Title: Opposites of the Same
Chapter Title: The Beginning of the End? 4?
Authors: TrinityTheSheDevil and Karine
Rating: T (For Now)
Genre: AU Action/Suspense/etc
Trin: Wait, technically, don't we own Arador? I mean, he is a made up character, just like Aragorn, except ... evil. Right?
Kar: Now that you mention it ...
Arador:appears in a poof of smoke: I will have you know, my name belongs to Tolkien because you :evil glare at Trin: had to name me after a real character. So you don't own me. What the ... get your hands off of that! This is not Channel 11!
Trin: ... Oops?
Kar:shakes head: Just be glad she is not fagger bobbing.
Arador: Do I even want to know :eyebrows hit forehead in curiosity, then stops: You know, with the way she's drooling, I think it's better for my mental health if I remain blissfully unaware.
Kar: That's probably a good thing. :looks at readers: We don't own them, no matter how much Trin paws at Arador's pant- ... erm ... sword.

Small A/N: The reviews will be answered via the Reply button thingy that was just added on and not in the actual chapter. Woohoo. Well, that's for fanficdotnet anyway. ;)


Aragorn groaned, sitting heavily upon a fallen log. His arms ached from the battle and sweat dripped from his brow. Frustrated, he wiped it away, glancing at Legolas as he did so. It had been very close. Because of his hesitation, his men were almost ambushed by the wolves. As it was, several were injured and there had been one death.


Not very old, truly he was just a kid. A kid who would never see another summer, thanks to Aragorn. Farim's father had passed away a year ago ... and his mother only held on for her son. He hated to think of how her heart would break when she was told of his death. Aragorn would tell her himself; it was his responsibility, after all. If only he hadn't-

"Thoughts like that will get you nowhere, mellon nin." Legolas commented quietly, sitting down next to him.

Aragorn turned with his eyes full of so much pain and despair that Legolas reached out to him, embracing his friend. "It wasn't your fault."

Aragorn pulled away, casting his eyes to the ground. "It was mine and mine alone, Legolas! I am the leader, the one who makes the decisions. Was it not I who hesitated when the tracks crossed themselves? A fool I was, thinking I was ready for this burden. And a fool I am proved to be. Now one lies dead because of my mindless mistakes ... how can I not blame myself?"

"You are a great leader. Would these men trust you otherwise? Would they lay their lives on the line if THEY thought you to be a fool? Do not assume they are thoughtless and naive. They see in you the true qualities of someone who is destined for greatness. That is what they follow; at the same time, they realize that you - like them - are only human. I was with you, my friend. I agreed with your judgement and we were both caught almost unawares."

Aragorn swiped at his eyes, brushing away the tears gathered there. "How can you put so much trust in me, when I cannot even trust myself?"

"Because, silly edain, I happen to know you better than yourself. Do you forget that it was I who was caught unaware by the soiled little three-year-old who was determined to give me a proper waking the very morning I met you?"

Aragorn gave a small grin, flushing. "Legolas, honestly, must you bring that up now?"

"Well if you recall, I still haven't wreaked my revenge upon you for that ... "

"I was three!"

"Your point being?"

"Fine. I give, for now, you prissy elf. So vain ... " Aragorn muttered, knowing the elf could hear him.

Legolas chose, however, not to reply. He simply shook his head and took Aragorn by the arm, pulling the man up. "Come, Estel. Let us go-"

"Aragorn!" Legolas was interrupted by a man rushing into the camp. Aragorn's head jerked upwards, looking at the newcomer. It was Halford, one of the rangers under Halbarad's wing, so to speak. The young man's face was red; it appeared he had run nearly the whole way to them.

"Yes, Halford?"

"Our men come from the Shire, sir. They are terribly ill and say that the Shire's borders are hardly protected. Already evil has begun to notice and draw there, for wolves have been spotted near the border."

Aragorn sighed at this news. "I will take some men and reinforce the guard at the Shire. Do not fret, no harm will come to the hobbits." Aragorn bit back a small grin; Halford was very fond of the small creatures, even though he had never actually met one. He seemed to think they were rather ... cute, and for years when he was young he had begged his mother to let him have one, as if they were pets. Estel knew that the young man would defend the hobbits, with his life if necessary.

Looking very relieved, Halford nodded. "Thank you, sir." With that, he bowed and departed, leaving Aragorn and Legolas alone again.

Thoughtful for a moment, Legolas worried his bottom lip between his teeth, before softly commenting. "Is he not the one who wanted a ho-"

"Not a word, Legolas."

"Well you have to admit, he has an unusual fondness for the halflings."

Aragorn glared. "This coming from the elfling who dearly wanted a pet spider when he was young?"

Legolas narrowed his eyes. "You swore you would never speak of that ... "

"Yes well ... " Aragorn trailed off, noticing the look of murder in the elf's gaze. He laughed, walking away. "Come Legolas, to the Shire."


While Aragorn was battling wolves, wallowing in self pity and indulging in his halfling protection plan, Arador had been settling in nicely in his "home".

The first few days had been trying, and that was an understatement. Arador had to admit though, he was a great actor. It was easy to act like the son of a "Lord", after all, he was the dark heir of Lord Caspias. But small things like names, the emplacement of certain rooms were lost to him.

But the biggest challenge had been to learn to speak elvish and to not flinch whenever someone spoke it. Within the first hour, he'd had to repress the urge to cover his ears whenever one of the elves talked to him directly.

But he had managed, and the habitants of Rivendell remained blissfully unaware of the real identity of the man sitting near their Lord. All of them, except one.

Arador hadn't missed the questioning, with a touch of suspicion, glance that Elrond was sending his way. Nor had he missed the surprise flashing in his grey eyes, when he had refuse some type of food that was supposedly his favourite.

However, being in Rivendell certainly had its advantages; the women certainly were beautiful here. Arador was sure that if he was to begin to flirt and wink at every female that was staring at him, it'd blow his cover. 'No, my "precious" twin certainly wouldn't do that.' Arador thought snidely.

After one last visual sweep of the dining hall, and a wink at one particularly stunning elf maiden because he had simply been incapable of resisting, he excused himself from the table and swiftly left the hall.

Elrond, having noted that something was slightly off with his son since his return, excused himself at the same time. He needed to talk to him and now seemed like a good time, especially since he had noticed that his Estel was limping.


"Estel, my son, wait!" Arador started when he heard Elrond's musical voice calling him.

"What?" He snapped, turning.

Elrond's eyebrow at his tone of voice, and the man quickly corrected himself.

"Sorry Ada, you surprised me. Did you wanted something?" He asked politely, inwardly cursing the fool.

"I noticed that you were injured…" He trailed off.

'I've been here for two days and you just notice that I was limping, how very observant of you.' He thought. But the only thing that came out was. "I'm fine ada, I simply sprained my ankle during a squabble against some wolves, the healers at the camp fixed me up already."

"Are you sure you don't want me to check you over?" Elrond asked, concerned.

"I just told you I was checked at the camp! Or do you not think that the mortal healers are as good as the elves!" Arador snapped.

Well, THAT certainly wasn't something Aragorn would have said.

Before Elrond could reply or, in Arador's case, apologize, Erestor skidded to a stop in front of them.

"My Lord, an escort from Mirkwood just arrived, they would like to speak with you."

"Bring them to my office Erestor." Elrond said, motioning for Estel to come with him.


Inside Elrond's office, Arador fidgeted slightly, avoiding the stare that the escort of Mirkwood sent his way.

"My Lord, you say that you have a letter stating that the Prince was coming to visit Aragorn, yet the boy his here but not the Prince.!" One of the elves from the escort party said, a slight note of panic in his voice.

He knew that the King and his son had gotten into a huge row in the throne room, which had ended when the Prince had slammed the door of the room.


The ear drums of everyone present had suffered. And after everyone had gotten out of their stupor, everyone had left the room, leaving Thranduil to seethe alone.

After the King had calmed down, he had sent for his son. But no one could find him. A few days later every inch of the kingdom had been searched, the King had sent an few elves to Imladris, knowing that his wayward son would probably be found there.

"He was with me." Arador said, interrupting the escort's reminiscing. "But I had to bring news to my father. I had been reluctant to leave my rangers behind, since there was a threat lingering around one of our camps. Legolas agreed to wait there with the others until more of my rangers got there."

Every Mirkwood elf present breathed a sigh of relief. They then asked Elrond if he could send a messenger to their King, with news that his son was safe, while they would track the Prince down themselves. Elrond had quickly agreed, and soon enough only two people remained in the office; Elrond himself and Arador.

"Now, Estel, there's something I don't quite un.."

Before Elrond could finish what he was saying, Arador acted.

With quick and precise movements, Arador had taken a needle out of a small vial he had kept in his pocket ever since his arrival. Said vial contained a poison that his father himself had created. Though poison wouldn't exactly be the best way to describe it, as it wouldn't hurt the person at all, only paralyze them until they were given the antidote. Something Arador wouldn't supply the elf Lord anytime soon. Two quick steps brought him to his 'father's" side, and a second later, Elrond stood unmoving, a surprised expression frozen on his face.

"Now father, since you seem to be temporarily incapacitated, you certainly won't need," Arador sneered, sliding Vilya off of Elrond's finger, "this".

Arador cackled at the myriad of emotion that flashed through the elf's eyes. Pain, betrayal, and shock were just the highlights.

"Let the fun begin"


Nearly to the trail that led to Rivendell, two voices could be heard above the sound of the birds and other creatures that lived in the area. One would say that they were arguing; those that knew better would say that they were acting like themselves. The beings were identical in almost every way, with small differences that only a father or sibling might notice. It was not hard to mix the two of them up - many people did it quite often. They walked along, trailing their horses behind them. Neither had caught any game, and that happened to be the base of their discussion.

"I am telling you, Elladan, the deer spooked itself! I had no part in scaring the beast away; the way you say otherwise tells me that your eyesight is weakening with age."

Elladan scoffed. "Sure, brother. You didn't spook it. You simply stood up and yelled 'Run deer, run!' while flapping your arms madly. That surely, in no way, can be defined as 'spooked'."

"Well," Elrohir grinned. "I wasn't about to let you get the biggest buck of the forest. Enough glory goes to you anyway, your ego is far too big as it is."

"Ego!" Elladan sputtered. "Ego had nothing to do with it! I was simply trying to catch dinner, not feed my reputation!"

"Hmm. If you say so, brother. Just remember, I know you best." Elrohir cut off as they heard others on the trail, headed towards them. Giving a look to his brother, who also had no idea who the people were, they left the horses in the dense scrub and stepped out onto the path. To say the Mirkwood escort was surprised would be an understatement. Their horses reared, nearly throwing the elves off their high backs as they did so. If it weren't for their quick reflexes, the twins were sure that the entire party would be on the ground nursing bruised backsides.

"Hello." Elladan said cheerily, earning himself a few harsh glares in response.

"Elladan, Elrohir." The leader of the escort had to bite his tongue to prevent saying anything unsavory to the sons of Elrond. It would not do good to put a strain on the relationship between Mirkwood and Rivendell, no matter how much he wanted to strangle the lot of them. Insufferable elves, he thought.

"What brings you here?" Elrohir asked.

"We are looking for the Prince, Legolas." The leader responded. "He is supposed to be with Estel, with the rangers. We are going out to meet with him and try to persuade him to return to Mirkwood."

A moment of thought between the twins and they called their horses, mounting them. "We shall join you, our friends. We have not seen the Mirkwood elf in more than a year! It would do us good to see him once more, before he returns to Mirkwood." They laughed.

Glaring at the new additions to the party, the leader of the escort sighed. He knew that this would be a very long trip.


TBC ...

Kar: Guess who's back, back again, we are back we are back we are back we are baaaaaaackkkkkk :cheers heard from reviewers, whimpers from the characters: After :checks: good god, more then a year! Well, it certainly was due :g: And, once again, I proved that I could do evil ending by poisoning Elrond and having Arador take Vilya, I'm so good :D

Trin:glare: Let's hope that we don't take another year to update, they'll kill us!

Kar:activates lock down on The Void, sit on throne: You mean you, right? It was, after all, you fic idea to begin with :g:

Trin: Wait a min…. :hears crowd demanding the next chapter, a maniacal gleam in their eyes: ………. Don't leave me here you!

Kar: Payback's a b----, and you're overdue for that little stunt with the Black Pearl :smile sweetly:

Trin: …………. You'll pay!