I'm reformatting the entire Lost Answers story as well as fixing some continuity and grammar issues. After all formatted chapters are added, I'll start adding new ones. Enjoy!


Lost Answers: Prelude


"OOOOOOOOOOI! Kyon-Kyon, wait up!" A uniform clad boy with short, black hair ran after Kyou. Kyou mumbled and turned. He hadn't stepped two feet from school and was already irritated. Kyou dropped his backpack on the ground as the boy ran up to him, "Man, you walk fast! I had to run from the second floor when I heard you were already leaving, Kyon-Kyon."

"Oi, Shinji," Kyou mumbled, "I told you not to call me Kyon-Kyon."

"But it's fun to have a nickname! You can call me Shin-Shin if you want," Shinji smiled, "Oh yeah, the reason I had to catch you… We're still studying together for the exit exam, right?"

"Ah…" Kyou mumbled, "I just have to go home and remind Shigure that I won't be home until late."

"Yeah, about that," Shinji looked at his feet, "My mom had to leave town and she doesn't like me being home alone, especially with friends over," Shinji smiled, "Funny, huh? Here we are about to graduate, and my mom doesn't like me being home alone."

"What's your point?" Kyou picked up his backpack and looked at Shinji. It had taken him until his senior year to find a good friend. He didn't like to admit it, but he was glad to have Shinji around.

"Can I stay over at your house? It's just for one night. I have no relatives around here and no money for a hotel room," Kyou could tell Shinji was nervous about asking. He had admitted to Kyou a while back that the Sohma family freaked him out pretty badly, so asking to stay at a Sohma house was obviously difficult to ask, "I don't really have any other friends that have large enough houses to hold a spare person, and I wouldn't have asked you except you're my best friend and I know your uncle or cousin or whatever he is, is really laid back… So I figured he'd be less likely to say no about somebody staying with you right before a big test and I just…"

"Shut up," Kyou growled, "You don't have to be so nervous about asking. And I know you're nervous because you only go into those long, stupid stories when you are. Just come home with me and I'll ask Shigure."

Shinji smiled, "Okay. And if I do get to stay over, maybe I can help you get the courage to tell that girl you like her."

"What?" Kyou jumped and dropped his bag, "I… I don't know what…"

"Kyou-kun!" Kyou stopped and looked over Shinji's shoulder. Tohru ran up to them and smiled, "Kyou-kun, I'm glad you're still here! Do you want to walk home together? Yuki-kun told me you were just leaving, so I should catch you and… Oh," Tohru noticed Shinji, "Ah…?"

Shinji looked at the blushing Kyou and smirked. He turned to Tohru, "I'm Shinji. Harahoku Shinji," he smiled at Tohru.

"Ah… Harahoku-san? I'm Honda Tohru. You're in our class, right?" Tohru seemed embarrassed not to know for sure.

"Yes. And you can call me Shinji. I was just on the way to Kyou's house to study for the exam. Would you join us?" Shinji smirked at Kyou again.

"Ah… I…," Tohru stammered.

"Tohru was on her way to my house anyways," Kyou interrupted, "I was going to tell you before, but didn't get a chance. I asked her to study with us already."

"Ah…," Tohru smiled.

"Good! Then it's settled," Shinji smiled, "Ah, Kyou, could I ask you something privately for a second?"

Tohru smiled, "I'll wait by the gate then," Kyou watched as she walked away.

"I think I just solved a mystery," Shinji looked pleased with himself.

"What?" Kyou blinked.

"Tohru? You only call people by their names if they're related to you or you really like them," Shinji patted Kyou's head.

"Not necessarily," Kyou smirked, "I call you Shinji, don't I?"

"Well, there are always exceptions to every rule. But this is the perfect opportunity to tell her, isn't it? She'll be in your house. I'll even go to the bathroom on command," Shinji laughed, "Let's make a code. When you're ready to tell her say, 'Wow, this is fun.' When I hear the code, I'll excuse myself to use the bathroom."

"You're an idiot," Kyou mumbled, "But I will give you a special signal." Kyou flipped Shinji off and, with a smirk, walked towards Tohru.

"Ah, now, that was just cold, Kyon-Kyon!" Shinji chased after.

"Ah! Kyou-kun!" Tohru smiled, "are you ready to go?"

"Ah… mm…" Kyou nodded. He turned and began walking. Tohru followed, close by his side.

"OIIIII! Kyon! That's rude leaving me behind like that!" Shinji stumbled after them.