A long time coming! Welcome back to Lost Answers! I spent so much time doing other things as well as working on my Yami no Matusei fan fic, Only the Moonlight Knows, that I left this poor story in the dust. However, I think I'm back on track and this story will be back in the woodwork.

I ended up rereading all of what I had written so far. I reformatted some errors from the first ten chapters and reposted the entire story. Some of the errors were rather funny. There are two that I thought I'd mention here.

First: This one isn't so large but, the group was studying math problems yet the teacher overseeing the test didn't mention there being a test section. Although they could have been studying a math related science question, I ended up adding math to the list.

Second: Now this one is a bad one. As the group gathers outside the school for the party, Uo-chan leaves with Kureno. This leaves the group as being Kyou, Tohru, Shinji, Yuki, Haru, Momiji, Hanajima, and Hatori when he comes in the car. However, when you get to the house you only see dialog of Kyou, Tohru, Shinji, and Yuki. Later, Hatori arrives with Momiji, Haru, and Kisa. Holy crap. I ended up taking out Momiji's arrival at the house as well as Haru's. Now only Kisa and Hatori show up. Just look at it as though Hatori went to Kisa's house and that's why he wasn't there.

I can't believe I made so many mistakes in this story. I apologize to anybody who had to read it. It should all be fixed now, as well as formatting problems by adding a – between gaps in time.

Okay, now that I got that out of the way, I apologize for the late continuing. Please enjoy Lost Answers!


Lost Answers: Because I Have to Say Goodbye


Tohru, Kyou, Shigure, Yuki, Haru, Kisa, Momiji, Kagura, Ritsu, Hatori, Shinji, Uotani, and Hanajime all sat around the small table quietly eating.

"So… uh…" Shinji was getting nervous about the quiet. He looked next to him at Kyou. "This food is great."

"Thank you! Kagura-san helped me." Tohru smiled.

Shinji looked at the person sitting across from him. "You're… Hanajima-san?" Shinji had noticed she had been watching him since she arrived. "Uh… so… how long have you been friends with Tohru-hime?"

"I have known Tohru-kun since middle school… after a… disturbance caused me to transfere." Hanajima slowly continued to eat.

"Yes… Yes I do believe this is love…" Haru, who had been seated between Hanajima and Yuki, stared at Hamajima.

"Tohru…" Kyou began quietly. When Tohru turned to him, he noticed Yuki was staring at him. "N… nevermind…"

Yuki stared blankly at Kyou. "Pardon me, but I no longer feel hungry." Yuki stood and walked quickly from the room.

"Ah, to be young again." Shigure smirked.

"Ah… uh… Perhaps I should go see what's wrong with Yuki-kun?" Tohru began to stand but, Kyou rose and started out the room. "K… Kyou…" The remainder of the meal was carried out in complete silence.


"What the hell are you doing?" Kyou growled. Yuki was leaning against the rail of his balcony. "For some stupid reason Tohru is worried about you."

"What I do is my business, baka neko. Now, get out of my room." Yuki mumbled.

"Heh. I get it. You're jealous because the prince didn't get the princess." Kyou smirked.

"That's not it at all. I want Honda-san to be happy and, apparently, you don't." Yuki turned, his face twisted in anger. "Do you really think Akito is going to let you live happily ever after? He's going to hurt Honda-san."

Kyou stopped. He could feel his heart sink. He had completely forgotten about Akito.

"Baka neko." Yuki turned back to the balcony. "Congratulations on being the one to hurt Honda-san more than anybody."


"Harahoku Shinji is your name, correct?" Hanajima had ignored the glossy eyed Haru who was still following her. She walked up to Shinji. "You carry the same murky vibes as members of the Sohma family. I feel I must warn you that your own darkness will swallow you."

"Vibes?" Shinji frowned. "Is that like, an aura? I can understand if I have a dark aura right now. I'm doing some pretty terrible things. Hatsuharu-san told me that if I continue doing what I'm doing, I'll just hurt the people I'm trying to help. However, I still can't stop helping."

"Then, I suppose I should warn you that if you cause Tohru-kun to cry, I will never forgive you." Hanajima left Shinji standing in the den alone.

"What a creepy girl…" Shinji whispered.


"Tohru…" Kyou walked into the kitchen. Tohru was cleaning off the plates from the party.

"Hai?" She turned and smiled.

"Can we talk? On the roof?" Kyou began to walk outside without waiting for an answer.

"It's okay, Tohru-kun." Kagura walked into the kitchen and smiled. "I'll take care of the dishes. Please talk to Kyou-kun."

"Ah… Then, I'll leave these to you." Tohru smiled and walked outside. Kagura watched sadly.

Kyou laid down on the roof and Tohru sat next to him. "I remembered something that happened to me when I was a kid. It was right after my mother died. I was walking around in town alone. My mother was dead and my father had abandoned me. Nobody would take in the cursed cat and so I was alone. I wandered for hours until I ran into a woman. She smiled sweetly down at me and asked if I was lost. I told her I had no place to go so I couldn't be lost. She asked if I would like to eat dinner at her house. I figured that, since there was no place for me to go, I may as well take her offer.

When we got to her house, there was a little girl my age there. The woman told me it was her daughter and that she had lost her father recently. She asked if I would play with her while she made dinner. I agreed and went to the girl's room. We were both quiet at first but, she smiled at me and said that she could tell I lost someone special, too. She said that I had the same face she had when her father died. I told her my mother died but, she wasn't anyone special. The girl smiled and said that, even if my mother didn't seem to love me, she obviously did. She said that there's no way a parent couldn't love their child. She said that sometimes parents do things that are strange but, it is just because they do not know how to show their love. She said that's what her mother always tells her.

At that moment, I felt something I never felt before. My young mind couldn't figure out what that feeling was but, I knew I wanted to feel it more. I wanted to always be near this girl. After dinner, the woman told me that there is someone I will meet that will become someone most important to me. She then asked me if I would want to marry her daughter. I said I would and she said that, when I grew up, if I turned into a strong man that could protect her daughter she would gladly let her marry me. I told her that I would become strong and I went back to the Sohma house.

When I returned to the house, I met Shishou. I agreed to live with him. I knew that, if I could open to people, I could become the type of man that the woman would let her daughter marry. However, I unfortunently heard that, when members of the jyuunishi fall in love, they tell Akito. So, although I was afraid, I told him. He got angry and ordered my memories to be erased. So, I forgot about that girl… until I somehow broke through that memory barrier." Kyou looked down at Tohru. She was staring back at him.

"Kyou… That… I remember Okaa-san telling me that she promised I'd be with the boy from that day. She told me that he was perfect for me… That he was someone who could protect me and love me… That boy… was you?" Tohru smiled.

"Could this be what they call fate?" Kyou smiled. "I guess your mom was right." He sat up and kissed Tohru. They sat together in the moonlight.


"Thank you for the meal, Tohru-kun! Nice to meet you, Harahoku-kun!" Kagura smiled and bowed. "Good… bye… Kyou-kun…" Although she was smiling, there was a pain in her eyes. She waved and walked from Shigure's house. The rest of the party had left shortly before.

"The time after parties is always so somber." Shinji yawned. "But, that Kagura-san was pretty hot. Hey, Kyon, mind if I ask your cousin out?"

"Go right ahead but, you don't know what she's like when she likes someone. You may just lose an arm and a couple of toes." Kyou stretched and yawned.

Shigure, Shinji, Tohru, Kyou, and Yuki sat in an awkward silence. Finally Shigure spoke up. "As a congratulations, how about we go to the Sohma beach house tomorrow?"

"Beach house? Isn't it a bit cold for that?" Shinji blinked.

"True, true… Well, how about the Sohma onsen?" Shigure smirked.

"Eh? Are you Sohma's really that rich?" Shinji gasped.

"Every family should have an onsen! Besides, it would be good for our poor, crippled Kyou to sit in the hot water." Shigure smiled. "It's been decided! Tomorrow is the onsen! We'll go for three days!"

"Why three?" Yuki questioned.

"I… have my reasons…" Shigure smirked.

"You have a chapter due in two days, don't you…?" Yuki mumbled.

"I thought being an editor would be a fun job, until I met you, sensei." Shinji joked.

"An editor is a warrior and that is certainly not Mit-chan." Shigure picked up the phone to call the onsen Okami.

"Maybe… the onsen is a good idea…" Kyou's agreement to the idea made everybody turn to him. "WHAT! Is it so strange that I don't mind going!"

"Keep your voice down, baka neko, nobody was accusing you of anything…" Yuki growled and stood. "I'm going to bed."

"Ah, goodnight Yuki-kun." Tohru smiled.

"Goodnight, Honda-san." Yuki smiled sadly and walked out.

"An onsen… what a romantic place for your honeymoon." Shinji sighed happily and looked at Tohru and Kyou.

"H… honeymoon…?" Kyou twitched. "A… anyways, if we go I may be able to figure some things out…" Kyou sighed. "I'm going to bed."

"Ah… so am I…" Tohru followed Kyou out of the room.

Shinji turned to Shigure as he hung up the phone. "Sensei… Hatsu said something I thought was a bit strange. I also heard it from Hatori-sensei and I was wondering if you could explain the reason to me."

Shigure sat across from Shinji. "I think I may know what this is about. Since you've become such a good friend to Kyou, perhaps I should let you in on some family secrets."

Shinji sat quietly as Shigure started to tell him about Kyou's bet with the family leader, Akito.