Ok well this is gonna be my first fic soooo stick with me, i'll get better....i hope ^_^.

Well this Fic is set around the Sonic Underground series so for all those that dont know, the intro song (and kind of the story too) is findable at:


(it has pictures too so you can work out who all the char's are ^_^)

There are 3 hedghog characters now, but all related to Sonic (as there triplets and in line to the thrown).

The Green hedghog is called Manic and was raised in a not so lucky area of the city where he became abit of a pick pocket.

The Pink Hedgehog is known as Sonia, like Manic she doesnt have Super Speed but she does have a special attack that allows her to spin super fast and create a tornado, she was raised in more luxurious surroundings and has already set into her hopeful future of becoming a princess again.

And the Blue one....the one everyone knows...Sonic, yes he is the only sibling with that Super Speed we all love, he was raised in a lower middle class home where he got an unhealthy obsession with Chili dogs (lol).

I cant remember how they all met up exactly (given the serious difference in their upbringing) but they did and they formed a faction dedicated to driving back robotnik and to find their mum and re-claim the thrown and bring order back to their world.

OK now that i've given a sort of intro to the real story and char's heres a little something i've seen people saying :P

~~I dont own Sonic or any of the Sonic Series, Games or Characters~~

oooook now i'd better start writing the actual story i suppose lol. (Where to start it off hmmmmmm)


Sonic landed on the parched soil and grinned to himself slightly, behind him were 5 tactical bots that began to fall over like skittles.

Sonic- "fast, but not fast enough......nah who am i kidding, they were slooooooow"

Manic- "hey man try saving some for the rest of us sometime huh?"

Sonic looked back to the green punk hedghog with his self satisfied grin still on his face

Sonic- "early bird and all that"

Sonia walked over casually and began inspecting one of the droids

Sonia- "they day you wake up first sonic is the day i stop being a girl"

she began opening up the metal shell on the droid to gain access to the CPU, while she was hooking up her laptop to it sonic faked a shocked expression

Sonic- "you mean your actually a girl?"

Sonia growled lightly as she continued to work on the laptop, after a quick blink her whole facial expression changed from annoyed to delighted

Sonia- "Did It!"

she stated triumphantly, Both Sonic and Manic closed in to look at the monitor...ofcourse they didnt have a clue what they were looking at exactly

Manic- "did what?"

Sonic- "no no i think i got it....."

Manic- "whats she up to then?!"

Sonia- "SHE has a name **frowns** and what i did was managed to back up the data from this droid and download it onto local memory....then by checking through the primary files i've located the location from which this thing was built!"

Sonic- "thats exactly what i was going to say......."

Sonia simply raised an eyebrow at sonic's comment, everyone knew that sonic never really understood the technical info of missions. Manic on the other hand had kind of grasped the overall plan

Manic- "Alright! lets bust in there and shut that baby down!......score one for the hometeam"

Sonia- "exactly....one less robot producing factory has got to be good"

Sonic nodded

Sonic- "well we go tomorrow?"

Sonia- "the cover of darkness will work in our favour if we do it tonight, they'll never expect an attack like this"

Manic- "alright! cover of darkness.....just down my avenue"

the green hedghog grinned as sonia stood up and walked over to her pink motor bike, driving over to manic she helped him onto the back of the bike

Sonia- "we'll see you back at HQ for the briefing"

Sonic- "unlikely......i'll be seeing You! back at HQ"

he pointed at sonia before grinning and shooting off in a blue blur of light followed far behind by sonia and manic on the bike.

Sonia- "does he always have to prove how fast he is?"

Manic- "its sonic......nuff said!"

She nodded as they continued to race back to the city. A few hours later they pulled into a garage which automatically closed behind the bike. All the buildings in the city seemed to be rather old looking, over used given the recent turn of events. With the constant battles in the streets every building had its own scars showing where some struggle had commenced between robotniks droids and the general public.

Upon exiting the garage and walking into the living area of their HQ they found a not so suprising site, sonic crashed out on the couch fast asleep and one or two chili dogs lying around

Manic- "well alteast he ate i suppose"

he said picking up one of the now cold chili dogs and eating it

Sonia- "thats gross manic....."

Manic- "hey foods food! you shouldnt be so picky"

Sonia just shrugged as she went off to prepare the briefing, why did it seem she had to always do all the work? Meanwhile Manic jumped over the couch just missing sonic as he sat down and turned on the Tv by remote.

Sonic- "she gone?"

he whispered

Manic- "Yup!"

sonic grinned as he sat up and began watching tv also

Manic- "one day your gonna have to do some work man"

Sonic- "and you?..."

Manic- "i'm allergic"

sonic just shook his head while continuing to watch tv. Once again a few hours passed and the sun began to set outside, soon sonia would come in and demand they all prepared for this 'mission'. On cue Sonia walked in, doing what she knew would be the only way to get the guys attention she walked infront of the tv and turned it off.

Sonia- "ok move it!"

Sonic- "move what?"

Manic- "what is there to move?"

Sonia tapped her foot while placing her hands firmly on her hips

Sonia- "were not going to start playing this game right now! so move yourselves outta here"

Both sonic and manic let out a dissapointed sigh as they slowly got up and walked towards the room where the briefing was to be held, taking up the rear was Sonia making sure neither of them tried to make a run for it. Once in the room she firmly closed the door behind her and walked over to the computer where the schematics of the robotics plant were being displayed.

Sonia- "alright let me explain!.....Manic its your job to distract the senturies at the front of the complex......keep them off just long enough for Sonic to carry me in at super speed.........once in we'll make our way to the core and finally i'll place a virus into the mainframe that re-programmes the built robots to destroy the place.

Manic nodded but went to put his hand up to ask a question, it was quickly cut off by a kick from sonic....the less time Sonia was talking the better...if she felt she was being proven wrong or had forgotten something they would never hear the end of it.

Sonia gave one last look around to make sure the plan had been taken in, they all plaid rather small parts.....except for her ofcourse, so the chances of anything going wrong were pretty low.

Sonia- "ok lets move out, and sonic!.....dont go on ahead....i have to lead because I know where the place is...and where the safest point to stop without being detected is"

Sonic- "Aww....your saying i have to go at sonia speed?"

Sonia simply rolled her eyes as she made her way back out to the garage

Manic- "ever think you'll stop with the jokes?"

Sonic- "not a chance bro"

Manic chuckled before following Sonia, she was his only ride after all. Sonic gave the place one last look around, if he had to go slowly he might aswell give them abit of a head start...didnt need to go at 'Sonia Speed' the whole way. Sonia's voice could be heard demanding that sonic get a move on, with a sigh he walked out to the garage. Taking up a racing stance he waited for Sonia to take off on the bike with manic. With the sound of rubber burning on concrete Sonia shot off into the street followed shortly by sonic. Within a few hours they would be at their destination and ready to do what needed to be done.


ok it sucked i know -_-;; but umm....give me a chance pleeeaaasseeee its just an Intro ^_^ i had great idea's.......just didnt think of a start for it all lol so thats what this is, next one should be better......i hope. Well R and R, might help me out abit on what i did wrong ^_^