Disclaimer: I don't own Dawson's Creek or any of its characters.

Author's Note: Thanks to the following for reading and reviewing my story: Gypsy, Giuliana, justagirl, alysa, Aubrey, Abagail Snow, Cesare, roundin3rd, Molly, kelcb26, annie, dwscreekfreak, Vale, )TINK(, Vera, Annie, Pacey-Luver, FinallyPJ, SmOgLoViNg, MDSWitter26, Cila, meli dav, patcreekgirl, sunydee2 and coffechick I appreciate the comments and constructive criticism. You guys rock!!!

Joey slowly shifted in her sleep as she felt a ray of sun hit her face. She turned over and opened her eyes. She smiled as she saw Pacey's sleeping form in front of her, with his head slightly tilted towards her and his arm still draped over her waist. She began to blush a little upon remembering what they did last night. She bent her head forward and rested it on his chest. She felt Pacey squirm a little in his sleep, letting out a heavy sigh as his eyes slowly fluttered open. He immediately saw Joey and grinned. "Hey," he said as tightened his grip on her waist.

"Hey," she replied as ran her hands over his chest. She got up a little so that she could see the clock. It read 8:48. "It's almost nine," she declared as she settled back into their embrace. "Do you think we should get up soon?" she asked.

"No. I think we should stay like this forever," he said as he kissed her. The kiss soon turned passionate as he slipped his tongue into her mouth, allowing it to circle with hers. However, they were interrupted by the telephone. "Let the machine get it," he said as he pulled Joey closer to him. Joey didn't respond, she just wrapped her arms around his neck, not caring about the phone. She heard the message on Doug's machine and then the beep. She groaned as she realized who was on the phone.

"Joey? Joey? Okay, I'm assuming that you're still asleep, but I really need you to get home. I have to get to the Icehouse, and there's nobody here to watch Alexander. If you could get here in like, I don't know, ten minutes, that'd be great, and if you can't, then I'm just gonna drive up to Doug's and drag you home, asleep or not. Okay, bye," Bessie said as she rambled to the answering machine.

Joey groaned as she pulled away from Pacey. "You heard her. I'd rather have her drag me home fully clothed than naked, so I'm gonna go get dressed," she said as she sat up, bringing the sheets up with her.

"Yeah," Pacey said as he began to sit up himself. He watched carefully as Joey wrapped a sheet around herself and began collecting her clothes. "Are you going to say anything to her?" he asked.

"About what?" she asked.

"Oh, I don't know, about last night?" he replied.

"No," she stated as she walked into the bathroom.

Pacey paused before getting out of bed and putting on his boxers. He followed her to the bathroom. "Why not?" he asked.

"Because, Pacey, let's imagine to how she'd react when I told her that you de-flowered me last night," she replied.

"Don't you think she had any suspicions as to why you spent the night with me?" Pacey asked.

"I told her that you were sick and needing the loving attention of your girlfriend," she replied. "Now if you'll just hang on, I need to get beautiful," she said as she shut the door.

Pacey smiled slightly as he turned around and walked back into his room. He pulled out some clothes from his dresser before he walked back to the bed and began picking up his scattered clothes from the previous evening. He remembered everything about the night before in full detail. He frowned as he remembered what had happened with Dawson. They hadn't talked about what they were going to do when they saw him again. He quickly threw on a new pair of boxers and a wifebeater before heading back to the bathroom. He knocked on the door hesitantly. "Jo?" he inquired.

"What?" Joey replied as she opened the door.

"What are we going to do about the thing with Dawson?" he asked.

Joey stared at him in thought. "I don't know," she said as she switched off the light and walked out of the bathroom.

"Can we talk about it?" he asked.

"Do we have to do it right now Pacey?" Joey asked.

Pacey frowned. "I think this is kind of important Jo. And maybe when we're done discussing Dawson, we can have a little chat about last night," he replied.

Joey looked at him with question. "What about last night?" she asked.

"Look, Joey, usually couples in our position have like, a post-game wrap-up," he explained.

"So, basically, you want me to tell you if you were good," she said. "Pacey..." she started.

"Jo, it's not like that," Pacey argued. "Now that we've had sex, things are going to change. It's inevitable. I'm not asking about my performance, I'm trying to ask you how things are going to change between us. Isn't that important to you?" he asked.

Joey walked up to him and placed her hands on his shoulders. "Pacey, of course I think it's important. It's just..." she started before she heard a loud knock at the door.

"Joey? Joey?" Bessie called.

Joey sighed. "I'll be right there Bess," she called out. She turned back to Pacey. "Can you come over later? Please?" she asked.

Pacey nodded. "Yeah. I'll stop by in awhile," he said.

"Thank you," Joey replied as she walked away to grab her coat. "Bye Pace," she said.

"Yep," Pacey answered a little dejectedly.

Joey paused at the door. "Hey Pace?" she said.

"Yeah?" he said, looking up.

"For what it's worth, let's just say that you were really good and that I thoroughly enjoyed myself," Joey said as she opened the door and left.

Pacey felt a small grin grow on his face as he watched her leave. He had been wondering about his performance. Even though Joey had told him that it was amazing last night, it was nice to hear. He turned around and went to take a shower before stopping over at Joey's.

Later on at Joey's house...

Pacey walked up the steps to Joey's house, feeling a little uneasy. He fidgeted with his jacket before knocking on the door. He shifted his feet a few times, trying not to let his nerves get the best of him. His heart quickened when he heard her voice.

"Hey," she stated simply as she opened the door. "Come on in," she said as turned around to go back inside, suddenly feeling a little nervous herself. She led him to the living room, where Alexander was chewing on a stuffed animal. She sat on the couch and took a deep breath to try and calm herself down. "Where should we start?" she asked. "Dawson or post-game wrap-up?"

"It doesn't matter," Pacey replied.

Joey sighed. "I'm scared Pacey. I'm scared that now that we've had sex, that things are going to change between us. And I don't want things to change, I mean, what if they do? And what if I lose you? I don't know what I would if that happened," Joey said.

"Why do you think that now that we've had sex, our relationship will take a turn for the worse? I don't understand that," Pacey said. "Cause the way I see it, sex usually brings people closer together."

"I can't help it. I'm just scared," she replied.

"Do you regret it?" Pacey said in a low voice, not able to look up at her.

Joey froze and could feel his fear. She got up and sat on his lap. She took his head in her hands. "No," she answered quietly. "Last night was the most amazing night of my life."

Pacey paused before looking up into her eyes. "You really mean that?" he asked.

"Yes," she replied, kissing his forehead. "Look, I know that I shouldn't be scared, but the love that we share is so real, that it moves me, and it keeps me going. It's like the air I breathe. I don't know what I'd do without it."

"It's alright to be scared. I just don't want you to be scared of me. I love you, and you know that. I'm in for the long haul. I don't plan on living without you by my side. Okay?" he said.

"Okay," she said, leaning in to kiss him. "Now about Dawson," she continued. "I don't know what we should do about him."

"I don't even think I could look at him right now Joey," Pacey said. "He completely dis-respected our relationship."

"I know, Pace," Joey agreed. "But it's not like we can just cut him out of our lives."

"We could try," Pacey suggested.

"Pacey, I'm angry at him too. He had no right to say the things he said or to kiss me. But we can't avoid him. He's probably watching some movie right now, analyzing the entire situation. We have to give him another chance," Joey reasoned.

Pacey sighed. "Yeah, you're probably right. I'm still mad at him though."

Joey gave him a small smile. "But?" she inquired.

"But, I'll try to give him another chance," Pacey said.

"Thank you," Joey said as she rested her head on his chest. They sat in silence for a few minutes, just listening to each other's breathing. "Pace?"

"Yeah?" he answered, tilting his head down to look at her.

"Was I... I mean, how did I... how would you say I measured up?" she asked nervously.

"What?" Pacey asked, not following her.

"About last night, how would you say I measured up? Was I, you know, good?" she asked embarrassed as her cheeks began to redden.

"Jo, you were more than good. You were fantastic, you were amazing. Words can't even describe how I was feeling last night," Pacey replied.

Joey smiled as her cheeks began to redden even more because of his compliment. "I'm sorry that I made you feel like I didn't think our relationship is important. And I'm sorry that I went all typical morning-after-the-first-time on you."

"It's okay, really, it's fine. I just don't want you to shut me out. It's okay to have morning after awkwardness, I just want you to be able to tell me that," Pacey said.

"I think I can manage that," Joey said as she leaned in to give him a hug. "We're okay now?"

"Actually, I think we should discuss my sexual prowess a bit more," Pacey said jokingly as he nuzzled her neck softly. "Or..."

"Or what?" Joey asked impatiently.

"Or we could just sit here, and I could hold you instead," Pacey said.

"Hmmm... I like that idea," Joey replied with a smile as she kissed the tip of his nose and settled into his arms. "Hey Pace?"


"Um, just so you know... I'm really glad that we had sex," she said.

Pacey grinned. "Me too," he agreed as he bent forward to kiss the top of her head.

Later on...

"Pace, could you grab Alexander while I change for work?" Joey asked.

"Sure thing," Pacey said as he disappeared after Alexander.

Joey quickly changed into her work clothes and headed back into the kitchen. "Could you watch Alexander until Bessie comes home?" she asked.

"Yeah, I got him, you better head off or you'll be late," Pacey said as he lifted Alexander into his arms. He walked towards Joey and kissed her softly. "I'll see you later, okay?"

"Ok, bye Pace," Joey said as she walked to the door and opened it, ready to leave. But to her surprise, someone was standing at the door. "Dad?"