Disclaimer: I don't own anything, so leave me alone

Hey people!

Thanks for the people who did review. You make me feel so special. I can't wait for more….there will be more, right?

Spot: Nope

How would you know

Spot: No one likes you

Thanks Spot. Don't forget that I can kick your booty

Spot: Youse wish goil

Yea your right, Ise just wanna touch it……lmao

Spot: Dats not right

I know. Anyways, I would do shout-outs but maybe I'll wait til the end of the chapter or when I get more reviewers…..jk I'll do it later.

Race: Yer suppose to tell us what youse mumbled in da last chapter

Oh yea. Oh well.

Race: No youse said so

Fine. I said 'No wonder you guys have chicken as pets'

Race: But dat doesn't make sense

Does anything I say make sense?

Race/Spot: No

Then I rest my case


I worry about you Spot……….hope you enjoy this chapter!


(Where we left off, well the last sentences were…)

I walked up the steps of the Lodging House and turned the doorknob…

And walked inside. It was colder then usual but I knew that it was probably warmer upstairs. I could hear kids shouting and yelling and their footsteps upon the floor above me. (A.K.A ceiling) I smiled at myself, remembering the old days where I was single and could act like a kid without having to worry anything. I smiled at the Kloppmann who was behind his desk with his signing book.

"Journey! Nice to see ya. Youse here to visit or stay?"

"Ise was hoping Ise could say for a bit. Only if deres room."

"Dere's always room." A voice came from the stairs. I looked over and saw Jack. "Ise knew Ise hoird yer voice." He came down the rest of the stairs and I ran to him embracing him as if I will never see him again.

"Oh are ya doing Cowboy?" I said as we both pulled apart, but close enough that our foreheads were only inches away.

"I'm doing good. Real good. Whyse are you here?"

"Ise can't come to visit me friends? I'm suppose to be stuck sitting 'round Brooklyn all da time?" I said with a sad face remembering Spot.

"Whats going on?" He said with concern in his eyes. Jack always knew what was wrong with me, well ever since that day on the bridge. We don't need to get into that again.

"Nothing." He looked at me questionably as if I was lying. "Really. Its nuttin." He smiled and grabbed my hand and led me upstairs. We walked into the bunkroom and there was so much smoke it reminded me of Spots eyes and how they cloud over when he's upset. /Stop thinking about him Journey./

"Journey! Nice to see ya back 'ere." I smiled at Race as Jack led me to my old bunk.

"Youse can have yer old one. No ones using it." Jack said as he turned around and picked me up.

"Jack what in da hell-" I couldn't finished as he threw me onto the bed, making me scream. All the newsies started to chuckle.

"Looks like da fun is back!"

"What do youse mean by dat Mush?" Mush stood up from the card game he was playing and walked over to my bed.

"Ise mean dat wese haven't had a goil newsie since youse. Wese missing all dat torcher."

"Awww…..if Ise knew youse missed da torcher den Ise would've stayed." I said sarcastically. Mush got my sarcasm and he went over to Skittery's bed, which was next to mine, and grabbed his pillow and threw it at my head. He ran behind Specs and Snipeshooter who were by the door as I grabbed a pillow and walking towards them.

"Hey Journey." Snipeshooter said as he looked towards the pillow in my hands. "Hey wese didn't do anytin." He put his hands up in surrender which gave me a perfect aim for Mush's head. I threw the pillow at him and I ran to the washroom with him behind me laughing.

Later that night when we were all settled down in bed, even though we weren't sleeping, but we were talking silently. I pulled out my journal.

/Thank god I still have this/

I opened it up and went to an empty page.


Dear Journal,

Hey, I'm bored so I'm going to write in here. Wow, that was a lame beginning. Well anyways, I'm back in Manhattan. Spots in a prissy mood which made it easier to leave. I hate it when he comes home from the bar drunk and all pissed off that he had to leave. I didn't know that he went to the bar.

Was it me who drove Spot to drink? Was it me moving to Brooklyn? I bet I was causing him too much stress. Having your girlfriend there all the time, doesn't really give you privacy. So that's part of the reason I left.

I love flowers. I don't know where that came from, but I do love them. If I had one blue daisy I'd be happy. Its my favorite flower. I remember when I was little and still living with my family. My mother would always put flowers in my hair and call me beautiful. Since then I don't think I've ever listened to one compliment or took one to heart.

Okay I'm starting to think that this is a lame journal entry so I'm ending it short. Sorry but I should get sleep, the Manhattanites get up earlier then the Brooklynites.

Always gonna have something to talk about



I smiled down at my journal as I closed it and tucked in under my mattress. I laid back down on my back and looked up towards the bed above me. All I could think about was the day on the bridge.

/Stop thinking about it. Its over and done with./

I put my right hand to my forehead and contemplated what was going on in my head.

/Just imagine if you actually did jump. Think on how happy you could be./

Was my mind right? Would I be happier in death? How could I have been so foolish to believe those words that Spot had spoken to me that night.

/Why'd you get off that railing? You could've jumped./

Why did I get off that railing? Maybe I wasn't ready, but here's a better question. When will I be ready to die? Why won't these thoughts get out of my head!?!?!?!

/Your trapped and everyone's judging you. You are Brooklyns' girlfriend and your acting like a wuss. Is that how you want to be known as? Brooklyn's wuss?/

"Stop it!" I screamed as I put my hands up to my ears, thinking that will block off the voices. "Please just stop."

/Too much to handle? So you are a wuss?/

"Stop it!" I started to roll around in my bed as I wanted to shake the ideas out of my head. Why won't they go away. I'm begging myself to stop. I can't take it anymore.

"Hey Journey!" Someone grabbed my arms and restrained me from moving anymore. I opened my eyes with tears threatening to fall. It was Skittery. I relaxed my arms and let them fall to my side. "Youse okay?"

"No." I sat up and Skittery hoisted himself up on my bed.

"Youse wanna talk bout it?"

"Skittery, youse know how Ise tried to kill meself?"

"Yea, what bout it?"

"Those thoughts haven't left me mind. I don't know what to do. Dey just keep coming back."

"Well Ise tink youse need a good nights sleep." I smiled knowing I should do exactly what he said.

"Tanks Skitts for listening." He smiled and nodded.

Journey laid back down and fell asleep and never knew that someone else was listening to her and Skittery's conversation………


Headache- I promise on my cat Sophie, that I will make this longer then the other one.

Sapphy-Yea it's a sequel, I think I have enough stories now. I only finished two stories, and have like eight to finish. Oh boy, this is going to be fun

FredWeasleysgurl4ever- Thanks for reviewing! I'm glad you read it, cause now I can ask for advice on what to do with it…..lol

I give all my reviewers a big chocolate newsie shaped candy bar!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry I couldn't afford the real newsies, that's why there are disclaimers

3 always


Keep reviewing!