Yes, I'm back! I've just been so busy with school and all. And oh yeah, my FLCL (Fooly Cooly) fanfic. (for those of you who have never seen FLCL, I feel so sorry for you)
Anywho, just know that IAM still a Kim Possible Obsesse, kk? Also, please be on the lookout
In the R area, where you can find my future "sick fics!" but until then:
"Okay Ron, I think I've got it!" Wade said as he looked at Ron.
Ron held the Kimmunicator in his hands.
"Ron, just PLEASE don't use this Kimmunicator anymore!" Wade cried
"I gave it to you for EMERGENCYS, not to ask me to make a Holo-Kim to cure your fantasies!"
"But this is an emergency! I need to get this fantasy out of my head so I can stop getting detention!"
"Fine, whatever, Ron!"
"So when do you want to do it?"
"Tomorrow, I, uh, need to fix some of the glitches, and uh, get the program ready, yeah, right, the program ready, yeah that."
"Okay Wade, see ya tomorrow."
(Next Day)
Ron sat on his bed. He was so scared. He felt kind of bad about this whole Holo Kim thing.
^ Maybe I can just back out now ^ he thought to himself. ^ No, I can't now. I have to face this! ^
He looked up, Holo Kim was there, in the doorway.
"Wearing nothing but a towel."
^Wow, Wade did a good job on making her look wet. ^
She came to the bed, soaking wet.
^ I can't…. ^
She opened her mouth to speak.
^Not like this…^
But before a word came out of her mouth….
"Not like this.."
"Ron please, I.."
"No! What your going to say are words that the real Kim would never say to me!
She doesn't see me in that light, and I can't lie to myself!"
Holo Kim looked down on the ground.
"so just go okay, go!"
"but ron,
Ron began to cry on a pillow.
Holo Kim looked down at Ron.
Ron felt something drip down his head.
He looked up, and saw holo Kim's hair, dripping on his.
"wait, your not…."
He looked up at her.
"Ron, It's really me."
"but you, how, how did you know?"
"Wade told me."
Kim giggled. "Yes, Wade."
"But how could, I mean…"
Kim put a finger to Ron's lips.
"It doesn't matter."
Her lips touched his.
"Nothing matters anymore."
He stared at her, speechless.
"Ron, I know we been friends for along time, but Ron, I want to be with you! I can't let my feelings totally separate me and you. At first, I was scared it would ruin our friendship, and you would never let me live it down."
Ron felt something, different
"But, when Wade told me about this thing, and your feelings, I was relived! I could finally tell you how I truly feel."
Ron knew why it was different all the sudden. He was hanging on to every word she said.
"I love you Ron."
Unlike his fantasy, Ron only knew one reason in life.
And that reason, was wearing nothing but a towel.
"I love you too Kim. I always have, and always will."
And with those words, Kim's towel fell off.
~Love me, hate me, do what you want.
In vain and sin, does your body ache?
You are my heart and my soul
My abbreviate.
For I can take you all the places, you've wanted to go,
for so long. ~
For so long
By Jeweliana Felica Topaz