AUTHOR'S NOTE!!!! know it's late! I'm sorry!!! (*runs away frantically from rabid fanfic readers)

Reviewers to Thank: Ooh, I love you all so very much! Thank you for your continued support!

Childhood Curiosity

Ch. 12 : A Lesson From Thieves

Slowly coming back to the realm of awake, Estel could hardly describe how he felt. It was very curious indeed he finally decided, after a while of thinking about his situation. He could still feel the dull, throbbing ache of his many cuts and lacerations all over his body, but they were somehow muted. What he definitely could feel was the sting of every breath he drew in, reminding him of his tree incident only a few weeks back. But then, it hadn't hurt so much, because his Ada had treated him with special medicine. Cracking his eyes open, he began to think of Ada and the twins. I wonder if they are looking for me at all, he thought sadly. How did I wind up with these weird people anyways? I hope Ada isn't going to be angry at me like Marcus said, He did say never to speak to strangers.

Allowing his vision to focus on it's own, Estel realized that he was lying down, but he didn't feel anything under him. Am I floating? He wondered, gingerly sitting up to look at situation. Pulling himself up, Estel first found himself laying in some sort of swing above the ground. It swayed precariously with his every movement, making him feel oddly off balance and nervous. Looking around him to try and find someone to help him, he found no one but an incredible site to greet him. Gasping slightly, Estel looked around himself to find an incredible room made entirely of glittering rock and stone. Here and there, there were glowing pools of some sort of liquid, and all along the floors and ceiling there were great rock needles hanging up-sidown and right side up. In all his life, he had definitely never seen anything like this. ~ Where am I? ~ He wondered out loud to himself, wincing slightly at the sound of his voice upon is cracked lips. Swallowing hard, Estel found himself suddenly very hungry and thirsty. When had his last meal been? It seemed ages since the soft candle lights of the Great Dining Hall had shone upon his food.

Taking a quick look around and still finding no one, Estel looked at all of the similar cloth swings that were hanging around him. Do people actually sleep in these strange things? He thought uncertainly, shifting his blankets around to hang his feet over the now swinging sides. As it rocked back and forth, Estel closed his eyes again and slid off, absolutely sure he was going to fall flat on his face. Yet he didn't to his extreme relief, not really wanting another bruise to add to his growing collection. The stone floor beneath his warm, bare feet was slightly damp, but not altogether cold to feel. Studying the gently sparkling surface momentarily, Estel peered intently at the tiny crystals winking out at him from inside the rock. These were certainly nicer rocks than the ones in Imladres! Pushing his slightly greasy black locks out of his face and taking a deep breath, Estel only winced slightly at his sore ribs as he set off to his left, not knowing at all where he was going but determined to find out where in Arda he was. As he walked past a few of the pools filled with blueish-green water, Estel paused for a second to see what it was. Climbing up upon some smoothed out rocks to hang over the surface of a slightly large one, Estel looked intently into the liquid. It was pretty, he decided. And it looked harmless, even if it was green. Reaching out a tentative hand, Estel lightly brushed the surface before quickly recoiling his hand. Tiny ripples chased after each other from where his fingers had been as the cool-to-the-touch liquid stilled itself. It must be water! He realized, dipping his fingers and hands fully into the cool water. Lettting out a small sigh of relief, Estel drank until he was satisfied, loving the feeling of the cool fluid sliding down his throat. It stung his scratches slightly, but he payed them no mind as he climbed down and continued on his way. Looking all about him, he began to hear echoing voices coming from the other side of the cavern. The strangely ethereal voices didn't make any sense as they spoke in the same garbled language as the others, but nevertheless he began to walk to wards them. As his bare feet padded softly across the rough stone, Estel could help but wince at the soreness that was building up in his limbs. Had it really been that long since he had walked? How long have I really been away from home? Estel began to wonder, walking just a bit faster towards the now louder voices. He was getting close, perhaps he could ask them.

Walking into a small alcove surrounded entirely by the rock needles, Estel found a large group of people sitting around a small fire. They looked happy, smiling and laughing as they sat together. This immediately brought a smile to his face, wanting to join in on their happiness. However when the first person noticed him, his smile faded and then the whole group fell into a hush. Suddenly, Estel was very aware of how disheveled his appearance must be as these people stared intently at him, their eyes boring into his with what almost looked like.......fear? They began to murmur amongst each other, sounding like a great hive of buzzing bees, throwing sideways glances at each other and then him.

"That's the elven child, the one raised by Elrond."

"He'll be the death of us all, I tell you!"

"Look at the poor little thing, he looks scared to death, and tired too!"

What are they saying? Estel thought frustratedly, wishing to the Valor that he understood them. He didn't like how they were all staring at him, what was wrong with them? Or with him? Suddenly gasping, Estel realized what they must be staring at. It was his ears, surely they thought he was strange because of their round shape. Like a circle, Ada had said. Reaching up to them sadly, he traced the curve with a trembling fingertip. What did their ears look like, anyway? Looking around the group until he spotted a young woman that looked nice enough, he slowly began to walk towards her.

~ Can I see you ears? I'll let you see mine, please? ~ Estel said slowly, approaching the women who simply smiled back at him. She didn't recoil like the others were, but held a look of love upon her face. Turning for a brief second to a girl standing next to her, she whispered something and the girl took off running past Estel. He however didn't notice as he tentatively reached out and brushed the girl's hair away. Taking one look at her ears, he shot his hand back as if he had been burned. He couldn't believe his eyes! The were round, not pointed! Round just like.......

~ Mine.... ~ He whispered barely to himself, feeling confusion well up inside him. These people weren't elves! They He had never actually seen one, but Ada had told him what they looked like. They looked just like him........


Hearing urgent footsteps racing towards him, Rathue turned from his seat on the edge of a bathing pool. He had been staring morosely into the rippling water, watching the new inflow of water from the outside weather, lost in his own thoughts about the future and vaguely wondering about taking a bath. Seeing Mihtune running towards him, her younger face was crinkled in worry, he instantly felt concerned. She was a younger thief indeed, but one of their fastest message runners. "Rathue!" She called, stopping just in front of him as he stood up quickly to meet her.

" Rathue, the child is up and wandering about. He came up to the fire circle and began talking in that smooth elvish language! He seems confused, poor thing...." She finished sadly, motioning lamely towards the southeastern corner of the cavern.

Feeling an uncomfortable jolt of surprise run through him, Rathue sputtered stupidly, "Estel's up?"

Nodding reverently, she motioned for him to follow her back. Quickly taking off after her, Rathue felt like running himself through with his own sword. How could he have been so careless with the child? He had to be more damn careful, this child could mean the life and death of his thieves!


Sitting down to sort out his own confused thoughts, Estel wished his Ada would come and comfort him. Nobody understood him, and he didn't understand them! Closing his eyes, Estel ignored the whispering around him and the approaching footsteps. However an urgent call in elvish caught his attention, snapping his eyes open to look behind him.

~ Estel! Estel, are you alright child? ~

Turning to see Marcus, Thalia, and Rathue running towards him, Estel stood up and allowed himself to swept into Thalia's warm embrace. Burying his face into her shoulder, Estel began to talk in a muffled voice to Marcus, hoping he was going slow enough for him to understand.

~ Marcus, I didn't know you were all mortal men. I've never seen one, I always thought I was just.....different because of my ears. I want my Ada now, I'm hungry and tired! Where am I? ~

Feeling the slow circles that were being rubbed into his back with slight pain, Estel tensed up as Thalia hit his scratches. Marcus's voice floated back, along with the garbled voices of the others.

~ Come now, Estel. How does a nice bath and some dinner sound? Let us get some of that old blood and dirt washed off you. ~

Sniffling a bit, and trying to put on his bravest voice at the same time, Estel managed to peek his head out of Thalia's hair and say, ~ B-But I don't l-like baths! ~

Finding the smiling faces of Marcus and the man now known as Rathue looking kindly down upon him, Marcus spoke softly as Thalia secured Estel and got up. ~ Oh, but I think you will like this bath Estel! Have you ever taken a bath in green water? ~

Allowing his own smile to creep across his face at this, a flood of memories came rushing back to the little child. ~ Well, ~ He began with a shy giggle. ~ There was this one time when I got revenge on my brothers in the men's bathing area....~


Sitting with his back in a nice, squashy chair, Estel couldn't wipe the huge smile off his face no matter how much he tried. He had just gotten out of a fresh, warm bath of purely green water! Thalia had scrubbed the grime and blood off him with a gentle sheep-skin cloth, and then Rathue and Marcus had come back with new clothes for him. True enough, they weren't as nice as his Imladres clothes, but the were soft and comfortable, made just for him by the troupe tailor. His new cotton clothes were a rusty red tunic with matching pants that were slightly too baggy, but felt comfortable as they billowed about him. After that, Estel couldn't describe the wonderful feeling of being fresh and new that was coarsing through him as he sat down to eat three full plates of meat and vegetables. He didn't even care what it was, because food had never tasted so good to him in his entire life.

Now he sat there, with energy anew and simply feeling that he could take on the world. Thalia, Marcus, and Rathue were sitting around him, having just finished their own dinners, but watching him with a wary eye. Talking amongst themselves, Estel cut in excitedly.

~ Marcus, come and play with me! I want to do my sword lessons and play hide and seek! ~

Marcus smiled at him, and relayed him message to the others, who began talking quickly as well.


Rathue's POV

"A sword lesson? That's much to dangerous. All I need is for Elrond to find his child missing an arm!" Rathue said in a final tone, shaking his head.

Smiling and looking lovingly at Estel, Thalia spoke energetically as well. "Auw, come on Rathue! The boy was raised by Elves, I'm sure he knows what he's doing! Give him a chance, this might be good bonding time for you and him!"

Looking slightly helplessly at her, Rathue opened and closed his mouth silently as Marcus nodded in agreement. It looked like he was being overruled on something else. " Mordor! What are you two talking me into THIS time?" He exclaimed with a laugh.

Standing up as Marcus instructed Estel what was going on, Rathue pulled his own trusty sword from his side, and then his long dagger from out of his boot-side. Looking carefully at the glinting curve of silver metal, he decided it would be a perfect short sword for Estel to use. When finally Marcus had stopped talking, he smiled as the young boy excitedly bounced up to him with a beaming smile. Pointing at the dagger, the boy asked something in rapid elvish. Arching a brow, Marcus translated, "is that my sword?"

Rathue smiled back, nodding and handing him the dagger hilt first. Taking it in his small hands, the boy immediately fell into a dueling ready stance, holding the dagger out with a steady hand. He wore a peevish grin, and a gleam in his silver eyes. Falling into a different stance, Rathue made the opening thrusts, moving his sword slowly just to gentle with they boy. However Estel swung his sword faster than a viper, parrying each attempt with unnatural speed. Feeling both confused and surprised, Rathue put on a more determined face and put on a faster offensive. Perhaps this boy knows more than I thought, he vaguely thought to himself. As the sword match got faster and more heated, the clash of the two silver swords rang like bell chimes along the cavern of Rebana Iel. More and more thieves came to watch, attracted by the noise as a man and a child moved back and forth. Their faces concentrated, their arms and swords no more than a fluid blur of color and silver glint. It was indeed a scene to be awed. When finally Estel twisted twice backwards, blocking a blow each time, and slid underneath Rathue until he thrust his sword upwards, the point barely touching Rathue's now frozen stomach. As the final clashes rang around, an odd silence followed, broken only by the heaving breaths of the two fighters. Like a time warp, they were frozen in the checkmate position, until finally Estel removed his sword and stood up gingerly. Bearing a huge grin, he spoke in rapid elvish before performing a shaky bow. The thieves around them exploded into cheers and yells, clapping and yelling for an encore. However Rathue bowed back silently, feeling numb at his defeat. I was just beaten by a six year old.......he thought vacantly. I shall never live this one down.....

Snapping back to reality as his thieves piled themselves around Estel, carefully patting him on the back, Thalia put her arms around Rathue briefly and looked into his eyes. "Well," She said with a growing grin....... "At least you won't be able to understand him when he rubs it in, my friend." Breaking out into a smile himself, Rathue nodded and brushed his thieves away from the beaming young child.

"Marcus, translate this for me." He called kneeling to the young boy. Estel looked at him happily as Rathue spoke slowly. "Well well, young Estel. You have excellent form, and fast footwork. All elvish trained I assume, but now we are going to play a different way. Are you up to it?"

The boy looked to Marcus as he finished translating, and then nodded bouncily. "Good, get back into a ready stance then." Rathue answered with a small smile.

In a moment they were facing off again, all of the thieves watching and cheering. However he knew better than to fight the boy like he had just done. As soon as Estel got too close, Rathue would give him a light punch or shove. After about eight blows, Estel was getting teary eyed, his confusion obviously growing as he stopped. ~ You cannot fight like that, it's cheating! ~ He accused angrily, sitting down on the cave floor.

Hearing Marcus, Rathue nodded to him and sat down in front of Estel again. Lifting the boy's chin to reveal a frustrated face, Rathue felt a streak of affection race through him. Though it felt odd, he ignored it to speak softly. "You are right Estel. What I just performed was not proper technique. It is called real world fighting, what I use in my life almost everyday. It is much more effective than what you have been taught. Would you like me to teach it to you? Yes, how would you like to learn how to fight and behave like a thief?"

The boy was silent for a moment, sniffling and searching Rathue's eyes with his own. Until after a moment he nodded and proclaimed, ~ Yes please, but I'm tired now, and my cuts hurt. ~

The thieves applauded again before dispersing. Scooping up a now sleepy eyed Estel into her arms, Thalia cried, "Come now, little Estel! It is time for you to go to bed!"

Este gave a shy giggle before settling into her arms happily. Shooting a meaningful glance at Marcus and Rathue, she left the two to a silent wake. Turning to one another, Grinning suddenly, Marcus said in a serious tone, "So, because he beat you in a duel, does this mean that he is the troupe leader now instead of you?"


Running full tilt against the now howling night wind, the Ork troupe held a loose formation against the elements. Leader Zargrok knew that they were only a few days from their home in the Misty mountains, and they sure as Mordor weren't going to stop running now.


Author's Note: Heyheyhey! Yeah, alright! Now were gonna get Estel feeling better, and the newest threat to his already screwed up life is running right for them! Who knows what will happen next, On the next exciting adventure of Childhood Curiosity!.....heh heh, sorry, I know it's corny! Yay! Anywho, Please leave me a review on your way out, and I hope you liked it! Pretty, please, and I'll see you all much sooner this next time! Okies? See ya!