
Pairing: Shadi/Bakura/Anzu Yes, you read right, this is a yaoi and het fic. I cannot stress this enough, if your like for Yaoi or Het is not great then do not read! If you hate Anzu or Shadi then do not bother reading they are the main characters. If you cannot handle Shadi and Bakura or Anzu and Bakura or even Shadi/Anzu or all three of them together and are just here to flame me, then whatever, go away. However, if you feel you can handle this then please do read and tell me what you think.

Dedication: For Belle-san the up most Shadi and Bakura fangurl :: hides:: Also, special thanks to beta reading this for me ::hugs::

Rating: R, this version will be the R rated version, the other version ::cough:: lemons etc will be posted somewhere else. This is a dark fic so be warned.


By Kaz


The world is a strange place, always changing and moving, testing one at each moment. Perhaps that is what life is… a test, a challenge to see how much one can endure, how much one can be pushed to the edge and we only prevail when we pass from this life to the next.

If you can find it in your heart to care, then come and read if you wish. If you are interested, even in the slightest to find out what I felt was my main test, my challenge. For those few years of my life when I was thrown into the unknown, when my life was not my own choice to make but had been already decided for me and all I was meant to do was follow.

Perhaps I should clear some matters up before I tell you my tale. The world in which I lived, my time is very different to what you may know. In my time men ruled supreme, not in the shadows trying to make the world look equal, but they ruled out in the open In fact their dislike for women was so great that we were shut into prison and cages! Never to be truly touched in that way! No... their passion had changed... and now they only wanted their own gender.... In fact, we were only used to give birth to children, to give them more men for them to love.  So I suppose in a way we were nothing but sex slaves. However, some of us were lucky, for on rare occasions our master was kinder than others, and a simple cage was our best friend. At least we were not forced into degrading acts against our will.

I suppose you may think this was my main test, how to survive such a gruesome and horrible life? Well no. No, it was not. In fact, my true test was love. Yes... in a world like that I fell in love and with my master, no less!  Yes this was forbidden and I knew it, but I could not help it... he even began to return the feelings. And now... as I hold his child in my arms, I can only think of him.

He will never be mine, he already has his love anyway... I lost him when I fled for the castle in which he lived. No... I shall never have him.

 However, I can share my tale with you. Maybe you can share your thoughts and tell me if you think my course of actions were right. After all, I nearly split a happy couple. Come now... let me tell you how I, Anzu Mazaki - nothing but a slave - fell in love with my master Bakura Ryou and nearly separated him from his prized lover…



Well short, I know but this was only the prologue.

Anyway, it rather gives you a small idea of what the world is like, you will learn more as you read but it sets out a basic. Anyway, if you can please R&R