Please have pity on me; this is my very first fanfic. So you have to bear with me. If I made any stupid mistakes, please tell me.and please read and review. -__-'

Chapter 1

People are like stained-glass windows.

They sparkle and shine when the sun is out,

but when the darkness sets in;

their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within

It was a normal day, or so Sakura had thought, her mother is out on a mission and her father passed away when she was very young. Sakura sigh as she walked towards the onyx eyed boy who was leaning against the bridge staring into the water.

Sakura had finally decided today will be the day when she finally gives up on Sasuke. After many sleepless nights, she realize that chasing after someone that will never loves you back, is worthless.thought she kept telling herself that, her heart did not erase the slight feeling of love that still lingers inside. It was painful to let go, but she have to do someday or later.

Taking a deep breath, Sakura put on one her smiles, even her heart was still aching. She walks up to Sasuke.

"Good morning! Sasuke-kun!" Sakura's cheerful voice shook Sasuke out of his thoughts

"Aa." he replied without even taking a glace up.

"Sasuke-kun? I.w-want to tell you .something." Sakura said as she stumbles on her words.

"What?" Sasuke asked from his usual spot

"I am sorry! Sasuke-kun, I know you will not accept me as someone you will love, so I have finally given up and concentrate more on my training. I wish that you can forgive me, after all these years I've been annoying you. I am so sorry Sasuke-kun, I am so sorry." Sakura blurted out.

They both stood there in silence, Sasuke couldn't believe what Sakura had just said. For some reason he should be happy, instead he felt a twist of rejection in his heart; betrayed and surprised. As long as he could have remember Sakura have been chasing after him, now for all of a sudden she have given up on him so easily. Now Sasuke had thought about it Sakura have been acting a bit strange, she didn't bug him to go out for dinners or to walks with her. Maybe she was right, she have finally given up on him and went on with her life. Again, Sasuke felt a pound of pain and sadness in his heart, but he held it inside him.

The silence was broke by a well known voice and an orange blur that knock Sakura flat to the ground.

"Hi ya, Sakura-chan!" beamed the blued fox boy.

"Good morning, Naruto, you seem to be in a good mood." replied Sakura with smiling back at him.

"You're absolutely right! Guess!" said Naruto

"But, Naruto why don't you get off me first." replied Sakura

At this the grinning fox boy jumped off and pulled her up,

"So guess!"

"I don't know is it something about Ramen?" guessed Sakura.

"WOW! Sakura-chan sometimes I think you really can read my mind."

As the two chatted, Sasuke glanced at Sakura; she was smiling. Smiling the smile that she would reserved for him. But this time the smile was not for him.but for Naruto. No. It's not only Naruto, but Kakashi and everyone else in the village. Now that her love for him is gone, she now showed her love towards the rest of the village.

Even though Sasuke never admit it, he actually Sakura's constant nagging and how much his miss the smile she gives him. Sasuke now felt a hint of jealousy and a hint of regret.

Jealous of Naruto, Kakashi and even the whole entire village. Regret of saying all these things to Sakura.regret of not accepting her love and now it's too late.

In was nearly noon, their sensei still did not appear, Sasuke is still leaning casually against the bridge, deep into his thoughts. Sakura stood there just looking around into the distance, while Naruto particularly fell asleep.

"Good morning." A voice came.

"YOU'RE LATE!!!" Naruto and Sakura yelled in unison.

"Well, you see I misplaced my 'book' and." Kakashi started, but after receiving three glares of doom, he rather not to continue. "Well, let's get started today we are going in a mission."

"Where are we going?" Naruto interrupted.

"As I was saying we are going on a mission, we are going to go to the Water Country, to get very important scroll for Hokage." continue Kakashi.

"Then let's go." said Sasuke who finally spoke up.

But before Sakura could reply, she can hear her name being called.


Sakura whipped her head around to see Ino running up to her and stopped in front of her; panting.

"Ino? What is it? What happen?" Sakura asked the blond hair girl.

"Sakura. it's. your. mother!"

"My mother?" Sakura asked.

"Yes, she is back from her mission, but she is severely hurt... " Ino paused.

Sakura's heart downed like a stone that fell into a well. She knew it that she shouldn't have let her mother go on that mission. She knew her mother was sick, but she let her go anyway. How can she be so stupid? It's all her fault that her mother is hurt.


"Ino...tell where she is?" Sakura asked as she tired to hold back her tears.

".She is in the hospital."

With that Sakura ran towards the hospital, with tear running down her cheeks.

Don't worry mother, I'm coming.

Sasuke watched as the pink haired girl ran away into the distance, he longed to chase after her, but what can he do, so what if he did caught up to her.he know that he will only hurt her more.

Loving can cost a lot, but not loving always costs more; and those who fear to love often find that want of love is an emptiness that robs the joy from life. But now I have this to regret, that when I loved, I did not say so.

"Now, Ino will you like to tell us what is going here?" asked Kakashi as Sasuke looked up, from his thoughts to listen to the conversation.

Naruto nodded in agreement. "Ya. Tell us Ino, what happen to Sakura-chan's mother?"

"I just found out a few days ago.


Taking walk in the forest was the perfect plan to get away from her teammates.

"They'll never find me, here." Ino chuckled to herself.

Ino took a deep breath and lay down on the grass, listening to the leaves rushing, the birds chirping away, and the river.whimpering?

"What the? When did rivers learn to cry?" Ino said jumping up to her feet. Ino listen carefully it seems more like a person crying, so Ino decided the follow the sound. Stepping out of the trees out into the river, she notices a gleam of pink hair.

It's Sakura!

"Hey, forehead girl, what are you doing here for?" asked Ino, she thought she tired hide her concern but it was clearly shown in the tone of her voice.

"Ino?" The girl asked as she turned around, clearly showing the tears in her eyes.

"Sakura, what happen? Did Sasuke or Naruto do something to you?" Ino asked softly as she walk up to the green eyed girl.

Even thought Sakura and she are rivals, but right now what only Ino cares about is Sakura. Many years ago Sakura was her best friend and she will still be. Ino will kill anyone if they do anything to Sakura, even if it's Sasuke, because now Ino understands that her friends are more important than just a mere crush.

"Its okay, Ino; they didn't do anything to me. It's nothing, please don't worry I just got something in my eye." Sakura said and she forced a smile.

"Don't lie, I've known long enough to know if you're crying or not. So tell me what's wrong, Sakura, you can trust me." Ino said as she sat facing Sakura.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have lied to you.I'm so sorry."

"Don't be sorry, just tell me." Ino urged.

" see, mother have gone off in a mission for three months now, and when she left she was very sick.and Ino. I'm so worry." Sakura sobbed as she finished her sentence.

Ino patted Sakura softly on the back and whispered "I'm sorry Sakura, but I think your mother will return safely."

"Thank you."

"No problem, just take of yourself; friend" Ino smiled.

Sakura nodded and wiped away her new form tears.

"Thank you, Ino." Sakura said and walked out of the forest.

I've learned that all I have in life is family and friends. If I lose those, I have nothing, so friends are to be treasured more than anything else in the world.

End of Flashback

.Sakura was very worried" Ino finished.

"Well I think we should go see Sakura-chan." Naruto suggested.

The other three nodded in agreement. So without a word the four headed towards the direction Sakura ran. Thinking about the same thing; Sakura.