The end is here.*sobbing hard*

______I'm goin to prove how much I love YouPt2_______

" Inuyasha what are you doing?" Kagome asks

Inuasha opens an eye. "Thinking."

"About what?" she asks curiously

" About what I'm going to do for you." Inuyasha answeres "You removed my rosary.Twice!"

" Don't worry Inuyasha. You don't have to do anything." Kagome replied.

"But I want to. You probably have spent the last two years crying over something you thought I did."

" What's that supposed to mean? I believe I saw and heard someone's been crying." Kagome smiles.

"Okay. You win. But what do you want me to do?"

"Just don't change and always be here for me." Kagome requests.

"Perfect. But I think Kikyo might try to kill me or you again." Inuyasha sighed.

"Inuyasha have you seen Kikyo since she told you they tricked you?" Kagome asked

" No why?"

Kagome just smiles "You have nothing to worry about." Inuyasha looks at her like she's crazy and figures best not to ask. 'If only he knew' Kagome thought as she mentally laughed.

____Later that night____

Kagome and Inuyasha are finishing their marriage ceremony as they meant to two years ago.

"Inuyasha to prove how much I love you I have removed your rosary."

" Kagome to prove how much I love you I promise I'll never change and never leave your side." Inuyasha finally finished what he wanted to say two years ago.

'And you may now kiss the bride." Kagome thought as he brushed her lips with his.

____ 7 Years Later ____

Kagome and Inuyasha are sitting in a hut Inuyasha built shortly after their marriage. A boy no older than 5 came running in. He has amber eyes, black hair streaked with silver, and two little doggy ears on his head.

" Mommy, Daddy! Shippo hit me!" he cried.

" Inusho what did I tell you about tattling?" Kagome says shaking her pointer finger in a very mother-like way.

" Um.nothing." Inusho answers sheepishly and looks down.

" Now now I was only pulling your leg." Kagome laughs with Inuyasha

"That's not funny!" Inusho yells blushing

" You're right." Inuyasha continues to laugh.

" Then what's so funny?" Kagome asks.

" He got picked on by Shippo." Inuyasha explains.

" Mommy what is wrong with Daddy?" Inusho wondered.

" I don't know." Kagome jokes.

" That's not funny!" Inuyasha yells.

" I don't know which one is my husband and which one is my son." Kagome sighs.

" What's that supposed to mean?" Inuyasha and Inusho interrogated in unison.

" Nothing." Kagome smiles " I wouldn't have it any other way."


^ For now. I'm so glad I finished. This feels good to have this finally finished for anyone to enjoy. This is the end. For now! Mwahahaha!