A/N: Trying to worm my way inside Itachi's brain via drabbles. merichan asked me to try writing him, and I figured I might as well. So, take one: Itachi. Set before mass-murderer syndrome kicks in.



"Making Hate"



What does it mean to be strong? To be able to hurt anyone? To love anyone?

Itachi wants to know. So he'd like to try both, but he can't do that himself. He's never been an emotional person. Hurting people he can do (he's a ninja after all), but he feels detached from them. Maybe a stronger person could do it without apathy.

He's really quite curious. How do you make a person passionate like that? Make them hate so deeply, feel so much?

And now he has an idea.

Sasuke loves him a lot. Itachi thinks he'll work well.



* ende *



. : i want to make you despise me : .