"Oh god!!!" screamed Hiei as he held his stomach in pain. It hurt way too much. He was never the one to show his fear or pain but today was different. Hiei had become pregnant 9 months ago by the one he loved. Yet, when he told his mate.. All hell broke lose. He had to run away from his mate in order to live. He thought of getting an abortion but he never could do it. It pained Hiei too much to kill something that isn't even living.
So we find him here, in labor without his mate. Hiei for sure Kurama would come. He was already fully dilated and was soon about to push. He couldn't believe it. Kurama, the caring, loving, trusting person was a no show. *How could he do something like this to me!* Hiei screamed in his mind as another contraction hit him. *Kurama I need you.* Hiei mentally kicked himself for letting this happen.
"Please! Get it out!" Hiei cried as the pain came back only stronger. Yukina, who was going to help Hiei with the delivery, clutched Hiei's hand tightly.
"Squeeze my hand when the pain comes back, Hiei. We're waiting for Genki to grab some towels. It shouldn't be too long now." Yukina said as she stroked Hiei's hair, He only nodded and squeezed hard as another contraction hit him. Genki came back into the room with about twelve towels. She sat down by Hiei and spread his legs.
She placed each leg on a stack of pillows and placed a towel over his lower half. She slipped on a glove that she had bought and looked at Yukina. She gave a talk-to-him stare. She nodded and began to talk to Hiei about what he wanted and what to name it. Genki smiled and placed her hand at Hiei's entrance. She knew that Hiei knows what's coming and is trying to relax. She in one swift motion pushed her hand into Hiei's entrance, making Hiei moan in pain a little.
"Well Hiei, you're ready to push." Was all Genki said as she grabbed a rag and threw it over to Yukina. Smiling, Yukina told Hiei what to expect and how to push. He only nodded but Genki wasn't blind. He was thinking of why Kurama hadn't shown up yet. She slowly shook her head of all thoughts. She needed to help Hiei get this child out.
"Okay Hiei.. Push!" Genki stated in a firm yet soft tone. Hiei nodded and took a deep breathe and pushed hard.

(Genki's POV)

It's been a while since I told Hiei to push. I knew he was exhausted but he keep going. I bet mostly because of the pain. He was covered it sweat and was really flushed but I knew it would be over soon. He had been pushing for nearly two hours now. I just can't help feel sorrow for the young lad. He has to go through this without his mate beside him. I know Yukina is here to help but Hiei wanted Kurama here with him. I know he wanted to share this moment with his lover.
I couldn't believe what I heard when Hiei told me what happened. It was the most painful thing to here. *SNAP OUT OF IT* I screamed. You can't have a flashback now! Hiei's baby is almost out. I smiled as I saw the head starting to pass through. Kurama would have been shedding tears if he saw this. Hiei and Kurama held do much love in their relationship. It's so sad to end like this. I mean the baby is doing well but I'm not sure I can say the same for Hiei. *Only if he had more time* I thought sadly.
"Hiei, take a breather. I have to pull the head out a little. You're doing beautifully." I stated and I could see tears welling in his eyes. I knew they were of pain, pleasure, sorrow, happiness, hoping, waiting, and love. Yes love. Love for his mate that isn't here. The love that no matter what could be broken. The love that will last forever even when he is gone. Love for his child. The child that he has dropped everything he loved for it. Yes, Hiei has even quit going on mission for the rest of his life. He doesn't want to endanger his child nor does he want to lose it. He told me he doesn't want to leave its side and that he'll be there through thick and thin.
I smiled at the looked of the head. I could already tell it had his father hair and his mother's eyes. I laughed mentally at the reaction Hiei will have when his child calls him mama. I looked up at Hiei. He was letting out painful moans. I sigh and began to pull the rest of the child out. Hiei let out a painful scream. I tried to do fast but I could bear to hurt the child. The child passes through. Hiei looked down at me and at the small bundle of joy. He smiled at let his tears free. I smiled and was about to cut the cord when someone stopped me. KURAMA! What is he doing here? I thought he wasn't coming. His eyes were different though. They help self pity and happiness at the same time.
Hiei looked surprised at first but the he hugged Kurama as he knelt down beside him. He reached over wanting to cut the cord. I smiled and showed him where to cut at. Once the cord was cut I whipped away the blood that was left on HER! Yes, the child was a female. I looked up and passed the child off to her mother.
"Congratulations! It a girl." I said and Hiei smiled and held the little buddle of joy.

(Hiei's POV)

I've been pushing for quite some time but in the end it was all worth it. I was granted a baby; a girl in fact. Yes, I was hoping for a boy but my daughter is perfect and I would have it any other way. She has her father's hair, smile, grace, and love. She's going to be just like her father. I mentally laughed at this.
I'd have to admit that I was shocked to see Kurama here. I needed him more than ever and he left me. Making me to clean, cook, work, and make sure I get enough rest. I don't know if I should for give him or not. *Hell no! What were you thinking?!!!? Of course you can't forgive him!!! He wasn't here for HIS child's birth!!* a voice inside my head screamed. Somehow, I felt that that voice was right.
"What are you going to name her?" asked my sister bring me out of my thought. I have no idea. I don't know what to name her.
"How about Hope?" stated Kurama. I thought for a minute and smiled. Hope seemed to be a perfect name for her. It stood for a lot in this family. Hope that I'll forgive Kurama. Hope for her. Hope that I'll love Kurama for ever and ever. Hope for so many things.
"Hope it is then." I say and give the child to Kurama. He smiled and cradled his daughter close to him. He seemed to never want to let go. I smiled at this. Maybe there was hope after all. Just maybe one day this will all be over and we'll be a happy family. Maybe... Just maybe.