I do not own lord of the rings, but just think of what the movie would be like if I did??? grins evilly


This story is dedicated to my dear friend Sadie, who has helped me in my writings so so much!

AN: I know that Arwen wasn't there for the coronation in the books and that she was in the movies, but bear with me. I want to see how this story comes out, so don't flame me with stuff like 'READ THE BOOKS!! Blah blah blah.." Cause I have..like 5 times.so NYAH!!! Hee hee...im ok I swear!!


"Faramir, there has been no sign of her?" Maranwe asked exasperated.

"Maranwe, I am doing all that I can. I have soldiers out on the watch for the first sight of Lady Arwen and her father. I have messengers in all directions waiting for word and on the lookout for Lord Elrond's falcons." The distressed steward stood from his desk and looked at the worried Maranwe. He had known the half elf for a few months now and he had never see her so distraught. His eyes went soft and he spoke, "I know how important this day is for you and Aragorn. Believe me, I want her here as much as you do."

Maranwe let out her breath and ran a hand through her brown her, "I am sorry Faramir. I know you are trying your best. I can ask no more of you." Looking at the Prince of Itilien she said, "I thank you for putting up with me on such a hectic day. I assure you, once this is all over. I will be well again." She then turned from Faramir's desk and headed out of his office, "If there is any word, or if I am needed, I shall be in the future king's study."

As she opened the door she almost ran into Eowyn, "Is he busy?" the white lady of Rohan asked her quietly.

Maranwe peered back into the room and saw Faramir hunched over a stack of papers, "It appears that way. However, I believe he would be happy to see you." Eowyn nodded shyly and walked through the doorway.

Faramir breathed a sigh of relief as he saw Eowyn approaching, "Eowyn!" he said as he stood from his chair, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her gently, "What brings you t this part of the Citadel? I thought you were setting up the rooms for when our guests arrive?"

Eowyn smiled, "I was. But I snuck away for a little while to see if you wanted some company." She then nodded her head towards the doorway, "But it appears you already had some?"

Faramir sighed, "Yes, however I would much rather be graced with the presence of such a beautiful maiden!"

Eowyn blushed, "Is Maranwe giving you a hard time?"

"A little." Faramir spoke, "But I cannot blame her, the lady Undomiel is her closest friend and she hasn't seen her in almost six months. She is bound to be a little stressed." Faramir walked back around his desk and sat back in the chair. He reached out his arms, beckoning Eowyn to join him. Smiling she took his invitation and sat gently on his lap.

Faramir glanced at the sling around his beloved's arm. She had faced such turmoil against such a horrific monster. He brushed his hand over her cheek and kissed her softly. Staring into her smoky blue eyes he wondered what he would have done if Eowyn had died facing the witch King. True- it was before they had even met; but the he would have never been blessed with this beautiful creature. "How is it feeling?" he asked, gently touching the cloth.

"It is still quite sore, but in a week I get this dreadful sling off." She glanced down at her arm, "It's a shame really, I would have wanted it off before tonight's festival."

Faramir looked at her questionably, "What is there at the party tonight that you could not do with one free arm? Besides cutting your meat which I would be happy to do for you."

Eowyn smiled, "Well I thank you for reminding me about the meat, but the dancing Faramir! How could you forget the dancing?" she spoke disbelievingly.

Faramir shrugged, "Forgive me I find no joy in the act."

Eowyn raised an eyebrow, "Well you will be sure to find some if you are dancing with this shield maiden."

Faramir smiled at her enthusiasm, "We shall see."

There was a slight pause as Eowyn glanced over the paperwork covering the desk before her, "Is this all about the Lady Arwen?" she questioned.

Faramir nodded, "That and preparations for Aragorn's coronation this afternoon." He placed the scattered notes into piles and said, "This day is so important to him. It's a shame that she might not make it."

Eowyn nodded sadly. After years and years of waiting and without a king Gondor would finally get its wish; this afternoon he heir of Isilidur would step forward and accept the throne. Moreover, of course plans for a wedding had been spoken of. Eowyn smiled faintly as she remembered the council a few weeks ago when the matter had been addressed.


"Then it is settled. The coronation shall be held on the first of May." Faramir spoke, "This council is dismiss-"

"Excuse me Lord Faramir! But I must interrupt." Chamberlain Galmod spoke from across the table. Eowyn eyed the man warily as he continued to speak.

"The council has decided on the coronation date yes. However, must we also not speak of a wedding ceremony? For Gondor needs a queen."

From beside her Eowyn heard Maranwe stifle a laugh as she watched Aragorn's cheeks go to a slight shade of red.

Faramir nodded, "Well yes. That matter was to issued in tomorrow's council and-"

The Chamberlain cut Faramir off again, "There are plenty of noble woman inside the city, the most beautiful women many have ever seen. They should be brought to his future majesty immediately."

Then it dawned on Eowyn. Nobody knew about the Lady Undomiel that was waiting for Aragorn back in Rivendell. She had forgotten that so little had known about her until now.

She focused her attention back on Lord Galmod, "My eldest daughter had many suitors; however I am sure that she would be-"

Faramir finally saw the impatient look on Aragorn's face and quickly spoke up, "Elessar and I had already discussed this matter at an earlier date and there is already a lady he is betrothed to."

Galmod slowly sat back down in his seat, "And what would this woman's name be?" he asked. Eowyn shifted nervously in her seat. The Chamberlain did not look extremely pleased with this news.

Aragorn finally spoke and all eyes turned to him, "She is not of these lands. In addition, I can assure you that any other woman will pale in comparison to her beauty. There is no other I will marry.

It was now obvious that Galmod and many other nobles were not happy hearing these words, "But this woman you speak so highly of is not from Gondor? Shouldn't the king be married-"

"To someone he loves!" Aragorn finished firmly, standing from his seat. His blue eyes stared coldly at Galmod silencing any further protests from his mouth. "And that is the end of that discussion." He spoke looking over the council members.

One noble a the opposite end of the table asked timidly, "Pardon me asking my lord, but when will receive the opportunity to meet-what was her name?"

Aragorn nodded, "Arwen will be coming to the coronation. I have already sent word for her to come with her father and two brothers. They should arrive a couple days before the ceremony."


And here it was the day of the crowning of Elessar, and there was still no sign of Arwen or her family.

Since the council, the word had spread quickly throughout Gondor hat their future king was already betrothed, and to a woman not of this country. Aragorn had given no other details about Arwen since then; and the assumptions the people in the villages and within the cite walls were making were unbelievable.

"Did you hear? Our queen is to be some tavern wench that Elessar met in Bree when he was a ranger?"

"Is that so? I heard that she was a captive when he went to Mordor and he rescued her from a mob of orcs."

"Lucky girl whoever she is to marry such a fine and handsome man."

Where these people got their ideas bewildered them. About a month ago Aragorn had pulled all the members of the Fellowship, Eowyn, and Faramir aside and told them:

"Tell them nothing more about Arwen then her name." He asked of them, "I do not want them to hear something that is the truth and then expand on it. They will expect someone who does not exist. I do not want Arwen to be judged before she sets foot in this castle."

Sam crossed his arms angrily, "They are already expecting about ten different women! None of then Lady Arwen!"

Merry nodded, "It makes me sick! I heard some men in the courtyard call her an old tavern wench! And they know nothing about her."

Maranwe frowned, "And old Galmod got his daughter prancing around trying to talk and hang on Estel whenever she gets the chance." She told the rest of the group, "I swear, she makes one wrong move and I'll-"

"Just remember my friends that they truthfully know nothing about Arwen." Aragorn jumped in, "When she arrives they will all see the truth and the tales and gossip will disappear." The people around him still looked doubtful. Aragorn sighed, "And if these stories do continue, THEN they will be handled."

Slowly everyone nodded but still unsure about what was to come. And they all sill noticed that Aragorn would cringe if he overheard anyone talking about his bride-to-be.


An: I hope you all liked this. I am not sure how long this one is going to be, I'm still figuring out the plot as I go along, hopefully the next chapter will be out within a week. Review and tell me what you think!!!!!!!!!