Disclaimer: Lord of the Rings belongs to Tolkien.
Summary: Arwen disobeys Elrond to see Aragorn. Arwen's POV. AU, I think.
A/N: I want to thank everyone who reviewed my other fics, and everyone who reads my stories. And a reminder. Me working hard on a story + you reviewing a very happy me and faster updates!
Chapter 1: Fun in the Pond
In all my long years in Rivendell, I remembered none so hot as that day. The heat paralyzed everyone, making it nearly impossible to get up and do anything. I sat alone at my window, a cup of water on my lap. As the heat washed over me, I dipped my hand in the water and spread it over my brow, thinking fondly of winter.
As I moved my hand back to the cup, it fell over, spilling cool water over my dark dress. It brought a smile to my face my eye caught a glimpse of a distant pond through my window.
In no time I was at the pond, ignoring the furious heat. I debated about going in. Ada would not be happy, as I was a lady, and not a child, and should not behave as one. But the water looked so inviting, and before I could debate further, I dove in.
The cool water rushed over me, finding my skin through my dress and stealing the heat away. I broke the surface laughing, swiping my hair away from my face. I slipped under again, twirling happily. The pond was a welcome break from the heavy heat, but also from acting courtly.
When I lifted my head above the water again, I was surprised to find the recently silent area brimming with noise.
"Hithorn!" a male voice shouted. It became apparent who Hithorn was when a gray horse galloped through the trees surrounding the pond. He backed up nervously, the whites of his eyes showing.
A man ran from out of the trees catching Hithorn's bridle as he whinnied in defeat. The man stroked Hithorn's head gently and turned to lead him away. It was then that I saw the man's face.
"Aragorn!" I cried, and he waved, leading Hithorn to the banks of the pond as I swam over.
"Riding in this weather?" I asked teasingly.
"I was trying to," he laughed. I could see dirt on the back of his shirt and realized he had been thrown off his horse.
"What scared him?" I questioned, glancing at the now calm Hithorn.
"Brave Hithorn was scared by nothing less than a squirrel." Estel wiped the sweat from his brow with his free hand. "How is the water?"
"It's lovely, nice and cool. You should come in," I suggested. I had met Aragorn only two weeks before, but I was anxious to know him better. There was something about him that kept me awake late at night, unable to sleep, thoughts of him filling my mind.
"I may go for a swim later," Aragorn said quietly.
"Come now," I said, surprising myself with my boldness. "Please?"
With a moment's hesitation, Aragorn tied Hithorn's reins to the branch of a tree. He pulled of his boots and with a smile jumped into the pond.
He came up shaking his head vigorously, sending water flying everywhere. I splashed him back. He swam to me, his powerful arms beating back the water.
"The water is nice," he said, a boyish grin gracing his face.
"Then I'm sure you would like to experience it more," I said slyly, putting my hand on the back of his head and dunking it under, then swimming away as fast as I could.
I was no match for Aragorn. I could barely move in my dress, so he caught up faster than I had expected. Surrendering, I turned to him, smiling. I didn't bother to rake the hair away from my face, figuring I would be dunked underwater anyway.
But Aragorn's revenge was the sweetest I knew. Before he or I could think, he reached forward and kissed me quickly on the lips. Just as suddenly he pulled back, eyes lowered, mortified. I was stunned.
"I am sorry, my lady," he stammered. " You looked so pretty… I am sorry. It will never happen again." Unable to meet my eyes, he swam away silently as I watched. My mind was screaming at me to stop him, to kiss him back, to do something. For the first time I realized why he had frequented my thoughts.
I was just beginning to love him. It scared me. I had never felt like I did around him, so full of nearly every emotion that I couldn't help but smile.
As Aragorn pulled himself out of the pond, the voice of my father barked at me from the trees. "Arwen! Come here!" In a daze, I got out of the pond on the opposite side as Aragorn had, shamefully aware of my wet dress clinging tightly to my body. Snatching my hand without a word, Ada led me through the trees back to my room.
"What were you doing?" Ada asked, rage showing in his eyes.
"S-swimming. I was hot," I said.
"You kissed Estel!" The accusation came flying from Ada's lips like an arrow from a bow and hit me with the same effect.
"He kissed me! And why is that wrong?" I asked, feeling questions to my mouth.
"He is a mortal, and not suitable for the Princess of Rivendell," he explained, making an effort to calm himself. "I want you to stay here, Arwen. I will return shortly." With that Ada strode from the room.
Half an hour later Ada returned to find me in a dry gown, sitting with my hands folded in my lap, the image of a perfect lady. He sat down carefully on a small chair and began to speak in a low, soft voice. Whenever he used that voice, I knew I was in great trouble.
"You will not see Aragorn again," he said.
"What?" I asked, thoroughly confused.
"Estel is leaving Rivendell at dawn tomorrow."
"Where is he going?" I said, my heart plummeting to my stomach.
"Into the Wild." Ada said with more than a trace of satisfaction.
I bolted to my feet, leaving my courtly manners behind. "You told him to go!" I cried.
"It was his choice. He bids you a fond farewell and regrets that he will not see you again."
I felt a river of hot tears threatening to spring forth. "Let me say goodbye," I whispered.
"It is better if you do not say farewell, Arwen. He is a part of your past, not your future. Leave it at that." Ada said coldly, refusing to look at me as he moved to the door. "Do not leave this room until he is gone."
"Let me say goodbye!" I begged, tears streaking my cheeks.
But the only response was the slamming of the door.
Well? What do you think? I'm on a fic roll. I've had a ton of ideas, I just don't know if they're good or not. So let me know please! All it takes is a click on that little button…