Chap. 12.

Disclaimer: Please read chap. 1

I'm so sorry I took so long to update. Work! But no matter what, the story must continue.

Thank you for all your reviews and encouragement! I appreciate it very much! So here's 12! Enjoy!

At the front gate of the mansion/restaurant…

"Aya-san, are you sure you're alright?" Ken asked, one finger on the door handle.From the side mirror, Ken could see several cars coming from behind, no doubt to have an evening of fun and lust at the mansion.

Aya scowled and just started straight ahead not bothering to answer. He had just answered that question just minutes ago.

Suppressing a sigh, Ken said. "Wait for my signal then." Ken climbed out of the car and headed towards the mansion.

Flash back….

"Is everything ready for tonight?" Aya asked as soon as they reached his office.

He had been wanting to ask Ken about their plan to rescue Akemi but had to wait until they were in the confines of his office; safe and away from anyone that might be listening.

"Hai, it's all set but…" Ken frowned. It hasn't escaped his notice how pale his boss was. Aya was always that but he looked worse today. Maybe he was still suffering from the after effects of yesterday's events.

"But what?" Aya gave a version of his frown.

Ken bit his lip, how the hell was he gonna put this? He didn't want to sound too overly concern. "You look rather pale, …are you up to it?"

The frown lessen by a degree. Pushing aside several files on his desk, Aya replied with another question, "What do I have to do?"

Aya had purposely avoided the question and Ken didn't push for an answer. His reply was brisk and business like. Aya really wanted to do this. "Meet me at the Crown Hotel at 11:00pm. From there we'll go to the mansion, rescue Akemi and bring her back to the hotel. Early the next morning, we ship her off home. All you have to do is drive."

Aya nodded. "How are you going to get Akemi out?"

Ken grinned. "By using a diversion."

"I'm not going to ask what's the diversion is but just make sure no one gets hurt." Aya switched on his computer.

Ken didn't want anyone to get hurt either. His plan was just to cause enough chaos so that he could get Akemi out. "Hai, so it's at 11:00 and don't forget your wig."

The frown made a comeback. "Wig? I'm just the driver."

Ken scratched his head. This morning was full of questions. "Yes but that red hair of yours can be seen a mile away. Someone might see it, link you to what happened…. Not many people have that colour."

The frown deepen and amethyst eyes flashed. "That colour?"

"There's nothing wrong with the colour of your hair. It's fine, great! I like it. You carry it very well, really suits your pale skin." Oh boy, how did THAT come out?! He was going to get it now!

When Aya remained silent, Ken quickly continued. "I better go, there's still a couple of things I've to take care of… Kawara will be outside if you need anything." And with that Ken turned to leave the room, missing the smile on Aya's lips.

Ken leaned against the closed door, heart pounding. What the hell made him say that?! Great! Now Aya going to think that he has a thing for him! Well… Ken allowed himself a small smile. It was true, he did have a thing for his boss but this wasn't the time. He is in a middle of job where he can't let his guard down for a moment. If only they had met in another place, under different circumstances! Ken sighed and pushed away from the door only to be come face to face with Adachi!

"Taking a break so early in day, Hidaka-san?" she asked sweetly.

"Of course not!" Ken snapped, pushing her aside as he stomped off.

Taking a few steps back, Adachi said loudly to Ken's back. "Some people are sooo rude!"

End of flashback.

Back to the mansion…

Ken wasn't even at the door yet and the madame that greeted him and Aya last night was already smiling at him. "Good evening! It's so nice to see you again!" She greeted him warmly, like a long lost relative.

Time to put on the act. Casually, Ken shoved his hands into his pockets and smiled.

"Yes, I had a memorable evening yesterday."

"That's good!" The madame's eyes were gleaming. She was probably mentally calculating how much money she was getting tonight. "Is there anyone in particular…. We have some new girls tonight."

Ken only had disgust for this woman. How could she make a living 'selling' girls that are old enough to be her daughters? Didn't she feel anything? Swallowing his loath, Ken flashed a brilliant smile. "Yes… the girl I had last night. Rather shy…"

"You mean Akemi!" If it was possible, the madame was smiling even more widely now, a knowing look in her eyes. "Of course, of course! Just let me get someone to call her…." She signaled to another hostess and whispered something to her. Turning her attention back to Ken, she said. "Just a moment. Akemi will be here soon. I see that you're alone tonight. Where's your friend?"

Greedy bitch! "He's busy … is she with another client?" Ken pretended to be the impatient, restless client.

"No, no … here she is." The madame was eager to please her client. In a low tone she chided Akemi. "What took you so long? The client has been waiting for ages!"

Eyes wide with fear, the girl apologized timidly. "I'm sorry, madame…"

The madame pushed her forward, towards Ken but not before warning her. "You better treat him nicely or else!"

Plastering a smile on her face, the madame addressed Ken. "Here she is! Have fun!"

Taking Akemi by the elbow, Ken just nodded and steered Akemi away.


Aya sat in the car and glanced at his watch. It has been 10 minutes since Ken left the car. He hoped everything was going to be okay. Ken's plan sounded simple enough but still sometimes the simplest of things have the knack of going awry. Well, there was nothing he could do now but wait for Ken's signal.


"Aya! Got a minute?" Leo popped his head into Aya's office.

Aya who was on the phone, gestured to Leo to come in while he finished the call.

Leo took a seat and studied Aya. Too bad the boy isn't more like his late father and brother. Sure he had a better sense for business compared to his brother but he lacked that dissoluteness his family members had. In their line of business, that feature was almost like a requirement. Leo wished he could talk to Aya , maybe convince him but the others are getting impatient and are certain Aya can not be swayed. Too bad…

Aya finished his phone conversation and replaced the receiver. "What can I do for you Leo?"

"I was just wondering if you were okay. I half expected you to be on sick leave or something today." Leo said laughing a little.

"I'm fine, Leo. Just a little hangover." Aya replied, looking straight at Leo. As usual his expression was unreadable, something Leo found to be disconcerting.

"Sou ka… but you had a good time last night?"

"Hn …If there's anything else Leo, …."

Looks like the boy isn't going to change. The others were right. Time was an essence here. "Aaah…. The Hagiwara wedding. That family is an old friend of your father's."

"Wakatta…. I've already sent my reply."

"Good, it wouldn't be nice you know…."

"I know Leo." Aya cut Leo brusquely.

Leo nodded. He got what he came for. "Alright then."

End of flashback.


Back to the present time, Yohji and Omi's apartment.

"Omi…" Yohji sighed. Omi was in of his quiet moods again. This wasn't the first time he was going on a mission but Omi was always like this each time he went on one.

"Omi…" Yohji crouched next to Omi who was sitting cross legged on the chair.

"It's going to be okay. It's always is." He smiled a lopsided smile and ruffled the smaller boy's hair.

"I know but this time… I don't know I feel like something isn't right." Omi said.

"You sure it isn't because of the mangoes you had earlier?" Yohji started to rise but Omi caught his arm.

"Yohji , I know these kind of people. I use to work for them and they can be quite ruthless. They don't care about the law." Omi gripped Yohji's arm harder although he knew there was no way he could stop Yohji from going.

"Wakatta… I promise I'll be careful, okay?" He leaned forward and kissed Omi softly on the head. "I've got to go, don't wait up for me."

"I hate it…"

"What?" Yohji reached for his keys. It was getting late but Yohji always made time for his Omi.

"When you do that." Omi got up from his chair. "When you kiss me like that. If you're going to kiss me, do it properly."

Yohji laughed and pulled Omi to him. Gently, Yohji tilted Omi's face, lowered his own head and kissed Omi. Yohji pulled away and saw worry still clouding Omi's blue orbs.

"It will be okay. When you get up tomorrow morning, I'll be home."

Not trusting himself to say anything, Omi just nodded and watched Yohji leave.


Back to present time, at the mansion.

Small Japanese lamps placed carefully around the mansion's garden lit the area. Not in a bright glaring way but in a soft comfortable tone. Although most of the clients preferred to go straight to the rooms upstairs or to the restaurant, there were a few like Ken who were walking and talking in the garden.

"Let's walk." Ken smiled kindly at Akemi and took her arm.

Relaxing a little, Akemi let Ken lead her to the lotus pond. This man is nice, she told herself but yet a small voice told her to be on her guard.

"Akemi…" Ken said after a few minutes. "Do you remember what my friend asked you yesterday?"

"Yes I do. He asked me what I wanted." There was a tone of uncertainty in Akemi's voice. Was this a trick question? "Something the matter?"

"No, not at all." Ken assured her. "I just want to know, do you still wish it?"


"Are you sure?"

"Yes but…."

Ken placed a finger on her lips. "If you do, just follow what I say. Understand?"

Silently Akemi nodded.

"Is there anything you want to take with you?"

Clutching the locket that hung around her neck, she replied. "No."

"Alright, remember just do what I tell you. Ready?" Ken took one look at her kimono and knew that it would be difficult for Akemi to run. It was too late now to ask her to change and that would rouse suspicion. Never mind, if things got bad, he will just carry her. Reaching into his pocket, Ken ran his fingers lightly against the remote control. "Let's walk closer to the gates, okay? Remember, stay calm, act normally."

Again she nodded. Ken took her hand and it was cold. He rubbed it reassuringly. "It's gonna be okay. Just walk and breathe. We're going to leave this place."

She looked up at him, eyes shining with determination.

As they walked., Ken reached for the small remote and pressed the first button.

One, two, three… Suddenly there was a loud explosion from the back of the mansion. Ken's first batch of explosives were planted near the store room.

"Come on!" Ken pulled Akemi's hand and pressed the remote again. This time part of the stone walls that enclosed the mansion turned into a pile of rubble.

Shouts and screams could be heard. People were running out of the mansion and from the garden. Some were dressed and some were only half dressed, clutching frantically to what they had on. Everything was going out of control, there were no guards, no one really cared. It was every man for himself.

Aya's head jerked up when the store room blew up in flames. That was his cue. Muttering something about it being about time, Aya turned the ignition and eased out of the parking lot he was occupying.

With Akemi in tow, Ken reached the gates. Instantly he saw Aya coming towards his direction. Great! Ken thought. Right on time. "Come on Akemi!" The car hasn't come to a complete stop but Ken opened the back door and shoved both he and Akemi inside.

"Drive Aya-san!"

Aya didn't need to be told twice. He floored the accelerator and got them out of there pronto!


Crown Hotel.

"Here we are…" Ken gestured Akemi inside the hotel room. Seeing the alarmed look on the girl's face, Ken quickly added. "Don't worry Akemi. We just want to help you."

Trying not to look too relieved, Akemi began. "I'm sorry…"

Ken grinned, ushering her in. "It's okay, I understand. Here…" Ken handed the bus ticket to Niigata.

Akemi took the ticket, her eyes widen when she read the destination. "Niigata?!

Aya saw Ken breaking into another smile. It was so easy for him to smile Aya said to himself. Ken could easily put anyone at ease, unlike himself! In a way, Aya envied him.

"You're going home." Ken shrugged off his jacket. As Akemi rambled on, Ken shifted his gaze to the tall lean form leaning by the window. Aya was running his slim fingers through his hair that was flattened by the black wig Ken insisted he wear.

Akemi gasped. "Home? Oh how can I thank you! I don't even know your names! Let alone why you helped me….ano…." Akemi waved her hand in front of Ken's face.

"What? I'm sorry what did you say?" Ken quickly gathered himself. Aya watching was proving to be hazardous! He had better be careful!

Obligingly Akemi repeated her sentence. "I don't know how to thank you for helping me…."

"Oh…! It's nothing. We're just glad we could help. Now, why don't you get some sleep?

There are two beds there. It will be a while before the bus leaves for Niigata."

Nodding happily at the mention of her hometown, Akemi said. "Yes, but I need to use the bathroom…"

As soon as she was in the bathroom, Ken approached Aya. "Aya-san…."

Those amethyst eyes were now on Ken. "Hn…"

"Why don't you get some sleep? I'll keep watch." Ken offered. No matter what happened, his boss still had to be at work in few hours. It wouldn't do if the CEO of Fujimiya Inc. was caught yawning away or having red watery eyes.

"I'm alright…." Aya replied and went back to gazing out the window.

Not knowing what else to say, Ken slumped down in front of the TV. After a few minutes of channel surfing, Ken wished he booked a room with karaoke facilities. It was so quiet and absolutely nothing to do! So Ken went back to channel surfing before finally settling for a channel playing a documentary on how tofu was produced. Next time, he is getting a room with a karoake machine!

The next morning….

6:15am and everyone was wide awake. The truth was no one fell asleep. Aya was brooding in his corner by the window, Ken and his documentaries and Akemi, was too excited to sleep.

"The bus doesn't leave until 7:00am, what do you say we have some breakfast? There's a nice café near the station." Ken suggested as they drove to the bus station.

As expected, Aya didn't bother to reply. Ken was used to that. "Akemi?"

Akemi replied from the back seat. "I don't think I can eat anything."

"Try, the bus ride is long and you may feel hungry later." Ken said sensibly.

"Okay." She smiled and tugged at her T-shirt that Ken had given her.

Ken peered at the review mirror and saw a happy carefree girl sitting in the backseat. Up to 48 hours ago, she was this pale, sad, miserable girl. Now she was a completely different girl and with everyday clothes, she looked her age.


About half an hour later at the bus terminal…

"Thank you so much for helping me!" Akemi bowed at her two rescuers.

"I don't know how…"

"Think nothing of it! We're just glad we could help." Ken bowed back.

Aya saying nothing, bowed solemnly.

Akemi picked up her bag. It was yet another thing Ken had given her. There wasn't anything much. Just another change of clothes and some food. "Arigato! This time when I look for a job, I'll do it myself and somewhere close to home."

Aya nodded in agreement and offered a piece of advice. "Don't be too trusting."

Startled by the advice, Akemi stammered. "Thank you, I'll try."


Ken bit his lip to keep himself from grinning. Aya can be full of surprises. "Hai, … " Ken paused as an announcement filtered through the speakers. It was the last call for the bus to Niigata. "Time to go!"

"Yes, it is….thank you so much! Arigato! I'll remember you both forever!" Akemi gave them a final bow and skipped up the bus' steps.

"Well! That's that!" Ken said, turning his face away from the bus' exhaust fumes.

"Hn…" Aya also turned and headed for their car.


A few hours later…. At the Fujimiya's house.

"Ohayo Hidaka-san!" Watanabe greeted the senior bodyguard as he met Ken in the hall.

"Boy, you're in for one hell of a day!"

"Nani?" Ken adjusted his collar. Both he and Aya had left the hotel separately. Aya in his car and Ken with his bike. Ken gave Aya an hour head start. It was better to be safe then sorry.

Watanabe shook his head. "No one has been spared! Not even old Schuldig! Fujimiya-san has been snapping at anyone and everything! I guess someone must have got up on the wrong side of bed. Anything happened last night?"

"I don't know, it was my night off last night." Ken replied.

"Well, all I can say is good luck and have a nice day!" Watanabe snickered and left a confused Ken.

What the hell could have happened in the space of a few hours? He was alright at the bus station. His usual silent self. No point wondering out here, Ken told himself. Just go in and see just what the hell was going on.

End of 12.