Chapter Six: In Which Mayu Reflects On How Screwed She Is ( AKA The Remaining )

So I got a little worked up over nothing before. The twin girls weren't that bad, except I couldn't tell Ayame from Akane. One of them's supposed to be a possessed doll but really, how could it be? I mean, neither one's running around wielding a knife and I'm not a young boy whom everybody believes is capable of murder. It just can't be true!

I got to meet Mutsuki. I'm not sure if I mentioned him before, but there was this guy Itsuki that had helped my crazy self and my twin's crazy self escape. Turns out he sort of had a thing for Yae ( which was problematic because he had claimed to love Mutsuki which is why the ritual failed and started this whole quagmire in the first place ) so he had to commit suicide. Cause it's totally the cool thing to do. There's was once this boy who rejected me and I committed suicide in response. But me? I got better. But, uh, I think I got sidetracked…

Oh, right, Mutsuki. He had a thing for Sae ( and Sae had a thing for Itsuki but also a thing for me… could these kids have been less starved for love and attention? ) and that's another part of the puzzle as to why their ceremony didn't work. Anyways, he was telling me how generally in the Butterfly Free For All, the older twin almost always dies. Something about their lack of energy and stamina or something. Add my screwed up leg to the picture and, well… I need to catch Mio off guard. That's the only way.

In retrospect, killing off my twin simply because she stole my video game does seem like a rather harsh punishment. Maybe I should rethink this whole thing…

"Wha'cha thinkin' about sweetie pie?"

"AH!" Jumping backwards ( and falling back onto my butt… curse my bad leg and my horrible sense of balance! ) I scowled at the suddenly materialized form of Sae. She grinned and waggled her eyebrow suggestively at me. I shuddered. "I thought you were supposed to be chasing my twin or something."

"She's playin' with the twins right now. Don't worry, as soon as she gets over here I'll start comin' after her. I just wanted to spend some time with my favorite gal!" Oh, Joseph, Mary, and Jesus. Sae moved closer to me and draped herself dramatically over the ground as I edged away, chuckling nervously.

"Really. So, let's say that hypothetically I decided I didn't want to beat my twin to death… would there happen to be a way to avoid that?"

"Sure, just go out to the old tree by the graveyard and open up the tunnel in the shri-" Sae's eyes widened as I let out a burst of maniac laughter. "You little shit! You're gonna chicken out just like my sister did all those years ago." She scowled but before she could do anything to me with both froze hearing something grating underneath us. "You're one lucky little shit. I gotta go torment your sister; don't even think of runnin' out of this village."

I sighed in relief as I watched Sae melt away through the floor. Really, I was definitely digging myself in too deep. So an old tree by a graveyard and a shrine. Probably should start writing some fake journal scraps and leave them around for Mio to find. She wouldn't just believe me if I told her about it, that damn bitch.

… and I don't want to kill her again… why?