I would like to note that anything in bold italics are dreams, anything in normal italics ore letters or thoughts.

I do not own anything Harry potter other then the story line.

It's all J.Ks.

Chapter One~ O.W.Ls and Wolves

 It was late at night and all the inhabitants of 4 Privet Drive were fast asleep, well all that is accept for a certain Harry Potter.

 It was July 31st,a month into Harry's summer vacation from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and was also Harry's birthday, Harry at the moment was re-reading a letter Albus Dumbledor had sent him a week after back to Privet drive.

Dear Harry

I was just writing to check on how you are doing.

No doubtly Sirius' death has hit you hard, but you must

stay strong. Voldemort has been laying low since the

night at the Ministry of Magic, but he may still be trying to

invade your mind as you sleep, when it's at its weakest.

I have some good news; I have set up an anti-magic tracking

ward around your home so you can practice magic, please

abuse this privilege. In the package I've sent with this letter

you'll find some books that will help you out a lot this year,

you'll also find your O.W.L results in this package as well.

Have a good summer.

Stay Strong.

Sincerely Albus Dumbledor.

Harry had indeed been practicing his magic, with a newfound determination, harry though that if he wanted to avenge Sirius, he'd have to become much more powerful then he was now. He lay down the letter and picked up the first book he had pick out of the package Dumbledor sent him. How to Become an Animagus: By James Potter and Sirius Black. The first time Harry had picked up this book he couldn't believe his eyes, his own father and god-father had written a book on animagus transformation, but when he opened the book a note fell out-


I thought this book might interest you, the reason you had never

seen or heard of this book before now is because it was removed

from shelves, only weeks after Sirius was sent to Azkaban.


Harry pulled his eyes away from his fathers and god-fathers book, he let his eyes wander over the rest of the books sent to him and remembered all the things he had learned over the short period of time, then his eyes fell on his O.W.L results, even now he was stilled amazed at how well he did.

O.W.L Results of Mr. Harry James Potter.



Defense Against

the Dark Arts-----O


History of Magic-P



Care of Magical



Total number of O.W.Ls- 8

Congragulations on your excellent work.

O.W.L testing Facility wishes you good

luck in your future.

Harry was absolutely beaming when he read these results for the first time, he could still become an auror, but at grave expense, he may go mad with another two years with Snape. Harry glanced at the clock; it told him he had been awake for 3 hours of being sixteen without him even knowing it! Harry decided it was time to go to bed so he plopped down in his cloths (which now fit him and looked good because a charm he found in the month of summer training).

Harry was running through a forest, faster then he had ever ran before, he could feel his strong leg muscles working. It was strange but he quickly dismissed the thought,

he could hear and smell much better, he was also aware of how light footed he was. He kept running for a while until he finally came to a stop in a moonlit clearing, it had a pond of water with a big boulder sticking out of the middle, jumped onto the boulder and was amazed because it was in the middle of the pond and it had to be a good twenty feet across, he looked into the water and what met his eyes shocked him, he was a wolf! and not any wolf, a magnificent dark gray almost black wolf with astonishing crystal green eyes...

Harry awoke with a start, he was frowning, what had the dream meant? Harry could see the dream replay in his minds eye over and over again when ever he closed his eyes, then it hit him, he could look in the only book that had anything to do with humans turning into animals, Harry grabbed How to become an Animagus and flipped through the pages, he found what he was looking for.

---You'll know what your animagus for will be after a dream or rather vision while you sleep, its always the same for everyone accept for the animal in the vision.

You'll be going through a forest for a while and then com upon a moonlit clearing with a pond in the middle of the clearing, and in the middle of the pond will be a giant boulder, you jump, fly, ect. over to the boulder and look into the water, the reflection you see will be your animagus form.---

Harry started smiling very widely, he was an animagus and not only that a wolf animagus!! he loved wolves they were his favorite animals! Wait until Ron found out!

Harry glanced at the clock, it told Harry it was 10:30 , he decided to go downstairs for some breakfast and then come up here and learn how to change into the wolf and then aparate around the house a bit to freak Dudley out a bit. When Harry returned he sat on his bed and closed his eyes, and cleared his mind of everything accept for the wolf, Harry focused on every little detail of the wolf, everything from the crystal green eyes, to the pearly white fangs, he sat there for what seemed like minuets until he felt a strange sensation, like being pulled apart and being put back together in the wrong way. He opened his eyes only to see everything in black and white, he smelt something foreign, he looked around to see an astonished looking Ron and Arthur Wesley, Harry concentrated on his human form and he felt the sensation again only much faster and he again could see in color, he was a human again.

"H-H-Harry, do you know you're a bloody wolf animagus?" Ron asked in an awestruck voice.

"Err, not until just a few minutes ago, I just started concentrating on the wolf and I just became it" Harry told Ron.

" Oh no you weren't, you were there for about an hour, we arrived here and tried to shake you out of it but you wouldn't wake up so we just waited to see what would happen", Mr. Wesley said in an astonished sort of voice.

"Yeah you just sort of started morphing in front of our eyes." Ron said again looking awe-struck.

A whole hour Harry thought, weird, oh well at least I know I can transform now. He was shook from his thoughts by Mr. Wesley again, "Well Harry pack your things your coming to the Burrow.

End of chapter one, hope you liked it.