I'm sorry! I really am! This last chapter took forever to put up. I had 6 tests this week, plus an essay and an oral report. But I'm not busy any more! So here's the last chapter.Thanks for not sending death threats, guys. And by the way, my friends know how much I love Aragorn and have suggested an Aragorn fic where he's a member of the Chippendales. I can't write this, but one of you could, hint hint. Anyway, on with the last chapter. All good things must end (is this a good thing?) so here it comes!

Chapter Three: Questions Answered

The ground in Aragorn's room was much closer to the window than I had expected. And much softer.

Aragorn's bed was directly under the window and that was where I had landed. I realized my mistake just as he bolted awake with a shout.

In an instant he had caught my wrist in his hand and pinned my legs under his. With his spare hand he reached for his knife.

"Estel!" I whispered urgently. "Estel! It's just me!"

In the dim moonlight I could see his sleepy eyes adjust. He quickly released his hold on my arm and moved to the foot of the bed. "I'm sorry," he said hoarsely. "You just startled me." The events of the day seemed to come back to him and he recoiled slightly. "What are you doing here?"

I opened my mouth to answer, but was cut off by a sharp knock on the door. My blood ran cold as fear of being caught consumed me.

"Estel?" Elrohir called, his voice muffled by the heavy door. "Are you all right?"

"Yes!" Aragorn replied hastily. "I'm fine!"

"I heard a shout."

"It wasn't me who shouted," Aragorn said. "Maybe it was Elladan."

Elrohir snorted sarcastically. "Elladan wouldn't wake at this time of night unless Orodruin itself erupted in his room," he muttered. I heard his light footfalls grow silent as he returned to his room.

Aragorn relaxed and so did I. He turned his cold eyes to me and repeated his earlier question harshly. "Why are you here?"

"I had to see you one last time before you leave," I explained softly. "Why did you not come to say goodbye?"

He sighed as he rose to his feet, his eyes still cold. "I did not come because I feared I would do something I would regret."

"You regret kissing me in the pond," I said slowly as I felt sadness fill my voice.

"I-I don't know, Arwen." He took my hands in his and looked down at them. I let my gaze linger on his face, confused.

"Will I ever see you again after tonight?" I finally asked. My father's brief explanation hadn't been good enough to satisfy my doubts.

He continued to stare at our linked hands. His eyes had lost their icy quality and now only looked pained.

"Do you care for me at all?" I asked desperately, watching his cheeks redden.

Aragorn lifted one of my hands to his lips. "I care for you Arwen, of course I do. But I cannot," he tried to explain. Dropping my hands, he tried to clarify. "You are an Elf, and I am only a Man. You deserve an eternity more than I could offer."

I couldn't stand the poisonous words spilling from his lips. Little did I know I would hear variations of them for years to come. I stepped forward to close the distance between us and kissed him tentatively on the lips.

Aragorn pulled away quickly and I nearly cried. "Arwen, I cannot do this," he said.

"Forget what my father said. Forget about mortality and what is against us." I begged. "Do as your heart tells you."

For what seemed like an eternity Aragorn simply stood staring sadly into my eyes. Tears of realization fell quickly from my eyes. I had been mistaken. Our tale was no more than a quick kiss and the pain it would bring.

As I was about to turn away, Aragorn caught my hand and kissed me. I had never been happier in all my long years. Time stood still, and I wanted to stay like that forever.

Yet nothing can last forever. When the kiss ended, I was still left with questions.

"When-" I began, but was instantly cut off.

"I do not know when we will meet again, Arwen, or what will happen to us. But I swear to you that we will see each other again," Aragorn said softly. "I swear it. And then we can decide what to do."

I nodded. "Keep me in your thoughts, Aragorn," I said.

The boyish grin he had worn in the pond appeared on his face. "How could I not?"

I laughed quietly. I could hear movement from Elrohir's room. Aragorn heard it too, and he quickly lead me to the window.

"I will see you again as soon as I may," he whispered. As Elrohir knocked on the door for the second time that night, I slid out the window onto the ground below.

I ran off into the night, calling back to Aragorn. "Farewell!"

Until we next meet, I thought. And may it be soon.

I thought.

End! I might do a sequel…depends on if you liked it. Review please! And look out for my next fic, 'Damaged Dining Halls and Ale Adventures', which should go up sometime this week. Thanks for reading!