Disclaimer: I don't own Batman, DC does. The bastards......

A/N: This is set a couple of weeks after "Hush." Please R/R!

Honor and Duty
By: Batbabe

Gotham was most beautiful at night, but it was also a battlefield.
Each night, under the envelopment of darkness, a war raged. Criminals
sought to destroy the lives of the good by taking what wasn't theirs. A
dedicated few were all that stood in the way of that happening.

But you couldn't see that from where Batman was perched. All he could
see was the sharp angles of the skyscrapers, the thick mound of smog that
hung atop the city, and the sparkling lights in all different colors.
From where the Dark Knight gazed, the city seemed peaceful. But he knew
more then anyone that looks can be deceiving.

Batman's lips pursed together as he thought how he should continue his
patrol soon. Every night he patrolled the city. Every night he would
stop at this very same spot and stare at the little points of light below

He was getting tired.

Not physically, but mentally. He'd been Gotham's dark knight for so
many years, and he had lost so much and hurt so much.

Jason. Barbara. Dick. Cassie. Harold. Vesper.


All of them had either been hurt, or worse, because of their
connection to them. Barbara had been paralyzed by the Joker because her
father was a good friend and ally to the Batman. Dick had been shot,
almost fatally, because he was Robin, the boy wonder. Cassie died at the
hands of Shiva, then was brought back to life after making a deal because
she felt that she couldn't live up to the standards that her mentor had
set. Vesper was killed in order to send Bruce Wayne to prison. Harold
had been killed after being seduced into betraying Batman's secret. And
Jason was brutally murdered by the Joker while he was only a child.

And then there was Selina. He had told the former thief his secret,
almost shared everything with her, only to push her away because he
couldn't trust his own feelings. Though he would never admit it, he
deeply regretted hurting her like that. When he closed his eyes, he
could still see the look on her face as she turned away from him.

He sighed softly as he stood up, preparing to leap off to the rooftop

"No need to leave on my account...."came a soft voice from behind him.

He turned, knowing who he'd see behind him and not letting on that she
had surprised him by being there. He just looked at her, staring
silently. Most people would have been frightened, or at least unsettled,
by that stare, but she just looked right back at him. This was yet
another time that he was glad that his eyes were hidden by the lenses in
his cowl.

"You could at least say hello." she finally broke the silence, looking
slightly annoyed.
"Hello, Selina." he replied quietly.

She looked slightly surprised that he actually did what she said. But
she recovered quickly.

"Come here often?" she purred. Boy, did he love that cat-like grin.

His eyes narrowed slightly as he replied, "Every night." The wind
swirled his cape behind him, seeming to accent the mixed feelings on the

Silence rained again as he looked in her eyes, visible through her
colored goggles. He could still see her hurt and anger swirling in those
emerald green spheres. She still carried herself as proudly as ever,
along with the grace that she had always possessed. She was, perhaps,
the most beautiful woman he had ever known. And it killed him to know
that they could never be together. They were too different, and he could
never be sure of his feelings for her. He hated doubting himself.

"Why?" she murmured, just loud enough for him to hear.

"It's on my patrol." he said simply, not wishing to go into it.

"That's not what I meant and you damn well know it." she hissed
slightly. "Why are you doing this to yourself? Are you that much of a
glutton for punishment?" She stepped closer, venting some of the anger
that had festered for weeks. He stayed where he was, unmoving, like a
statue. He could smell the fresh vanilla scent of her, and he breathed
deeply, taking in as much of her as he could.

"Won't you at least admit that this is hard for you, Bruce? That
there's a part of you that wants to be with me too?" She said, her face
changing from anger to hurt. He had to turn then, he didn't want to see
the pain that he was causing her anymore.

She grabbed his arm and forced him to look at her.

"I don't give a damn if it was Ivy's spell that forced us to admit
what feel. It's about time we did. And for it to be really effective, a
part of us had to already want to share ourselves with each other.
Doesn't that mean something to you??"

His lips parted somewhat at her speech. What she said had been true,
he had thought occasionally about sharing his life with her, but had
never really considered it until Selina had switched sides. She did so
on her own, he didn't have to force her. That made him respect her even

What was done, was done. He couldn't change the fact that she knew
who he was, knew about the cave, about Jason and his parents. He could
change the future....but did he have the courage to?
Taking his silence as his answer, her face dropped, hope drained. Her
hand slipped from his arm and she looked down at her feet for a moment
before saying, "Well, if that's how it's going to be then, fine." She
looked back up, into his eyes, "Just remember that I tried to get you to
see the truth, but you still wouldn't."

She was quiet as she turned around, walked to the edge of the roof,
and leaped off. He watched her swing away, never taking his eyes off her
until she could no longer be seen.

He didn't realize that his hand had reached out to her until long
after she had disappeared into the night.