"So how did you get the Dibbuns if you didn't break the rules and go into the camp after them?" Jamie was interrogating the two recruits who had just returned from a run with mouse Dibbuns in tow. He was hardly able to contain a grin at Eula and Daikon as their story changed with each retelling.

"Oh, well you see... The fox and his crew'd already up an' jolly well flounced off, leavin' the Dibbuns alone. So we jus' went in and grabbed them," Eula replied haltingly. She took sideways glances at Daikon to make sure he was going along with her story.

"But Daikon took out a fox and a rat, did he not? Where was that encounter, pray tell?"

"We were ambushed-" "-We ran into them." The two took contradictory sides at the same moment.

Eula cleared her throat. "Yes. Ambushed," she said, agreeing with Daikon's statement.

"Ambushed?" Jamie queried.

"That's right," the other two replied in unison.

Jamie leaned back against a tree, smiling at the two hares of his patrol. "So... is that the story you'd like to stick with?"

Eula nodded. "I think so. Does it cover all the bases?"

The young lieutenant smirked and shook his head a bit. "If you can somehow manage to keep all your lies straight, then you should be able to stay out of trouble."

Daikon and Eula decided not to reply to that, standing there in silence before their commanding officer. The Lieutenant nodded towards Eula. "You're dismissed. Daikon, I still want a word with you."

"Sah," Daikon replied with a slight nod, watching Eula turn and go off.

She strode across the camp and found Del and Thatcher sitting together talking. Del glanced up as Eula came by them. "Ho! We were wonderin' where y'got yourself off to."

Eula sat with them, letting out a breath of lassitude. "Had my first run this morning. An' would you know it, I'm famished."

"That's good," Thatcher said with a smile, reaching to his side and picking up a bowl full of soup. "Because I saved this for you. Still on the warm side, too."

"Thank you!" Eula exclaimed, delighted as she took the bowl from his paws. However, before she could pull away, Thatcher took her paw and turned it up, his brow raising at the sight of her wrist.

"Some nasty marks y'got there," he said, speculating the deep gouges the fox's claws had inflicted upon her arm.

"I'm fine," Eula said, and she truly felt fine, just wanting to get to the soup that, at the moment, looked like the most delicious meal that had ever been made. She was surprised to find her wrist held fast as she tried to pull away.

Thatcher had taken his water canteen and wet a strip of cloth, cleaning the cuts on Eula's arms. Eula watched unhappily as the cleaned injuries started to bleed all over again. Thatcher was quick to pull out a soft, spongy length of material which he wrapped about her wrist several times before tying it off firmly, yet comfortably. "How does that feel?"

Eula nodded, noting it did feel better than before. "Thank you."

Thatcher smiled. "Now hurry up and finish your soup. I've a feeling we'll be marching again soon before our night camp."


Meanwhile Daikon was having to fend off a mouse couple who'd come to claim the Dibbun twins. Actually, it would be more appropriate to say he was fending off a mousewife, as the father was just standing off to the side, remaining silent.

"You kidnappers!" she shrieked. "We followed you all the way here! You... you... give me back my babies!" Daikon's eyes crossed at the paw that was being waggled in his face. He looked around at the lieutenant questioningly. Daikon saw a grin quickly drop from Jamie's features as he cleared his throat.

"I can assure you marm, your Dibbuns are quite fine! We just sent them over to the nurse to make sure they weren't injured."

"Injured? Injured? Because of YOU ALL they would be injured!" she worked herself up again. Daikon realized just in time that the mousewife intended to strike him. He shot his arm out and caught her wrist. "That would've been quite unnecessary, wot. So miss, if you were payin' such wonderful rapt attention to your darlings, when did you notice them missing?"

"When we saw you take them!"

Daikon's eyes narrowed, still holding the mouse's wrist. "Saw WHO take them, pardon?"

"You... you and that maid friend of yours!"

Daikon was silent a few moments, taking the situation into consideration. Suddenly he let go of her wrist. "My sincere apologies marm. We were apparently quite mistaken. What did you say your twins names were?"

"Rocco and Stocco," she shot back venomously. "Now go get them this instant."

Daikon nodded. "We'll be back in a jiff," he said, emphasizing the 'we'll' as he glanced over at Jamie. He turned and strode from the tent they were in. Jamie looked off, then followed him, mystified.

Jamie caught up to Daikon. "What, pray tell, was that about?"

Daikon turned and looked at his commanding officer. "The Dibbuns' names are Heath and Henrik."


The twins had long since escaped the confines of the makeshift hospital tent, running free about the Long Patrol camp.

Eula felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see one of them pointing a stick at her with a mischievous look on his face. "Ha, I caught'chu! Gonna be my captiff now! Gonna tie ya up an' get tonsa yummy food so's they can getcha back!"

"H'lo Henrik," Eula mumbled, shaking her head a bit. "Shouldn't you be... not here?"

"Tchah! Not Henrik! I'm Heath you silly flopears!" He exclaimed, tapping her on the shoulder with his stick. "You hush, captiff!"

"Gotcha surrounded, hahaha!" Thatcher turned quickly to see the other twin pop up on his side, also brandishing his own stick.

"Oh my, Eula, we've been ambushed!"

"Tha's right! An' you too!" Heath shouted, jabbing his stick in Del's direction. "You all captiffs!"

"Oy, you two troublemakers!" Daikon came striding up to the group. Heath turned about swiftly to see who'd hailed them, and Eula had to duck quickly to avoid being smacked over the head by the mouse Dibbun's careless stick swinging.

"Hi Daikon!" the twins chorused in delight, immediately running over to greet them. "We was jus playin.' But'chu know we're great warriors! Didja see me whack that foxer good?" Heath asked excitedly. He was quite obviously the ringleader of the duo.

"I sure did," Daikon said, faking a gushing, complimentary demeanor. "I have a new game for us all to play now, how's that sound?"

"'Kay sure!" Henrik agreed. "Wha' kinda game?"

Jamie came up, smiling fondly at the two young mice. "It's a really fun game, but you have to pay close attention the rules, okay?"

The two nodded furtively and waited for the Long Patrol officer to explain the rules to the new game.


A/N - Sorry this isn't the best chapter, but filler's necessary to get to the fun action. So... please review!