Disclaimer: Weib Kruez doesn't belong to me. I'm just writing this for fun.

Cross the Floor by Taketo

It's over; it's finally over. Fujimiya Aya swirled his chair around and faced the computer screen, which held data emailed by one of Fujimiya Inc's clients, an importer from downtown Tokyo. Ignoring the computer screen, Aya leaned back in his chair and let his mind wander. Yes, it's over. He got his revenge. He had hunted down and killed those responsible for the death of his beloved family. Aya could still feel Takatori Saitoh's and his son's warm blood spraying onto his face as he masterfully slid their throats with his katana.

Aya sighed heavily into the empty office. He shouldn't be like this, he should be out there, celebrating, rejoicing! He has gotten his revenge, so why didn't he feel like he was on top of the world? Whoever coined that phrase, revenge is sweet, was seriously deranged or plain dumb. Revenge is not sweet, far from it!


Aya jolted out of his reverie and glared irritably at the offensive intercom. It was his no,

it was his late father's dumb secretary, Manx. Pressing the button, Aya barked, "What?!"

Manx was used to Aya's barking answers and calmly replied. "It's a little after one, Fujimiya san.. Would like me to order something for you?"

Aya glanced at his watch. It was indeed lunchtime. His morning, save for that few minutes, has been a hectic one. One thing after the other cropped up. "No, I'll get something myself." Aya released the button and sighed again. He had to get out of here.

Everything at the moment reminded him of his family, especially his father. After the execution of his family, Aya had taken over his father's place as head of the Fujimiya clan. He didn't bother and have time to change anything. Except for a few things, everything in his father's office has remained more or less the same.

Glancing at his watch again, Aya rose from his chair and grabbed his coat.

Had to get out of here. Everything seem to be closing on him.


Meanwhile outside Aya's office.

Manx drummed her well-manicured fuschia fingernails impatiently on the table. If Fujimiya did not step out to lunch soon, she was going to be late for her lunch date! Damn it! She cursed silently, where is he?

"Where is he?"

Manx looked up and saw Mitsui Leo looming about her. His wrinkled face just inches from hers. "Who?"

"Who else, Aya of course!" Leo replied in a croaky voice, too much smoking and drinking.

"Inside, on his way to lunch." Manx jerked a thumb towards the still closed door of Aya's office.

"Alright…." Leo's sentence was cut halfway as the closed door opened. "Aya!"

"Aaaa…" Aya nodded towards his right hand man, no make that his father's right hand man.

"Going for lunch?"


Leo nodded and snapped his fingers. Instantly, four men dressed in dark suits appeared.

Aya sighed inwardly. He hated bodyguards, even when he was young he hated them.

He hated the feel of constantly being watched. They are there for his safety that's what his father had told him.

"I know what you're going to say, …." Leo wagged a finger at his former boss' son.

"Then why do you insist on them?" Aya gestured to the bodyguards.

"You know why. You're the leader of the clan now. Head of this import export business. Your safety above all else." Leo said patiently, as if explaining it to a child.

Aya hated it. He wasn't sure how many times he had heard that bit of speech. The part about being the leader of the clan. Aya never wanted any of this. He never wanted to be the leader. It was supposed to be his brother, not him! His father had painstakingly groomed his brother to be the next head not him. But all that went out the window when Takatori finished off his family.

"Fine, but just one .I don't want a whole posse following me." Aya gave up. No point going against Leo.

Leo nodded and took out his mobile and speed dialed a number. Half a minute later,

the doors opened and a figure stepped in. He closed the door and quietly greeted both Leo and Aya politely.

Aya lifted his eyes to the newcomer. Hidaka! Well at least he picked someone I know. Aya said to himself. "Right then Leo, can I go to lunch now?"

"Of course, Aya!" Leo replied happily, glad that the new head of Fujimiya Inc. didn't object to his choice for his bodyguard. Leo knows that Hidaka Ken was trustworthy and one of the best bodyguards around. Ken can handle himself well and Leo knows he needn't worry even though the newly appointed head of Fujimiya Inc. has only one bodyguard with him.

"Come on Hidaka! Let's go before Leo changes his mind." Aya started walking towards the door that Ken used to enter.

Ken was about to follow Aya when Leo grabbed his arm. "Be alert and take care of him."

"Hai!" Ken replied, already knowing what he was expected to do and hurried after Aya.


At the lifts…

"I'll just inform the driver to bring the car up front, Fujimiya san…." Ken said, reaching for his mobile.

"No need. I'm taking my own car." The lift 'pinged' and the doors swooshed open. Aya stepped in and pressed B for basement. He stole a glance at Ken who was frowning.

"Don't worry, Leo sent you, so I know he will be expecting me to do something like this."

"Hai, … I wasn't worried Fujimiya san…"

Aya clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth impatiently. "Don't call me that, you sound like you're calling my father. It's just Aya. Or have you forgotten my name?"

Forgotten? Of course not! When Ken first joined the clan, Aya was a student at the university. They didn't exactly talk but when Ken became the head's (Aya's father) bodyguard, he did bump into Aya a few times. It was just usually a curt nod or a good morning or a good evening. And every once in a while, the entire Fujimiya family would gather for a dinner and that was when Ken took the opportunity to study all the family members like an efficient bodyguard should. He had found that Aya was a little different from his brother. Aya was always sullen and rarely spoke. Whereas his elder brother was literally the life of the party!

"Well?" Aya demanded when Ken remained silent.

"No, I haven't forgotten your name but you're the head now…"

"I know but I still have a name."

Ken grinned. That's true! "Okay Aya san, any idea where you're gonna have lunch?"

"No, do you?"

"Yeah, there's this place that serves delicious home cooked food…"

"Fine, you drive." Aya tossed his car keys towards Ken.

Ken's grin broaden. Wow! He is gonna get to drive Aya's silver Soarer! The car was a beauty just like the owner! Whoops, where did that come from? Ken could feel his cheeks growing warm with that thought. A beauty just like the owner?!!!



"I asked you the name of the place … is something wrong? Your face is all red."

Aya bent slightly to have a better look at his bodyguard.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Just a little warm down here in the basement. Come on, we better get going. Lunch is always packed at Benkay's, that's the place where we're going." Ken unlocked the car and they both got in.

Meanwhile upstairs, security room.

Leo smiled to himself as he watched through the security camera Ken and Aya getting into the sleek sports car. It's a good thing he chose Ken. He just knew Aya would do this.

When the former head was still alive, he never really paid attention to the boy, preferring to concentrate on his elder son, grooming him as his successor.

Aya was pretty much left to his own devices and so it wasn't surprise to Leo if Aya

just kept disregarding the usual things a head of the clan/company would do.


Benkay's restaurant.

It was crowded like hell! Typical during lunchtime and after much pushing and jostling with the other customers, Aya and Ken managed to secure a table.

The waitress came and gave them the menu, promising to be back in a few minutes.

Ken didn't bother with the menu, he already knew what he wanted. So instead he took the opportunity to scan the area for anything suspicious or life threatening.

"Will you stop already?" Aya said without looking up from the menu.

"Huh?" Ken turned his attention to his boss.

"Stop being a bodyguard."

"Can't, it's my job."

"Hn…what do you recommend?" Aya asked referring to the menu.

Ken bit his lip. The place was a little too overcrowded for him. Too many possibilities for assassins, people to come up to Aya. Maybe it was a mistake to come here.


Ken jumped and his knees hit the table painfully. "Ow! What was that for?"

"Hn… You didn't seem to hear me, so I decided to shout." Aya scowled, crossing his legs at the same time. "Did I get your attention?"

"Yeah…" Ken rubbed his knees.

"As I was saying, what do you recommend? What's good?"

"Everything!" Ken replied, the pain in his knees forgotten.

"Just order something light for me." Aya pushed the menu towards Ken who nodded and immediately signaled at the waitress to take their orders.


After the food arrived….

"Well, do you like it, Aya san?" Ken looked curiously at his boss who had remained silent and passive while he ate what Ken had ordered for him, eel soup.

Aya wiped his mouth and took a sip of water before replying. "Nice.."

"Nice?!" That's the best soup! The eel is tender and sweet. It's fresh, no fishy smell…"

Ken was about to go on and on when he suddenly remembered whom he was talking to.

Sure he has known Aya since his student days but now Aya was the head of the Fujimiya clan, his boss. "I'm sorry…"

One finely arched eyebrow shot up. "What for?"

"I didn't mean to…" Ken wished the earth would open up and swallow him. Aya is going to send him packing now. Sayonara!

"Exclaim like that?" Aya finished for Ken.

Ken just nodded.

"Hn…" was the only reply Ken received from his boss.

"Fujimiya san…"

Aya put down his spoon. "Aya…"

"Aya san, I'm sorry."

"I heard you the first time." Aya sounded bored and irritated. "And if you're wandering if I'm angry, no I'm not. Now eat!"

"Okay…" Ken couldn't help but grin.

Aya sighed and picked up his spoon. Looking straight at Ken he said, "Ken, I'm just human. Not made out of porcelain and won't break if people spoke or exclaim loudly around me.."

Ken was about to say something in return when he noticed a group of students carrying trays laden with steaming food approaching their table. The group was in such a hurry that one of the students' knapsack hit Aya's shoulder, causing him to lunge forward, knocking his glass of water at the same time. Oblivious to his 'crime', the student carried on walking.

Seeing this, Ken rose to call the boy but was halted when a pale slender hand grabbed his hand. "Let me get that boy…"

Aya shook his head. "No need, he didn't do on purpose. Besides, he's just a boy!"


"It's nothing really. If you're done, let's get out of here." The place was getting too noisy for Aya and now he had had his lunch, he just wanted to leave.

Upon hearing this, Ken agreed wholeheartedly. The crowded place was making him nervous. If anything happened to the only Fujimiya heir here, …. Ken shook himself mentally and reminded himself to be positive.

Ken fished the car keys out of his pocket and was about to unlock the car when the pale hand once again ascended upon his arm, jacket sleeve actually.

"What's that over there?" Aya pointed to an area a stone throw away from where they were.

Shielding his eyes against the afternoon sun, Ken said. "It's a flea market & a food market."


"Yeah, people sell stuff they don't want, baked goods…"

"Hn…" Meaning that he got the picture. "Let's go."

"What?" Did he hear right? The boss wants to go to the flea market?!

"Come on Ken. I don't have all day." Aya was already walking towards the flea market.

"Yeah, …" Ken picked up his jaw from the roadside and hurried after the head of Fujimiya Inc.


Ken wasn't sure who was more fascinated here. Him or Aya. Ken was fascinated at Aya's behaviour. It was like he never left the house or office. Fujimiya Aya was looking at everything like as if it was for the first time. Everything captured Aya's attention and there was actually a small smile playing on his lips. The cold, emotionless mask was gone for the moment.

Aya could feel Ken's stare and coolly turned to face him. The bodyguard's face almost immediately turn a bright shade of pink. Aya bit his lips to stop himself from laughing.

He had a feeling if the laugh escaped, that shade of pink will turn to brilliant red.

So instead he barked his usual, "What?"

"No..nothing." Ken stammered. " Just wandering if you like some desert. There's an ice cream stall there." Great Ken! Ken congratulated himself for a great recovery line.

Aya turned away to hid the smile that was breaking free. Good recovery Ken! "Aaaa good idea."


They bought the ice creams, Ken chose chocolate hazelnut and Aya chose plain vanilla and sat by the fountain to enjoy their deserts.

Aya glanced at Ken who was savouring his ice cream with relish. He bit into the cone,

leaving a chocolatey smudge at the side of his mouth. Chocolate smudge that reminded Aya of the colour of Ken's eyes. Without thinking, Aya took out his crispy white handkerchief and wiped off the smudge.

Ken nearly fell backwards into the fountain behind him. What did Aya just do?!

The head of the Fujimiya clan just wiped the side his mouth! "Aya san…"

"Aaaa." Aya calmly pocketed his handkerchief and continued his sentence like nothing extraordinary happened. "Why did you join the clan?"

Ken nearly choked on his ice cream. Huh? First he wipes my mouth, now he is asking

questions? Ken sneaked a look at Aya and saw a scowling red head. Oh yes, Aya was expecting an answer to his question.

"I wanted to do something."

"There are many things you can do out there." Aya said.

Ken flipped his bangs away from his face. "True, but I like being a bodyguard and the pay is good."

"No regrets?" Aya popped the last bit of his ice cream cone into his mouth.

"Regrets? No, why?" Ken asked back, while watching Aya chew his ice cream cone.

"No reason just asking. Let's go back, it's late." Aya stood up and brushed the crumbs

from his trousers.


Later that night, at Aya's office.

Aya messaged his throbbing temples. What he needed right now was a bottle of aspirin and some sleep but until he finished reading this document for tomorrow's meeting

with one of their most valuable clients, he couldn't go home. The import export business is lucrative but competition is high and one needs to stay on top of things all the time.


Groaning softly, Aya wondered who it was before bidding them enter. "Enter."

Mitsui Leo's head popped in. "Got a minute Aya?"

Aya just looked up from his documents and stared at Leo wordlessly.

"You look like hell, Aya." Leo remarked as he closed the door behind him.

"Aaaaa…" was all he said.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Ever since that day…." Leo was referring to the day Aya got his revenge.

"What about it?" Aya's eyes grew hard and cold.

Leo cleared his throat. "I thought it would be better if you heard from me.. There have been talks that you're some what a reluctant leader. Or perhaps you regretted your actions against Takatori?"

"Who are these people? Do they have some sort of crystal ball, that they know what I'm thinking?! I've been heading this company for 6 months, have we had any losses?" Aya demanded.

"No, we had quite a huge profit…"

"Then what is their problem?" Not waiting for Leo's reply, Aya continued. " Now, if you don't mind Leo, I've a lot to do."

Leo decided it was time to back off. No point in getting Aya all worked up. "Of course and one more thing."

"What?" Aya's patience was running dangerously thin.

Leo reached for the door knob. "I've assigned Hidaka as your bodyguard."

Leo waited for answer but all Aya did was turn the page of the document in front of him

and continued reading. Mitsui Leo just sighed and left Aya's office. The boy was doing a lot of good for Fujimiya Inc., he knows what he is doing but his lack of P.R skills were making some people doubt him.


Later, in a partially hidden alley in the back seat of a luxurious sedan.

"What do you think, Leo?" A man with a moustache and beard, dressed in a grey suit asked the person sitting next to him.

A throaty laugh answered his question. "The kid's alright, just need some adjusting."

"Think he will follow what we say? That cold look that he wears…." The moustache man asked worriedly.

"Is nothing, he will follow what we say. Just give him time." Leo assured him.

End of chapter 1.