naraku was gone Kagome had other things to worry about.
"What's on your mind?" Kurama pulled his mate back against his firm chest he was still in his Youko form.
Kagome smiled. "Happy that Naraku is gone for good and worried about Inuyasha."
Kurama wasn't jealous of Kagome and Inuyasha knowing she loved him like a brother they had been through so much together. "He'll return when he's ready Kagome. I believe Inuyasha just need some time to himself to sort out all that has happen. Kikyou was evil however the hanyou did love her and you."
Kagome sighed, she knew her mate had a point. "So what do we do now?"
Kurama smirked and bent down to kiss Kagome. "Go home and live our lives. We'll see your friend again I'm sure of it."
The End
There will be a sequel I just don't know when I will start on it since I'm already working on two fics I'm about to post. Thanks for all the reviews and I hoped you liked the story.