My roommate and I were watching the movie "Sliding Doors" and it gave me an idea for a fic. If you've ever seen the movie, it's based on the concept, which is what happens if one little action changes everything in your life? So there are two universes. It's a little confusing, but the story is in italics when it goes into the alternate universe. Okay? Okay. Thanks!

Disclaimer: Right. Not mine. Got it? Good.

            Monica rolled over and hit the snooze button. An arm snaked around her waist and pulled her closer.

            "Morning already?"

            "Yes," she giggled. "You kept me up late last night." Her boyfriend, Richard, gave her a kiss on the cheek.

            "I thought we both had fun last night," he said teasingly. Grinning, she rolled over.

            "I wasn't complaining," she assured him. "I'm just saying." Groaning, she pulled herself away from his warm embrace and got to her feet. Her feet hit the cold floorboards as she pulled on her robe and left the room. Her roommate Rachel, was already up and sitting at the kitchen table sipping coffee.

            "Have a good time last night Mon?" She asked grinning at her best friend.

            "I'm so sorry, did we keep you up?" Monica asked. The walls in their apartment were paper thin, which meant that any time one of the girls had their boyfriends over, the other could hear everything that was going on. Which was quite disturbing to Monica because Rachel was currently dating her brother. One thing that Monica had no interest in hearing was her brother having sex. Especially with her best friend. She was all for them being together. She loved that they were together. But she just didn't want to hear it. That was all that she asked.

            "No honey, don't worry about it," Rachel assured standing up and pulling her coat on. "Have a good day!" With that, she rushed out of the apartment to get to work on time. Monica was suddenly very grateful for the fact that her restaurant was only open for lunch and dinner, and walked to the bathroom to get a shower and get ready for the day.

            She was late. What else was new? But she was really late that day. She ran into the restaurant and back into the kitchen. She ran a hand through her short hair and sighed. From the time she woke up she felt funny. She could feel herself getting sick, which she hated, because she never got sick. Or, she always denied the fact that she got sick.

            It was clear though, after two hours of work, that she was feeling terrible.

            "Go home," her friend Kate told her. "You look terrible."


            "Monica!" Kate said again. "Go home. Get some rest. It's fine. Okay? We'll handle it." Monica finally relented and hung up her coat and stepped out into the daylight. The bright light hurt her eyes. Kate had been right, she was getting really sick. Briefly, she considered walking, but knew that she felt so terrible that she wouldn't make it. She would take the subway, she decided. There was no use wasting money on taking a cab. It was the middle of the day, they wouldn't be that crowded, and it would save money.

            Monica began walking towards the subway station and realized that she was going to miss the next train home. Picking up her speed, she hurried down the steps. A man rushed past and she was thrown into the rails spilling the contents of her purse. It was something that she really didn't need right then. She sighed, and leaned down to pick everything up. By the time she got everything back into her purse, the train had already left.

            Great. She should have known that this was just one of those days where it was better not to get out of bed. Monica walked back up the stairs and went to hail a cab when she felt herself getting lightheaded and dizzy. The world began to spin and then everything went black.

            Running down the stairs of the subway station, she held her purse tightly to her side. She practically threw her money at the attendant and caught the train just in time. Sighing as she slipped down into a seat, she closed her eyes and wanted more than anything to just get home. Richard was staying with her because his apartment was being worked on. But he was probably at work. Rachel, of course, would be at work, as would everyone else. Joey even had a commercial that he was shooting that day. There would be no one there, she wasn't sure if that was a blessing or a curse. There would be no one to bother her, but then there would be no one to take care of her either.

            The train slid into the station and she climbed to her feet and slowly made her way back up to her apartment. The stairs proved to be quite the challenge as she made her way up. She suddenly wished that she lived on the first floor, and sighed as she finally made it to apartment 20. Turning the knob, she was surprised to find it open. Either Rachel or Richard must have stayed home that day.

            It wasn't the sight that hit her first. It was the noises. The moaning.

            And it wasn't coming from Rachel's room.

            It was coming from hers.

            Feeling much more sick than she had a moment before, on shaking legs, she made her way to the door and opened it.

            "Monica?" Richard scrambled under the covers as the girl he was with reached for her clothing.  

            She couldn't speak. She couldn't move. She felt sick. Sicker than she had before.

            "Richard! In my apartment….I trusted you!" It came out in half sentences because she wasn't quite sure she could finish a whole one. Whirling around, she slammed her bedroom door and ran across the hall. Without knocking, she threw open the door and began to cry as soon as it was shut.

            "Mon?" Looking up she saw that she wasn't alone. Chandler was home.

            "I'm sorry," she said sobbing. The tears brought on a coughing fit, and she held her throat and cried. Chandler didn't ask for an explanation, he just came over and wrapped his arms around her.

            "You okay?"

            "No," she moaned. Chandler led her over to the couch and sat her down.

            "What happened?"

            "What didn't?" She answered. It had started out as a terrible day. A day where she just shouldn't have gotten out of bed. He rubbed a soothing hand over her back. He just wanted her to know that he was there when she was ready to talk. He just let her cry her eyes out and held her tightly. When a knock on the door interrupted them, Monica looked up.

            "Monica? Are you in there? Mon, can we just talk? Please?" It was Richard, and Chandler moved to open the door, but he saw Monica shake her head tearfully.

            "Please don't open it," she sobbed. Nodding, Chandler understood that the tears were for Richard, and came back and held her again.

            It was always like this, he thought to himself. She got upset and he was there to help her.


            And it wasn't as if he minded being there for her, that wasn't it at all. He loved when she came to him, but he wanted to be more than that. He wanted for her to feel for him the same way that he felt for her.

            But until that time, he would just be her friend. And he would have rather been that than nothing at all.

            "Whenever you're ready to tell," he said. "Just say."

            "Thanks Chandler," she looked up at him with the tears still falling silently down her cheeks.

            "No problem," he kissed her temple. After a few minutes, she said softly,

            "He cheated on me."


            "He was with a girl when I came home. He expected me later, and I would have been later except that I was sick and they sent me home."

            "I'll kill him," Chandler's fists clenched and it took everything he had not to go find Richard and hurt him for hurting her. She didn't deserve this. She never did. But she always fell for these guys who made her hurt. Made her feel that she wasn't special, wasn't amazing. And she was. And he so badly wanted to tell her that he felt that way about her. But he was terrified to. So he just kept his mouth shut.

            "No," she put a calming hand on his arm. "Just could you go over and make sure that he left?" Squeezing her hand, he nodded.

            "Sure honey, here, come and lay down, you're still sick." He led her into his bedroom and she gratefully climbed into his bed and almost instantly fell asleep she was so exhausted. He ran a hand through his hair and went across the hall to make sure that Richard was gone.

~So that's the start. The title comes from the song by Train, and will probably be in the next chapter. If you think that it's too confusing, or you hate it, tell me. I'll only continue if you like it. But I kind of like the idea, and so please, please review. Hit that little GO button and go! Thanks~