The Shadow Riders

Chapter 1~ The Choosing

It had been a murderous month; Inuyasha had kept the entire group running around Japan at a grueling pace. They had managed to collect about two-thirds of the Shikon and Kagome was finally able to go home for some much needed rest and time to make up homework. Inuyasha had generously decided that she could go home to for an entire month after a.. civilized discussion.


"Inuyasha, I'm going home, I need to make up some tests and catch up with my family." Kagome stated heading off to the well.

"No you're not bitch," Inuyasha yelled jumping in front of her. "I didn't say you could leave, and we still need to complete the jewel that you broke!"

"OSWARI!!! I am going home, you're not going to stop me, and I will be back in a month." This last was said over her shoulder as she headed off to the well again.

"What!?!?!?!?! You are not going home that long, I'll come and get you in exactly two days!!"

"OSWARI! I will go home, you can't stop me, and I'll seal the well if you come to get me!" With that she hopped into the well with a very angry hanyou imbedded in the ground.

~^~^~End Flashback~^~^~

"I still can't believe I'm doing this." Kagome mumbled to herself as she cast a spell on the well. This spell would make every day in the feudal era three here. That gave her three months to continue her training. Since she began time traveling, Kagome had been taking classes at her school to train herself in the katana, hand-to-hand combat, the bow, and daggers and other small easily hidden weapons. She needed time to train continuously so she could master these arts. Though she was better even then the teachers, she didn't feel it was enough.

She walked to the house calling out, "Okaasan, Souta, Grandpa, I'm home." Kagome went to her room, unpacked, bathed, then fell asleep and stayed that way all through dinner.

There was a loud crashing outside, as though a hurricane was blowing through and tearing down everything in it's path. Kagome jumped out of her bed, grabbed her bow and arrows, and was outside even before she was completely awake. In her sleep, she had felt Naraku, Kanna, and Kagura's auras. They had made it through the well.

"Well, if it isn't the little miko, ah and her family it would appear." Naraku chuckled while looking past her at her family who was huddled at the door. Kagura was holding her fan at the ready and Kanna had her mirror pointed at Souta. "Well miko, it looks like I have you at a disadvantage, give me your shards, and I will make your deaths quick."

"You will not harm my family!" Kagome cried enraged, her aura was flaring around her like a pained thing in the last throws of death.

"Do you dare to challenge me young miko? I will have to teach you a lesson." With that said, he motioned Kanna forward, and she began to draw Souta's soul into her mirror.

That was the final straw, Kagome snapped, and her miko powers flew forth with a vengeance. Kagura saw the purifying death headed at them and tried to stave it off with her demonic winds, but they were purified on contact. Even Naraku had to admit defeat against the oncoming tide and they fled into the well.

When Kagome's miko powers returned to her she looked up and muttered, "The Riders." She fell into the infinite silver of the eyes in front of her, and as unconsciousness claimed her she heard a deep masculine voice whisper into her mind.

'Sleep chosen, I will watch over you and explain everything when you awake.'

Kagome woke up the next morning a little confused as to what had happened, but it was slowly coming back to her, Naraku had attacked, he had run back down the well, and then silver. "What happened to everyone?" Kagome asked as she got out of bed, then she looked around, everything was black and silver, her bed and sheets, her walls, her carpet, her clothes, the door, even everything in her bathroom was black with the tub, mirror, and toilet silver. It was then that she looked in the mirror. Just like everything else, her nightgown was black, and her hair, it went past her waist and had a silver sheen, as if reflecting moonlight. On her forehead, was a black cat with silver eyes. "What happened?"

'I will explain.' Came a voice in her head. She looked around trying to find the owner of the voice, all she saw was a living version of the cat on her head. 'I prefer to be called Shando, and I have chosen you to be my Rider. You see, when prospective Riders turn seventeen, an unbonded Shadow will either bond to them, or forsake them. Shadow's and Riders are neither collectively good nor evil, we are what we choose to be, like humans or demons. Your power and determination is what attracted me to you, but your kindness and love has bonded us.

'As for the black and silver, anything a Rider wears or uses often will become as black as the shadows, or silver like moonlight. Your mark will disappear when I am within you,'

"Wait, what do you mean within me and what exactly does a Rider do?"

'When I say within you, I mean like this,' With that Shando leaped at Kagome, but instead of an impact, there was a kind of melding, Shando went into Kagome as if he was a part of her. 'And Riders,' he continued, 'with their Shadow's become stronger, and fulfill their desires, sometimes we will be called upon by other Riders to help them with their quests. Also, you are now telepathic and telekinetic, I taught you how to control these powers in your sleep. You don't have to speak out loud for me to hear you, besides people would think you were talking to yourself.'

'Cool, what other abilities have I acquired now that I am a Rider Shan?'

'Well, you now have hearing, strength, sight, speed, and healing abilities that rival the greatest youkai.' Kagome had bathed during their talk and was now dressed in her uniform, the skirt, shirt, and socks are black, while her tie and the stripe on her collar were silver. 'Great, how do I explain this?' She took one look at her shoes, and put on her black combat boots instead. 'What,' she asked feeling Shan's amusement, 'It goes better with the outfit.'

'Just tell your school that you changed beliefs, and it only allows you to wear black and silver. I have a gift for you.' On her wrist appeared a charm bracelet, It had a black hilted katana, a silver bow, a black quiver filled with black shafted and silver fletched arrows, a black staff, and a black shafted glaive. All the blades and arrowheads were silver. 'The weapons on the charm bracelet will transform to their true form when you will them to, the arrows will always return to the quiver, and the weapons to the bracelet if you should ever have to leave them behind. Also, they will never break or dull, and only you or I may touch them.'

'Thank you Shan, this is amazing. Can you change forms?' Kagome asked as she pulled on her black and silver backpack while racing out the door.

'Yes, I can become a snake, and a large cat, hence the term 'Shadow Riders,' that is the form you ride.'

Kagome was happy, she had a new friend and discovered that she could get to school within seconds without even trying. 'This is awesome, thank you Shan, I love you.' She felt the warmth he emanated from her comment and acceptance of him.

She was walking to the classroom when a voice stopped her from behind, "Kagome!! You're back! How's your malaria, and is your back better?" It was Eri, she with her other two friends were glad to see Kagome back.

"You know, Hojo's been asking about you, when's your next date?" That was Yuka, unfortunately, Kagome was still stressed from the night before.

"How many times do I have to tell you? I'm not dating Hojo!" She snapped at them and then stormed into the classroom.

"Ms. Higurashi! Why are you out of uniform?" Her teacher asked.

"I've converted to a new belief, I can only wear black and silver. I did the best I could, it's still the same uniform in just different colors." She sat down and tuned out the class until lunch. 'Finally, I can eat then go to my important classes.' The classes she was talking about were her Swordsmanship, Archery, Hand-to-hand combat, and Concealable weapons classes.

Kagome grabbed her lunch, and without really thinking about it jumped into the tallest tree in the school. Half way through lunch, she was broken out of her thoughts by Hojo.

"Higurashi, I brought you this for your migraines, and was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies with me later today?"

'Great, it's clueless again,' "I'm sorry Hojo, I can't. I'm busy." 'For the rest of my life. Why can't he take a hint?' Kagome said as politely as possible.

"Oh, ok, I guess I'll see you tomorrow." Hojo said as he left.

During her classes Kagome trained by herself as was usual since everyone was too afraid to fight her. This suited her just fine since she wanted to try her new weapons and enhanced abilities.

After school Kagome went home, did her chores, homework, ate dinner and went to bed. She woke up at midnight, and in the cherry grove at the park practiced her magic and honed her abilities under the moon's light and Shando's tutelage.

This is how Kagome's life went for the next month.

Kagome was beginning her training in the cherry grove when she felt a powerful demonic aura headed straight at her. It was then that she realized that she had forgotten to suppress her aura. 'Damn it!' During her training she had picked up a very colorful vocabulary from Shan, she had also alienated her friends and become a loner. Too bad Hojo still wouldn't give up. 'May as well let my aura stay at this level, he might think I'm weaker than I really am.'

It was then that he burst into the clearing, Kagome had her sword at the ready, and was prepared to battle. Before her was a demon slightly taller than herself with black and white hair. He had a sweatband around his forehead, was wearing all black, and had a blade before him.

Shando was inside her and said, 'Be careful, he has a Jagan eye.'

"Who are you and what do you want?" She could tell he was a fire apparition, and a powerful one at that. "And quit trying to tap into my mind with your damned eye!" She yelled when she felt his mental probe. 'If you want to know something, ask. If I don't want to answer I won't, but I also won't lie.'

He was surprised that she could feel him trying to tap her mind, and even more surprised that she was telepathic. He used the link she had opened between them and said, 'I'm Hiei, and where did you get that power, no Ningen should be able to wield that much power, though, you're no where near as powerful as me.'

Kagome growled, 'Is that a challenge?'

'Hn,' was his reply, and with that he attacked. Their blades met with a metallic ring and a shower of sparks.

She smirked, 'Is that the best you've got? If it is, you might want to leave now or else step it up.' With that she sprang back and charged full speed bringing her blade down in a smooth arc. Once again metal met metal. 'He's fast.' She thought to herself.

'She's as fast as me.' Hiei thought to himself with incredulity. To Kagome, 'Who are you?'

'My name is Higurashi Kagome.' The battle continued. Blade met blade in continuous confrontations. Soon they were also punching and kicking. In exasperation of the obviously even match Kagome purified her blade, and Hiei created the Sword of the Darkness Flame. The battle continued.

In the end Kagome had her sword at Hiei's neck and he had his sword at her heart. 'Truce?' He asked.

'Truce,' Kagome replied, 'If you agree to spar with me to help further my skills. I have never found anyone my equal.'

Though Hiei was loath to admit being interested in a human, he had to agree, he loved a good fight. Besides, her scent is rather pleasant. 'Agreed.' He said.

'Thanks.' She said with a tide of warmth and gratitude. 'It's nice to have a friend I don't have to lie to.'

'Hn,' he replied and left.

'I'll leave the link open so we can contact each other.' With that she stopped talking to him.

It was dawn, 'Better get ready for school,' she said to Shan. So, with the addition of nightly sparing lessons with Hiei, her life went on as usual.

It was nearly a month later when Kagome realized that she was willing to sacrifice her life for her friend, and Hiei realized he would do anything to protect her. It was also at this time that the Spirit Detectives received their latest mission.

AN: This is a Hiei/Kagome fic and YYH/IY Xover. In this fic, Hiei is normal size, but shorter than Kuwabara. Also, I had this fic up once before but it somehow got deleted. I'm still working on it, and there's no real plan, it just kinda happens.