Gothic-Aoi: Wow so many flattering reviews! I am so happy right now! I just had to type more; if you have any song suggestions that you would want to see in this fic, just tell me when you review ok? I really appreciate it! Well on we go!

Disclaimer: Eyes a lawyer "Repeat that again please?" "Do you or do you not know the whereabouts of an 'InuYasha'?" Sits comfortably on a hamper that moves slightly "Nope, have no idea who you're talking about."

On with the story!!!!:

Last time: "Go to sleep Kagome...I won't leave you..." he said, she nodded slowly and drifted off into slumber. InuYasha smiled and sighed, "...ever..." he muttered and drifted to sleep hugging her tighter to himself, but comfortably.

This time: Feelings revealed! What's wrong with InuYasha and Kagome?

Chapter 8:

(The bus parked outside of a local mall in Fukuoka)

(Normal POV)

After the concert all was well with the group, so much, that Kagome and Sango were back to their old selves once more. Sango had begged Miroku to stop at the local mall so they could go shopping, let's say it didn't end well and one tour bus almost hit a telephone pole.

The bus was now outside a huge mall in Fukuoka, Japan. Kagome smiled brightly as she got out of the bus happily, "I can't believe it! No school today! It's just odd! And it's a beautiful day for a shopping experience!" she yelled at the top of her lungs. Passerby's gave her odd looks as they walked along, to engrossed in someone else's business rather than their own.

"KAGOME!" someone yelled from across the parking lot. Kagome turned to see Koga standing in beside his Mercedes waving at her. She waved back but not as happily as Koga ran up to her.

Sango had just gotten off of the bus and stood next to the doors waiting on InuYasha and Miroku to get out, they came out five minutes later. Once InuYasha saw Koga he was furious. He stalked up next to Kagome and draped an arm around her shoulders leisurely, Kagome shot him a death glare and shrugged his arm off of her,

"Stop it InuYasha, what's your problem lately?" she asked and then turned to Koga with a smiling face, sometimes her personality changes were so smooth that it scared people. InuYasha grabbed Kagome's hand ignoring Koga's protests and took her into the center of the mall, "InuYasha matte!" she said as he let her hand go, she connected with his eyes, they held so much anger, pain, hurt, jealousy, He smiled and walked off disappearing into the crowd. She looked around dazed and felt hands on her shoulders, "Kagome, look up." he told her. She blinked and looked up to see her name flash on a digital mall board in the center. It read:


I know we had our differences, but I've known something for a long time, and it's time you knew about it. From our first argument to our first kiss, I'm glad I had the chance to meet you Kagome Higurashi, now turn around and look at me.


She read it and turned to face him, except she had to look down, he was on one knee with a white gold ring and a locket in his hand,

"Marry me Kagome?" She blinked and kneeled with him nodding. He smiled as she tackled him in a fierce hug full of happiness. He slipped the ring onto her finger and the necklace around her neck. She pulled back and opened the locket. It was a picture of herself and InuYasha at their very first concert. She smiled and hugged him tightly. "We have to go tell Sango!" He smiled and nodded hauling her up running out of the mall with people going 'Awww'.

(Back at the bus. Koga went home and left Sango and Miroku to wonder about InuYasha and Kagome.)

"GUYS!" Kagome yelled running up to Sango tackling her. Sango patted Kagome's back and stared at Miroku and InuYasha. Miroku mirrored InuYasha's smirk and crossed his arms, "I guess she said yes by the look on your face?" InuYasha nodded and Sango squeaked jumping up and down with Kagome. "KAGOME AND INUYASHA ARE GETTING MARRIED!!!" she yelled. Miroku and InuYasha covered their ears and ran inside the bus where Shippo still slept silently. Miroku shook his head and un-covered his ears,

"I hate girls." he muttered. InuYasha did a double take and then laughed. "What?" He laughed some more; "I never thought I'd hear that from you! Ahahaha!" he said clutching his stomach. Miroku grabbed a drumstick and whacked him with it.

(The concert in Kumamoto)

"Sit back bare your cross to me Oh won't I listen God dn have I burned my hands On what's been missing I feel,... Unreal every time I try and stop to feel Pick me up my friend Let me start again

You fd me Behind this garden Don't fk me

Long before I could even see You're what was missing Twisting deep inside of me Forever missing the glistening I feel,...Unreal Every time I try and stop to feel Pick me up my friend Hold closed your hand

You fd me behind this garden don't fk me

Can you see all the clear skin in front of me Can you see can you see what you wanna see Can you see there's a little spot of light in me Can you see can you tell I'm fd

Bleed emotions Bleed emotions

Sat back and gave your soul to me But did I listen God dn did I burn my hands On what was missing, the glistening I feel,...Unreal Every time I try and stop to feel Pick me up my friend Hold closed my hand

You fd me Behind this garden You fd me Behind this garden Don't you fk me...." InuYasha ended with the crowd cheering. Sesshomaru and Rin had attended this concert as well, this time in the front row, courtesy of Rin that is. InuYasha smiled, "That was Unreal! No pun intended there. Anyways! This next song is called, 'Obsession'!" he said pulling Kagome to stand next to him as he started playing with everyone, and then began to sing.

"I'll mimic everything you are to me The way you walk, the way you talk, the way you breathe Obsessions, Obsessing....Obsessing, Obsessions Sing a song, Sing a little song Make it all make sense to me Obsessing, Obsessions Can't you see you are what I want my life to be Oh can't you see you are me...can't you You are me, dear god please

I don't wanna be everything that this god has planned for me Can't you see you are my everything I can't give everything this world will expect from me You are my everything

Obsessions, Obsessing...Obsessing, Obsessions

When I'm through making me you I'll be the best you that I can be Obsessions Can't you see how perfect you are to me Can't you see you are me...can't you You are me, dear god please

I don't wanna be everything that this god has planned for me Can't you see you are my everything I can't give everything this world will expect from me You are my everything

I don't wanna be everything that this god has planned for me Can't you see you are my everything I can't give everything this world will expect from me You are my everything

See you walk like so. and you talk just like this Could I be you if I, if I think like you Can't you see how much you mean to me (I'm not obsessing) Can't you see how much I want your life for me (It's not an obsession) I want to be just like you

Can't you see you are my everything Can't you see you are me, you are Can't you see how much you mean to me Can't you see you are me

I don't wanna be everything that this god has planned for me Can't you see you are my everything I can't give everything this world will expect from me You are my everything

I don't wanna be everything that this god has planned for me Can't you see you are my everything I can't give everything this world will expect from me You are my everything

I don't wanna be everything that this god has planned for me Can't you see you are my everything I can't give everything this world will expect from me You are my everything

Can't you see you are my everything Can't you see you are me, you are Can't you see how much I want your life for me Can't you see..."

He sang and then paused for as minute. "I hope your enjoying yourselves! This one is for Rin and Sesshomaru, from the whole band! This song is called, 'HALO'!" he shouted as the crowd roared. Rin smiled brightly at Sesshomaru who gave her the rarest of smiles and they watched the concert once more.

"I'm the man, I'm the king I'm the one that's pure inside everyday, everyway I smell of suicide bitter sins how they grow within so tell me it ain't right I AM...ALL SINS! and you're my reason for life

I will stone you, stone you wrap my arms around you I will stone you, stone you my little HALO

I will stone you, stone you wrap my arms around you I will stone you, stone you my little HALO

I'm the man, I'm the king I'm the one that's broken from giving everyday everyway I swear just one last try killing me with the death to be something that's so right I AM ...ALL SINS my hands are scarred with time

I will stone you, stone you wrap my arms around you I will stone you, stone you my little HALO

I will stone you, stone you wrap my arms around you I will stone you, stone you my little HALO

feel through my eyes..." he paused as they all played. Kagome smiled and played better than she ever had before. InuYasha smiled at her and then looked at Sesshomaru and Rin. He was glad they had come. He watched as Rin stared at Sesshomaru lovingly, he had been dropping hints to something for the past few months, I wonder what...

"I'm the man with the rock in his hand, got the rock in my hand gonna stone you, stone you

Make a change, gotta rearrange idle minds crushing time I AM ...ALL SINS and you're the reason for life

I will stone you, stone you wrap my arms around you I will stone you, stone you my little HALO

I will stone you, stone you wrap my arms around you I will stone you, stone you my little HALO

I will stone you, stone you put my god dn arms around you I will stone you, stone you my little HALO

I will stone you, stone you Put my arms around you I will stone you, stone you my little HALO!"

He ended with deafening applause from the crowd. Rin waved and picked Sesshomaru's arm up making him wave too. Kagome laughed and took InuYasha's place and he took Kagome's place as first guitarist. "Hey it's me Kagome! It's time for a bit of girl singing! This song is called, 'Whispers'!" she yelled as they began to play, she started smiling,

"Catch me as I fall Say you're here and it's all over now Speaking to the atmosphere No one's here and I fall into myself This truth drives me Into madness I know I can stop the pain if I will it all away

Don't turn away (Don't give in to the pain) Don't try to hide (Though they're screaming your name) Don't close your eyes (God knows what lies behind them) Don't turn out the light (Never sleep, never die)

I'm frightened by what I see But somehow I know that there's much more to come Immobilized by my fear And soon to be blinded by tears I know I can stop the pain if I will it all away

Don't turn away (Don't give in to the pain) Don't try to hide (Though they're screaming your name) Don't close your eyes (God knows what lies behind them) Don't turn out the light (Never sleep, never die)

Fallen angels at my feet Whispered voices in my ear Death before my eyes Lying next to me, I fear She beckons me, shall I give in Upon my end, shall I begin? Forsaking all I've fallen for I rise to meet the end

Don't turn away (Don't give in to the pain) Don't try to hide (Though they're screaming your name) Don't close your eyes (God knows what lies behind them) Don't turn out the light (Never sleep, never die)" she ended with a bright smile. She smiled at InuYasha and leaned into the microphone again, "This song will be our last, and it's called, 'Even in Death'! I dedicate this to my future husband InuYasha!"

Everyone cheered loudly as they began to play and sing.

"Give me a reason to believe That you're gone I see your shadow so I know

They're all wrong Moonlight on the soft brown earth It leads me to where you lay They took you away from me But now I'm taking you home I will stay forever here with you My love

The softly spoken words you gave me Even in death, our love goes on Some say I'm crazy for my love Oh my love But no bonds can hold me from your side Oh my love

They don't know you can't leave me They don't hear you singing to me I will stay forever here with you My love

The softly spoken words you gave me Even in death, our love goes on And I can't love you any more than I do I will stay forever here with you My love

The softly spoken words you gave me Even in death, our love goes on And I can't love you any more than I do We all die, but real love is forever..."

She ended. Kagome smiled at InuYasha, and he her. Miroku winked at Sango who blushed. Shippo gnawed on candy when he wasn't supposed to be eating on stage. Rin smiled at Sesshomaru who, surprisingly, returned it warmly.

(After the concert. Packing up the bus)

Miroku and Sango busied themselves putting up the drums as Shippo made a checklist of things being loaded. InuYasha was helping with an amp while Kagome was looking for a bathroom. She found one but was pushed against the wall by someone. "How could you..." It, no he said in her face, it was Koga, and his eyes were glowing crimson. "K-koga nani what did I-" "Shut up!" he said and pulled her into a fierce, bruising kiss. InuYasha picked this best time to find Kagome, in the arms of Koga. "WENCH! THE WEDDING IS OFF YOU TRAMP!" he yelled and stormed off. Kagome got free of Koga and hit him with a near-by brick before rushing out into the parking lot. InuYasha was gone. Miroku, Sango and Shippo all sat staring, Kagome crumpled to the floor, and then, she cried...

(One year later)

Most people had forgotten about Aoi. They didn't have any more concerts, and their manager had left them for a new band. Kagome was looking for a college to attend, Miroku, Sango and Shippo the same. They decided on Fushima University, all wanted crime degrees. Kagome had pushed InuYasha away from her; she still had the necklace and ring, just in a place for safekeeping and where she didn't see it to often. Sesshomaru proposed to Rin the night of the concert, she agreed. And they had the wedding only a few short weeks afterwards. Kagome and Sango were Rin's bridesmaids. Miroku was Sesshomaru's best man. InuYasha was nowhere to be found.

Miroku was still a leecher, but Sango kept him in line all through college, and to think he didn't even go on one date while there. Kagome however worked solely on grades and graduated with a job offer at Acada Private Investigators. She joined on the condition Shippo, Miroku and Sango got jobs too, they did.

Sesshomaru lives with Rin in a house by the park in Tokyo, Sesshomaru owns most of the city now. Rin is a stay at home writer about murder mysteries; her new book should be finished soon. They were also thinking of having pups, imagine that.

With their new jobs, and futures ahead of them, they all soon forgot about Aoi, InuYasha and high school. Now they were all living in Tokyo with very nice jobs. Kagome hasn't sung a note since that night. But maybe it'll change soon. Miroku and Sango don't bring anything up about it, not that they could with Miroku being so busy on taking photos of crime scenes, and Sango typing up reports. Shippo is the firms' new janitor, and I must say, the toilets and floors, never looked so clean...


Gothic-Aoi: Wow! Sad, ne? Don't worry! I have a point I promise! There will be a sequel to this! It's called Written in Red and I already have most of the first chapter done. This will be very good indeed! I hope you enjoyed this and be sure to look out for 'Written in Red' it's m original book idea that I'm writing, I just decided to make it a fan-fic about InuYasha too. Ja ne!!!!
