Cloudy Dreams
Chpt. 1- Rainy Day Blues
The thunder crashes outside of a small Tokyo home, the force of the sound loud enough to rattle the windows. A sqeal is heard from the top of the stairs which all would have assumed to be the voice of a frightend child but soon we find that the voice belongs to neither a child nor anyone whom is presently frightend. Seconds after the yelp is heard from below it's sorce comes bounding down the stairs mumbling something about "here any second." The blonde teenager was cut short in her trek toward the front door though as a parental arm was suddenly attached to her shirt and a motherly voice drifted to her ears.
"And just where do you think you are going in this kind of weather young lady." Serena's chest puffs out bostfully at the thought of answering her mother's question.
"I have a date with Darien and he'll be here any moment,"
After nearly five minutes of arguments and protesting a horn sounded from the front of the house and through a quick peice of manuvering no one would have thought possible by Serena she managed to weasel her way out to the car with no more than a quickly yelled, "Be back here before ten!" As her mother watched the car speed off around the corner she closed the door and appeared to mutter something before straitening her apron and returing to her daily work in the kitchen. Finally certain that no one was looking the two large pink eyes now staring between the banisters on the foyer balcony blinked once and then, very unlike her mother, gracefully turned and stood in one swift motion. As the stairs to her attic bedroom drew nearer the sullen look bore deep into her eyes spread to overtake the whole of her face, giving her the look of someone who had just lost their best friend. Unexpectedly the sorrow on her face quickly vanishes, or rather, transforms into a look of anger as she reaches the base of the stairs and begins to quickly take them two at a time. Arriving at the top of the stairs with an air of urgancy about her, Rini passes quickly through the dimly lit room toward the dresser opposite her bed. She glances at herself quickly in her vanity mirror but brushes aside what she sees there, Throwing open the top drawer on her dresser, delving her had deep into the random articles of clothing found there eventually pulling forth a small book. Small and worn one could easily have mistaken such a used book for something such as a bible, yet the blue velvet cover here had no titile, nothing at all to make it stand out except for the small tread of silver in the lower right of the front cover displaying simply a cresent moon. Throwing wide the book, Rini flipped maddly through the pages, each covered in messy, misspelled handwriting coming to a halt on the next blank page. Laying on her stomach the wrong way on her bed, Rini pulled her feet up off the pillow and placed the now open book before her on the bed, making sure to keep the page open. Holding her hand over the book as if she were to write in it with an invisible pen she waited paciently as the cresent moon on the front of the moon shimmered lightly and, in turn, so did the palm of her hand. A gathering of silver dust began to swirl in and about her hand finally coming to rest in her palm, taking the form of a slender silver pen with the same cresent moon that was seen on the front of the cover being the only mark on the pen as well. Noting that the holder of the pen was the true owner of the book all the previous pages ruffled lightly as the words rearranged, forming entries that were never there to any who would open and read and eraseing all those that were. The book took it's true form and readied it's pages to record the words of the young princess.
"Dear Diary,
She's doing it again. Every time I turn around Serena is talking about Darien. Don't get me wrong, I love Darien, he's my dad, but couldn't she cool it just a little bit and try to take into account the fact that other ppl have feelings too. Well... for a change of topics, we got a ton of homework today, like I don't have enough on my mind already. I don't know how I'm gonna get it all done. I bet that new kid Mishy will have all his done. He's like a total genious, but he's cool, not like all the other geeks. Mabey I'll ask him for help, or Amy, that's a good idea. Oh crap, I hear Serena's mom coming up the first floor stairs, I'll write back later."
Slamming the cover of the book closed the cresent moon on the cover was once again seen to shimmer as her pen reverted to silver dust and gently floated through the air sparkling in the faint light coming through the crack in the curtains, it seemed the rain had stopped. At the same time the pages once again ruffled as the words moved of their own accord, creating false entries for any snooping housemate to read. Snatching up a nearby magazine, Rini lay, pretending to read, as Serena's mom slowly oppened her door.
"Rini, dinner's ready,"
It appeared that Rini's actions had fooled her grandmother yet it seemed that she had seen susspicion in her face as she closed the door behind her. Letting out a short sigh of relief, Rini was preparing to get up and head downstairs for dinner when she spotted the one fatal flaw in her plan, looking down at the magazine she was "reading" she found all the pictures and words to be positioned upside-down, making it a very unconvcing scene to any who may have been looking, including Serena's mother.
Chpt. 1- Rainy Day Blues
The thunder crashes outside of a small Tokyo home, the force of the sound loud enough to rattle the windows. A sqeal is heard from the top of the stairs which all would have assumed to be the voice of a frightend child but soon we find that the voice belongs to neither a child nor anyone whom is presently frightend. Seconds after the yelp is heard from below it's sorce comes bounding down the stairs mumbling something about "here any second." The blonde teenager was cut short in her trek toward the front door though as a parental arm was suddenly attached to her shirt and a motherly voice drifted to her ears.
"And just where do you think you are going in this kind of weather young lady." Serena's chest puffs out bostfully at the thought of answering her mother's question.
"I have a date with Darien and he'll be here any moment,"
After nearly five minutes of arguments and protesting a horn sounded from the front of the house and through a quick peice of manuvering no one would have thought possible by Serena she managed to weasel her way out to the car with no more than a quickly yelled, "Be back here before ten!" As her mother watched the car speed off around the corner she closed the door and appeared to mutter something before straitening her apron and returing to her daily work in the kitchen. Finally certain that no one was looking the two large pink eyes now staring between the banisters on the foyer balcony blinked once and then, very unlike her mother, gracefully turned and stood in one swift motion. As the stairs to her attic bedroom drew nearer the sullen look bore deep into her eyes spread to overtake the whole of her face, giving her the look of someone who had just lost their best friend. Unexpectedly the sorrow on her face quickly vanishes, or rather, transforms into a look of anger as she reaches the base of the stairs and begins to quickly take them two at a time. Arriving at the top of the stairs with an air of urgancy about her, Rini passes quickly through the dimly lit room toward the dresser opposite her bed. She glances at herself quickly in her vanity mirror but brushes aside what she sees there, Throwing open the top drawer on her dresser, delving her had deep into the random articles of clothing found there eventually pulling forth a small book. Small and worn one could easily have mistaken such a used book for something such as a bible, yet the blue velvet cover here had no titile, nothing at all to make it stand out except for the small tread of silver in the lower right of the front cover displaying simply a cresent moon. Throwing wide the book, Rini flipped maddly through the pages, each covered in messy, misspelled handwriting coming to a halt on the next blank page. Laying on her stomach the wrong way on her bed, Rini pulled her feet up off the pillow and placed the now open book before her on the bed, making sure to keep the page open. Holding her hand over the book as if she were to write in it with an invisible pen she waited paciently as the cresent moon on the front of the moon shimmered lightly and, in turn, so did the palm of her hand. A gathering of silver dust began to swirl in and about her hand finally coming to rest in her palm, taking the form of a slender silver pen with the same cresent moon that was seen on the front of the cover being the only mark on the pen as well. Noting that the holder of the pen was the true owner of the book all the previous pages ruffled lightly as the words rearranged, forming entries that were never there to any who would open and read and eraseing all those that were. The book took it's true form and readied it's pages to record the words of the young princess.
"Dear Diary,
She's doing it again. Every time I turn around Serena is talking about Darien. Don't get me wrong, I love Darien, he's my dad, but couldn't she cool it just a little bit and try to take into account the fact that other ppl have feelings too. Well... for a change of topics, we got a ton of homework today, like I don't have enough on my mind already. I don't know how I'm gonna get it all done. I bet that new kid Mishy will have all his done. He's like a total genious, but he's cool, not like all the other geeks. Mabey I'll ask him for help, or Amy, that's a good idea. Oh crap, I hear Serena's mom coming up the first floor stairs, I'll write back later."
Slamming the cover of the book closed the cresent moon on the cover was once again seen to shimmer as her pen reverted to silver dust and gently floated through the air sparkling in the faint light coming through the crack in the curtains, it seemed the rain had stopped. At the same time the pages once again ruffled as the words moved of their own accord, creating false entries for any snooping housemate to read. Snatching up a nearby magazine, Rini lay, pretending to read, as Serena's mom slowly oppened her door.
"Rini, dinner's ready,"
It appeared that Rini's actions had fooled her grandmother yet it seemed that she had seen susspicion in her face as she closed the door behind her. Letting out a short sigh of relief, Rini was preparing to get up and head downstairs for dinner when she spotted the one fatal flaw in her plan, looking down at the magazine she was "reading" she found all the pictures and words to be positioned upside-down, making it a very unconvcing scene to any who may have been looking, including Serena's mother.