Lost In Silence
Chapter Two brbr
Author's Note: Well....the story was originally valled "Give Unto Me" but I like "Lost In Silence" better. Sounds more morbid if you ask me. Thank you to everyone who reviewed, I WANT MORE REVIEWS! XD! Enjoy this chapter, and please review! I'll tie the two "plots" of the first and second chapter together in the....third. Yeah. Did anyone see "TERRA"? Jesus, now Slade's obsessed with turning Terra evil? I'm not getting this, those Apprentice episodes were just useless character development for Robin or...WHATEVER JUST READ AND PLEASE REVIEW ^___^brbr
[Chapter Two]brbr
He could feel his breath becoming hollow and growing harder as he raced after his prey with the sleekness and speed of a cheetah. With every stride he made, he came closer and closer to his prey, closer to his greatest desire..His heart would beat faster and faster in anticipation as the pleasures of finally catching his prize nascent inside of his mind and the lust seemed almost unbearable. Alas, his prey seemed to constantly catch onto his mind games and the two then were to their chase once more. It did not bother him terribly, though.....he had enough control over his patience that he could control the desire, hold down the impatience within him. brbr
The thought of the chase amazed him as well, and he looked foward to every chance he got with it. brbr
Eventually the two would become tired of their chase though, the entire thought beginning to become cumbersome. He eventually wanted his prey so badly though that the lust usurped him; the idea would come to him that he would finally catch his prey at no matter what the costs, and kill anyone that got in his way. brbr
So now he decided to play games with his prey that he ached for so badly. He would let his prey have a head start in the chase, letting him have his liberty and his friendships for just a little while. His usually indomitable patience would finally snap...and he would strike out with some malignant plot with the fierceness and poison of a rattle snake. Cunning was what guided his prey though, and he was also one of the sharpest of fighters. Whenever he struck out at his prize, he eventually got up and the chase was continued again.brbr
Sometimes it bored him, he could admit that. brbr
But there would be a time when his prey wouldn't jump back up. What an amazing day it would be when he finally broke his faith and his pride. When that day came his prixe would be his...The thought amazed him, but it would never frighten him.brbr
He dreamed of the day when he would hold that raven hair in his hands, and turn such an innocent creature into a villain.....just like him. He had faith in Robin, faith in the fact that all that innocence and good in him could be turned to malignance in time.
Enough dreaming, Slade mused dryly. It's time to take back my Apprentice...brbr
Chapter Two brbr
Author's Note: Well....the story was originally valled "Give Unto Me" but I like "Lost In Silence" better. Sounds more morbid if you ask me. Thank you to everyone who reviewed, I WANT MORE REVIEWS! XD! Enjoy this chapter, and please review! I'll tie the two "plots" of the first and second chapter together in the....third. Yeah. Did anyone see "TERRA"? Jesus, now Slade's obsessed with turning Terra evil? I'm not getting this, those Apprentice episodes were just useless character development for Robin or...WHATEVER JUST READ AND PLEASE REVIEW ^___^brbr
[Chapter Two]brbr
He could feel his breath becoming hollow and growing harder as he raced after his prey with the sleekness and speed of a cheetah. With every stride he made, he came closer and closer to his prey, closer to his greatest desire..His heart would beat faster and faster in anticipation as the pleasures of finally catching his prize nascent inside of his mind and the lust seemed almost unbearable. Alas, his prey seemed to constantly catch onto his mind games and the two then were to their chase once more. It did not bother him terribly, though.....he had enough control over his patience that he could control the desire, hold down the impatience within him. brbr
The thought of the chase amazed him as well, and he looked foward to every chance he got with it. brbr
Eventually the two would become tired of their chase though, the entire thought beginning to become cumbersome. He eventually wanted his prey so badly though that the lust usurped him; the idea would come to him that he would finally catch his prey at no matter what the costs, and kill anyone that got in his way. brbr
So now he decided to play games with his prey that he ached for so badly. He would let his prey have a head start in the chase, letting him have his liberty and his friendships for just a little while. His usually indomitable patience would finally snap...and he would strike out with some malignant plot with the fierceness and poison of a rattle snake. Cunning was what guided his prey though, and he was also one of the sharpest of fighters. Whenever he struck out at his prize, he eventually got up and the chase was continued again.brbr
Sometimes it bored him, he could admit that. brbr
But there would be a time when his prey wouldn't jump back up. What an amazing day it would be when he finally broke his faith and his pride. When that day came his prixe would be his...The thought amazed him, but it would never frighten him.brbr
He dreamed of the day when he would hold that raven hair in his hands, and turn such an innocent creature into a villain.....just like him. He had faith in Robin, faith in the fact that all that innocence and good in him could be turned to malignance in time.
Enough dreaming, Slade mused dryly. It's time to take back my Apprentice...brbr