We no own DBZ or Monsters INC

When Kakarot and Vegeta stepped out of the closet, they were both in a panic, but Kakarot more so than Vegeta. "W-w-w-what are we gonna do?"

"Calm down Kakarot—"

"What are we gonna do?"

Chi-Chi was looking confused while Bulma was glaring at Vegeta, since she was still mad at him. "Why are you still here? I thought you were going home to your stupid monkey troll people clan."

Vegeta ignored her.

"No one wants you here anyway, so just leave."

Vegeta was too occupied with his situation to care about the "blue haired freak" anyway. Kakarot was in a panic. "But….but it's Tuesday…and on Tuesday…they serve mok toff and…I love mok toff. I need Mok toff!" Kakarot then dropped to his knees and yelled "Mok toff!"

"Shut up you idiot!" Vegeta slapped Kakarot on the face, hard, and he stopped his little freak out session. "Now don't panic. There's a way to get back, we just have to be calm and use our heads. Or rather, you stay calm while I use my head, since you don't have a brain anyway."

"Sounds like a plan…"

"What's going on?" Chi-Chi asked. "Answer me guys. What's wrong?"

Vegeta didn't think they were important enough to talk to, so Kakarot answered their question. "We can't get back home. The portal to our world is closed."

"Oh great, that means they have to stay here? I don't like the troll freak. Goku's alright, but that troll freak's got to go!"

Vegeta snapped. He couldn't take it anymore. "That's it, you little discolored witch from Hell! I'm sick of you and your tongue and I don't have to listen to you any longer. I'm going to kill you and I'm going to do it right now."

Kakarot stepped in front of Bulma and Chi-Chi to stop Vegeta, though. "We need their help. We don't know this world."

"So! We're Saiyans. We're probably going to send a team to come and kill them later anyway. Let's just kill them now. As a matter of fact, let's just purge the whole planet. At least we can do something entertaining while we're stuck here."

"But we can do other stuff, Prince Vegeta."

Chi-Chi started to get the hint. "Yeah, there's a lot of cool stuff we can do here. There's swimming, and coloring, and I can cook—"

"I don't know why you're being nice to them," interrupted Bulma, "they don't deserve it. They were mean to me, even though I'm the richest girl in the world. Their stupid little kids and I don't like them!"

"Don't kill them!" Kakarot protested. "We need help getting back home. If we kill everyone, we can't get back."

"What we need is a scientist you idiot, and these people are clearly lacking in intelligence."

"But Bulma's dad is the top scientist in the world!" Chi-Chi blurted out.

That's when Vegeta started to change his mind about killing the little freakish girl. "Are you serious?" He almost wished she was lying so he could have a real excuse to kill her, then again, he didn't need one other than the pure fact that he wanted to. "I suppose we'll let you live, if you can get us back to our planet, through the portal."

Chi-Chi and Kakarot were happy, but Bulma wasn't. "Why should I let him see my daddy? My daddy is too busy to play with troll people. Vegeta needs to go back to his cave and live there, so no one can see his ugly face anymore!"

"Be quiet and go back to your home on Whore Island!"

"I…I don't know what that means, but no!"

"Please!" Chi-Chi begged Bulma. "It'll be fun, and you always complain about how boring life is. Goku and Vegeta will be really fun."

Bulma smirked. "I'll show him my daddy only if we get to call him Veggie."


"No way" Kakarot interrupted before Vegeta killed them. "You can call me Goku if you want, but you can't call him Veggie."

"Okay fine…I'll just have to think of something else." 'I can get back at this little freak.' "We'll go."

Kakarot gave out a sigh of relief. "Then it's settled then."

Vegeta just crossed his arms and nodded his head. "For now."

Chi-Chi jumped up excitedly. "Oh, this is going to be so much fun! Bulma, why don't I go ask my Dad if I can stay over your house so all of us can be together."

Bulma just smiled and said, "Okay."

Vegeta just looked at the two idiots in front of him. "Well, what are you waiting for? Take us to your father!"

Bulma blinked and looked at him like he was crazy. "We can't go now."

Vegeta started to grit his teeth. "And why not?"

Bulma just gave him a 'Duh' look. "Because the street lights are on! You can't go outside when the street lights are on?"

Goku seemed kind of nervous. "Well, why not?"

Bulma looked at Chi-Chi and Chi-Chi continued. "Well, our parents won't exactly tell us why, but all we know is that if we go outside while the street lights are on then something horrible will happen."

Goku nervously looked out the window. "Horrible like what?"

Bulma just shook her head. "I guess it's too scary for them to tell."

Vegeta just rolled his eyes. "Well, I'm not afraid."

Goku looked at him with concern. "But Vegeta this is another planet, and we don't know the dangers of it."

Vegeta thought about it for a while. "Perhaps you are right, but what in the world are we suppose to do until morning?"

Chi-Chi smiled. "We can have a slumber party!"

"Yeah!" Bulma suddenly became happy and forgot all about how angry she was with Vegeta. "We can even watch movies all night Chi-Chi!"

"How about a scary movie?"

"Yeah, let's watch The Grudge! I love that movie and it's so scary! I bet it'll ever scare Vegeta and Goku!"

"Will not…" said Kakarot.

"I'm not afraid of anything" Vegeta told them. Of course Vegeta and Kakarot had absolutely no idea what was going on. They didn't know what a slumber party was or what The Grudge was. They knew what a grudge was, but they were talking about something different. 'Nothing can scare me.'

20 minutes later…

Kakarot was shaking with a blanket over his eyes, while Chi-Chi and Bulma were snickering at him. "I'm not scared," Kakarot told them, "I'm just tired."

"Sure…" Bulma looked over to Vegeta, who didn't appear to be scared. "Do you like the movie?"

"This is stupid! I'd just blast the stupid thing. It can't hurt me."

'Oh well, at least Goku is afraid.'

After the constant movies and random junk food that Kakarot loved, the four of them went to sleep. Bulma and Chi-Chi shared a bed, while Goku and Vegeta slept on the floor with blankets and pillows, right next to the beds. When Vegeta opened his eyes in the morning, he saw nothing but Chi-Chi's long black hair and he instantly sprung to his feet and let out a quick yell, waking the other three children up.

"What's the matter?" Kakarot asked.

Vegeta realized that he had been staring only at Chi-Chi's hair, and he calmed himself down. "Nothing Kakarot, nothing."

"Why did you yell?" Bulma asked smirking. "Did you have a bad dream?"

"No! I just wanted to wake you guys up, so we can go see the scientist."

"Well, he should be here in the afternoon."

To be continued…

A/N: Sorry for the wait, and please review!