Disclaimer: Once again, I own nothing. I wish I did, but nope. Still living my non-Harry-Potter-owning life...oh well.
A/N: ok guys!!! Here it is. The last chapter of my wonderful fanfic. I hope you liked it as much as I enjoyed getting feedback and whatnot. So, without further ado...the last chapter.
The New Prophecy
Chapter 17- Epilogue
Graduation came and went, with Draco and Hermione at the top of the class (A/N: well...duh!!!!!). The wedding was set in August. The ceremony was held in Maui, Hawaii on the beach.
Hermione wore a white, spaghetti strap dress (think Sarah Michelle Gellar's dress). Her hair was up on the back of her head in curls with a hibiscus in it. Draco wore white dress pants and a white dress shirt. The whole party went barefoot.
The assembly consisted of very few people. Harry, Ginny, Blaize, Pansy, Dumbledore, Narcissa, Snape, and McGonagall. Blaize was Draco's best man, while Pansy was Hermione's maid of honor. Ron, who never completely got over Hermione, refused to go to the wedding, but he wished them the best of luck.
A few months later, Draco was signed onto the Wasps as seeker. Both Draco and Hermione were thrilled. And another few months later, Hermione signed a contract with Wand International, a big wizard record company. Since they traveled around a lot, the time they spent with friends was really special. When they got together with Harry and Ginny, it was a regular hootenanny.
One day, when Harry and Ginny were visiting, they all went to play a friendly game of Quidditch at Draco and Hermione's private field. While flying around, Harry found a question nagging at the back of his head. He stopped flying and called Hermione over.
"Yes?" she asked when she reached him.
"I was wondering..." he started. "If you could start over again, would you choose Ron? I mean now that you know how much he liked you..."
"Harry," she answered. "I wouldn't trade the life I have now for all the riches in the world."
Harry, seeming pleased with the answer, smiled and flew back to the others to rejoin the game. Hermione stayed behind for a while and watched the three play, her focus mainly on Draco. She smiled to herself. She couldn't imagine her life any other way.
"Hey Mya!!!!" Draco called. "Come on!!"
Hermione grinned and flew back to the others where they continued to play.
A/N: All done!!!! Thank you so much for reading and reviewing my story!!! You have no idea how much it means to me. Seriously. Thank you. For my first fanfic. I didn't expect to get this many reviews!!! W00!!! I have another story in mind, and now that I'm done with this one, I can start it. The first chapter should be up soon...hopefully.
Here's a sneak peek of the summary for my newest fanfic called Learning to Swim:
Draco spends the summer after sixth year in Greece. And what will he do there? Well, it's a little embarrassing for him, but he doesn't know how to swim. Who else should be his teacher but Hermione? While there, he learns a few more things that learning how to swim...
So there it is. I hope you like that one too. Sound interested? Hope so. Well. Till next time kiddies. "Riley: Well. I guess we have to talk. Buffy: I guess we do. (The two sit in awkward, dead silence.) ."