Author's Note:
I'm on a roll with updating so I thought about trying to update more on this story and finish it up soon. Heh, enjoy.

-Raven A. Star


Beast Boy laid in bed and stretched. He had fallen asleep earlier and rested for a few hours. He sat up and threw the covers off of himself. He stood up and walked into the bathroom and went to the sink to splash some water on face to wake himself up.

He turned the water on and splashed himself with it. He shook his head and looked in the mirror at his pathetic self. His eyes widened in surprise. He looked at his skin. There were no spots or scars of bumps on it at all.

'Must be I got over the chickenpox fast.' He got into the shower and quickly cleaned up. He then got into clean clothes and styled his hair to perfection.

He exited his room and walked down the hallway and whistled. 'Maybe I should go see Rae, seeing how she was pretty much the one who helped a lot…'

He went down the hallway to Raven's room and stopped in front of her door. He reached up to knock but the door opened. Raven stood in the doorway glaring.

Beast Boy paused and then chuckled nervously. "Oh, hey Rae, I see you're…"

"Beast Boy, now is not the time and place for any type of jokes…"

Suddenly Starfire came running up to them with the net and in khaki zoo clothes and was breathing heavily. "Has either of you seen Santa Claus? I cannot locate him! Perhaps he is invisible?"

Raven raised an eyebrow and sighed. "Starfire, Santa isn't here. He was never here to begin with. It was a misunderstanding you had, that was me looking like Santa. But he's not here."

Starfire stared at Raven and looked at the floor glumly. "There's no Santa?"

Beast Boy shook his head. "No no! Santa comes ever December 25th! But he's magical and people aren't supposed to see him or he won't be able to deliver his presents to the good little boys and girls."

Starfire clapped her hands. "I shall prepare a celebration when that day arrives!"

"Everyone celebrates for him Star."

Starfire smiled and skipped away to find Robin and Cyborg and left the other two Titans alone.

Beast Boy then looked at Raven. "So, you were saying?"

Raven folded up the sleeves on her leotards and revealed her arms covered in chickenpox. Beast Boy backed away quickly and flattened himself on the wall. "You got the chickenpox???"

Raven nodded. Beast Boy then shooed her into her room. "Alright you, time for you to get some rest!"

"But Beast Boy…"

"Nope. You did this to me, now it's my turn. You're sick and I have to take care of you!"

He pulled the sheets down and forced Raven to climb into her bed. He then covered her and drew the curtains shut.

"I'll be right back Raven, and if I catch you out of bed, well, you won't want to know."

And with that, Beast Boy ran downstairs to the kitchen and began to fix up some soup and tea for her. Cyborg and Robin were playing video games and saw Beast Boy run down.

"Yo B! You're better?"

"I guess so. Hard to believe eh?"

"What are you doing now?"

"Fixing Raven something. She's got it now."

Cyborg and Robin looked at each other nervously. They never encountered Raven sick before.

After Beast Boy fixed up the soup and tea, he ran upstairs and back to Raven's room.

"Hey, Rae, I got some soup for…" He shushed himself quickly when he saw that she had already fallen asleep. He smiled and placed the soup and tea on the stand beside her bed. He tucked her in and closed the door behind him before he returned to the living room.

Robin, Cyborg and Beast Boy were all in the living room watching television when they heard a thud from outside. They looked at each other and ran over to the window. Robin slid the window open and looked up. He gasped and shook his head.

Above them, was Starfire with her leg caught in the Christmas lights. She had a goofy grin on her face. "Hello friends, assistance please?"

"Star, what are you doing?"

Starfire shook her leg causing she herself to start twirling in the air. "I uh…I was preparing for the day that Santa arrives. Um, friends, can you tell me how many more days until Christmas is here?"

The End


That's the story and I'm sticking to it. Oh wait…never mind. Wrong story. Hope you liked. I might write a sequel. Maybe, maybe not. Well, another story finished. Off to finish the others.

-Raven A. Star

TEEN TITANS (c) Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. TEEN TITANS and all related characters and elements are trademarks of DC Comics. All Rights Reserved.