Disclaimer: I do NOT own InuYasha-tachi or any of its components, ideas, etc.

Hi! I'm Gothic_Aoi this is my first fanfic for fanfiction .net, I hope you all will like it! Thanks for coming! Now onto the story!

Chapter 1: The Dream.

(Kagome's POV)

I ran through a forest, dodging trees and other obstacles in my pathway, someone was chasing me, who? I didn't know nor why they were doing it, all I knew was I had to run, I hid behind a particularly large sakura tree and tried to keep my panting breaths down, 'Please let them not find me.' I hoped to myself as I heard the figure approaching, I held my breath, and then.the footsteps stopped, I sat a moment in wonder and peeked around the trunk to be met with the most beautiful amber eyes, I screamed as I saw a pair of claws coming at me.and then..

**Ring ring** **ring ring**

"Ugh." I groaned as I sat up throwing my alarm clock against the wall again.. "The same dream for three weeks.. three weeks of hell.." I muttered and got up almost tripping over my own two feet, I mumbled to myself as I stretched and got ready for school.. 'Hi I'm Kagome Higurashi, I live at a shrine in Kyoto, mostly my life is normal, I go to Samara High, have a brother, a Jii-san, and a good mother, the only problem? Me. I'm a miko, a priestess, or so my Jii-san tells me...' I came out of the bathroom clad in a towel and dug through my closet for some clothes, after I was dressed I went to the mirror to look myself over, just in case you know, I now wore a tight black shirt that said 'Punk' across the chest, and a pair of black jeans that had two chains, several zippers and plenty of buckles down the legs, I smiled and grabbed my book bag running down the stairs, I winced as I hit the stairs hard.. Souta's skateboard.

"Damn it!!!! Souta!! Keep this thing off the stairs!!" I shouted and grabbed the skateboard throwing it across the room like I had my clock this morning, I got some toast and ran out the door toward my school, "Kagome Higurashi!! If I hear another curse word from your mouth I'll send you to that boarding school I told you about!" her yell faded as I got further down that street, I sighed and kept walking when I came to a house with moving trucks in front of it, I raised an eyebrow and stared at the house, it was nice to say the least, I looked around and spotted a boy with white hair (guess who... now I was really curious, a boy with white hair? What does he mature early or something? I stared until the boy must have sensed me and turned my way, I saw those same amber eyes from my dream, my eyes got wide and I ran down the street toward the school trying to get his gaze out of my mind..

(InuYasha's POV)

I had been up since 4:00 yesterday and I was more than aggravated, it was my last year in high school and we just HAD to move. I sighed and stared out the window watching the tree's pass by, and then houses, then we suddenly stopped, I got up and grabbed several boxes from the back of the car wanting to hurry and get this over with, I was unloading some of my stuff when I felt someone watching me, I turned to see a girl with chocolate brown eyes staring into mine, her stare lasted only one moment and then she fled. "Feh.stupid humans." I muttered, my mother just happened to walk by and whop me with her newspaper, "InuYasha! Don't say that1 I'm human too you know!" she said and then continued to take her stuff into the house as well, I sighed and shook my head before grabbing my stuff and high- tailing it to my room.. 'My name's InuYasha, I just moved from Tokyo and I hate it.but besides that my life is pretty great, I have my mother, father, and..' My half-brother knocked on the door, throwing a book at me, "This is yours..I expect it never to find it's way into my quarters again.." he said and then left my room, 'Sesshomaru.we never get along, because well the only thing we have in common is father..well anyway, I play guitar, mostly for myself but sometimes in public.ah shit! Time for school!'

I threw the book to the side and hurriedly took my morning shower, I cursed to myself digging through the mountains of boxes of clothes in my room looking for an outfit, I found my red muscle shirt and my black jeans, I grabbed my necklace that looked like a dog collar, something my mom had gotten me last year, she thought it was 'fitting'.. I grabbed my bag and ran out the door ignoring protests from my mother that I should eat, I ran down the block and found the school quickly, I panted and ran inside through the double doors and into the principles office not noticing I passed the girl from this morning in the hallway..

(Kag's POV)

I shivered as a wind rushed through the hall, I looked around only to see nothing, I shrugged and dug through my locker for my black purse I had left in it, I felt a slight tap on my shoulder and I turned with a book almost hitting Sango, my best friend, "Oh San! I'm so sorry! You know not to sneak up on me like that!" I said as she just smiled at me, "No worries Kag, I just wanted to warn you there's supposed to be a new boy today, our grade." she said I raised an eyebrow and stared at her strangely, "So? Who cares we always get new students... I said turning and digging through my locker once more, Sango sighed, "Well word is he's really cute, and is smart, his only flaw is he's a stubborn jack-ass or so they say... she said leaning against a locker next to mine crossing her arms, 'Sango Jinada is my best friend and a gossiper, she dresses mostly like me, but sometimes I wonder about her sanity when Miroku shows up.speaking of the devil.' Sango didn't notice Miroku sneak up behind her, I had just noticed him and was about to tell her when. **WHOP** "MIROKU! YOU DIRTY BASTARD OF A HENTAI!!! HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH ME!!!" she yelled as I covered my ears, she ran down the hall fuming and into her first class slamming the door.

I shook my head as I looked at Miroku face-up on the floor, "Do you ever learn?" I asked as he sat up grinning, "It was worth the trouble." he said trying to get up. ' Miroku Decura, a descendant from a LONG line of perverted houshi, he's totally in love with Sango, the only drawback of his affection, he shows it by groping her every chance he gets.. he dresses punk/goth like Sango and I but he always wears muscle shirts, with one reason he told me once, 'To Impress Sango-chan' really he's desperate.' I helped the poor monk up as he dusted himself off, "So Kag's you heard about the new guy yet?" he asked grabbing his book bag from the floor, I found my purse and slammed it shut.

"Yeah San told me, personally I don't want to meet the guy, sounds like a jock to me... I said as Miroku nodded, we walked into Biology class and took seats next to Sango, well Miroku took one side as did I.anyway. luck just wasn't on my side this morning.I nearly choked when I saw the white haired wonder from this morning come in and slam the door shut.

(Inu's POV)

I came from the office holding a piece of paper in my hands I scanned over it almost hurling at what I saw, the secretary had written her number at the top on my schedule, I ripped that part off and threw it away searching for the bio room, I found it and entered slamming the door, I walked up to the desk and handed some weird old guy my paper, "Class it seems we have a new student. His name is InuYasha Tomoda, InuYasha will you please tell the class a little about yourself?" the short old man said to me smiling, I hated happy people.. "I'm InuYasha, and I hate you all.I had to move here because of my father, so in order to keep everyone happy, stay out of my way or you might get hurt." I said crossing my arms, the little teacher sighed and gave my paper back before looking over his seating chart. "InuYasha please me seated at the table, Miroku, Sango, and Kagome, are seated at, you three please raise your hands." he said as they did, I saw the girl from this morning and sighed walking up slowly taking my seat next to her, they all lowered their hands as the teacher started the lesson..

(Kag's POV)

I almost wanted to hit him myself for his arrogant attitude, I had raised my hand when Myoga-sensei had asked me to and lowered it when the jack-ass sat down, as the sensei started the lesson I kept glancing at InuYasha out of the corner of my eyes, "What are you staring at wench?" he asked me when he caught me staring I looked toward the sensei and then back at InuYasha, "Who are you calling wench you jack-ass!" I whispered harshly. "Bitch!" "Bastard!" "Slut!" "Man-whore!" "InuYasha! Kagome! To the office now!" Myoga yelled, I heard InuYasha growl and I grabbed my things stomping the whole way out of the classroom, InuYasha coming out minutes after I had left, I stopped into the office and sat in front of the principle just as InuYasha came in and leaned against the wall, "Alright you two.. Myoga just called me from his class-room phone, you two were verbally, and cursing in class which is not only un- called for but against school rules, you both will receive.."

I hate to end it there but I have to go for now.. I will update A.S.A.P! Hope you liked it! See that little button that says review at the bottom? Hit it I dare you.
