Disclaimer: Usual stuff, Blaze is mine; Vixen is Corrinth's, the X-Men all belong to Marvel.

Scene 01

It was night time in Bayville. In the hour before the dawn, the witching hour, the worst creatures stalked the night and blurred the lines between mutant, human and animal. In the distance a wolf howled, only to be answered by her pack sister at the Xavier Mansion. They sang not of the hunt but of the simple joy in being pack, of not being alone.

The Brotherhood of Mutants slept. Their house was drenched in darkness that was almost absolute. Above the rooftop the moon glistened full. There was a patch of pink on the floor in the hallway where the moonlight penetrated the pretty glass of the front door. Even the flies that plagued the overflowing trash can in the kitchen were asleep. The only sounds were Toad's muttering in his sleep and the snores of the Blob. Other than that everything was peaceful…

A strange figure dressed head to foot in black walked silently up to the house, confident of their stealth abilities. The individual's face was obscured behind a balaclava and their hands wrapped in gloves. Soft soled shoes made no noise as the person walked. This was nothing to them, every movement was professional. Entering through the open window in the lounge, the person stepped over Toad as he lay face down on the floor with his arms by his sides in front of the silent TV. Treading carefully the stranger climbed the stairs, making their way to Quicksilver's room. The door lock was no trouble to them, a brush of a lock-pick and the door opened.

The white-haired mutant slept shirtless, eyes twitching frantically underneath heavy lids as he dreamed. His pillow had already been thrown to the floor. His bedclothes were tangled around his legs as though he had tried to run through them. Magneto's son suddenly threw the covers back, turning over in some twisted nightmare. The stranger froze wondering if he'd wake. Seconds passed and he did not stir. The infrared camera clicked twice.

Not long after, with the other male members of the Brotherhood treated similarly to Pietro, the solitary figure left the house cheekily via the front door. Only Wanda stirred in her sleep as a car engine revved into life outside the house, but even then she did not really wake…

(Roll titles…)