Disclaimer: Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Notes: This is it. There's only one chapter left after this one. This one's a bit longer because I didn't want to break it in half. Hope you like it, I had some "blockage" trouble with writing this one out. I think it seems a little rushed, but I was trying to get it out. Last chapter will flow a little better.
It's amazing to me but I can't
Seem to say what I'm doing here
My tongue is all twisted around the air
I'm looking for words that were so well rehearsed
But I can't find them anywhere
With you there's no easy answer, it's true
You changed the equation that I add up to
And all of the things I thought I knew
You turn it around
The girl froze and her grip on the man's throat slackened. She drew in a sharp breath, then quickly threw her glance over her shoulder to the silhouette standing in the doorway. Her eyes stared daringly as the figure slowly moved forward to reveal a woman dressed in a blue velvet top graced at the right hip my a stream of pale lace.
Her kind face sang imploringly to the girl, and the Fayth's jaw began to tremble.
I'm amazed
When push comes to shove what I'd give to you
Everything, Oh I'm amazed
The hallways I wouldn't mind crawling through
And I'd do it for days and days
She shook her head, fighting with herself. But she turned her empty eyes back on the man she held by the throat.
"No." Yuna took a step forward before the girl raised her free hand, creating some sort of field to keep Yuna at bay. The Songstress tried to press herself forward, tried to use her strength to break through the barrier, but it was futile.
Her fingers squeezed his throat tighter until it appeared his skin was cracking and streams of light shot out through the crevices. "You will not be saved." She growled. "You've haunted this world long enough."
"No, Shu…" Yuna shrieked.
The man's body went stiff as his eyes were set ablaze.
There was silence in the temple for a long moment before his jaw fell open and a ball of hazy light escaped. It hovered and the girl dropped the body to the ground where it lay lifeless. She stared at the sphere until it moved towards her and she took a single step back to watch the light mold into a human figure.
It became that of an older man. With a faint beard well trimmed and short cut hair. He wore robes fitting of a Praetor, but he carried himself as though he were above the law.
"So, little Fayth," His voice began. "You would challenge me?"
"I don't…"
But she was cut off as he raised his hand. "Sit." And she was forced down onto the ground.
"You think your dead magic carries enough?" She asked him.
He smirked at her in reply. "My magic reaches out beyond the grave, or the Farplane. And you, little girl," he brought his hand to his chin, "you shall become mine. And I shall live again."
"I don't really see that happening." She replied as she moved to rise.
"Sit." He commanded.
She waved her and before her. "No." Then rose to stand at her feet.
He folded his arms and eyed her.
Without warning, she pressed her hand forward, throwing him back against the temple wall. Her feet moved her forward quickly as ice rose from each step she took and rushed out before her to wrap around him.
"A bit of stolen power?" He asked as his body gave off a faint glow and the ice slowly began to melt.
It wasn't stolen. A voice said. I gave it to her freely. The Macalania Fayth stepped forward to stand next to the smaller girl. "I gave it to her so that she could destroy you for everything that you've done." The Fayth's body solidified, becoming human to the eye.
"You would dare…" His voice rose.
As would I. The Child spoke from where he stood next to Yuna. We're tired. Tired of having to play a part that you bound us to. We want to rest.
"I will destroy all of you." The man replied.
Even I? Yunalesca's footsteps were silent as she walked slowly into the temple, materializing from nothing.
His face paled when she came into his view. He stared at her for a long time as words caught up in his throat and refused to come to his lips. A sort of wonder came over him as he stared up at the ancient Summoner before him.
Her appearance melted away then, as she too became like human. Her hair darkened to black, and her tiny little outfit was replaced by a flowing red dress. She paused next to the girl for a moment, before she moved forward, towards where he had been placed.
"Yuna." His voice gasped out.
She gave a nod.
"Yuna." He whispered again. Then his brow furrowed. "No. No it's not…"
Yunalesca knelt down and pressed her palm to his cheek. "It's been," she paused, before a smile graced her lips. "A very log time."
"But they…"
"It's over now." She replied. "The war has been over for a thousand years."
"I told you not to go. I told you…"
"I know. You even tried to convince Zaon to stop me. But in turn, he became my Fayth." Her voice grew softer. "Please, let's just go now."
"But I have spent so long." He looked up at her. "Searching for…but you've been here all this time. Why didn't I…"
"It doesn't matter anymore." She tilted her head. "Please, let's just go. I've missed Zaon for so long. And I know he's missed you as well."
"But what about the Fayth?" He asked.
Yunalesca looked over her shoulder at the young girl who stood waiting. A smile graced the summoner's lips as her eyes moved to Yuna then. "She will be fine."
The Guardian rose to her feet and turned around. Her steps guided her to her destination and she paused to look down at the soul she had guarded for a thousand years.
Yunalesca set her hand on the girl's shoulder and the pair stared at each other for a long time. The girl then gave a single nod. Yunalesca slipped her hand from the petite shoulder and moved forward.
Light blinded the Songstress, but when it died. The girl stood alone in the temple. She didn't move, but rather stood frozen.
"Liya." The blonde moved into the temple without hesitation and fell down at his knees next to the small body. He rolled her over and pulled her up into his arms.
Yuna too, released all inhibitions and moved to kneel down next to her husband and child. Her hand touched the girl's face, stroking the smooth skin until her fingertips met a red, sticky substance. Pulling her hand away, she found blood. A strangled gasp escaped her.
Tidus moved his hand to the girl's throat, desperately pressing his fingertips to the child's throat. "She's…" He choked. "She's not…"
"I'm sorry." The girl murmured from where she stood. "I'm sorry that I couldn't…"
"Don't." Yuna whispered. "Please don't."
"She was meant to." The girl replied. "It was the only way that…" She pressed her lips together in a firm line. "I didn't want her to."
An anguished cry rose from the young Al Bhed woman as she ushered into the temple to find her niece lifeless in her father's arms. "How could this…no."
"It wasn't Shuyin." Gippal's solemn voice reached their ears.
No. The Child appeared once more, transparent as Fayth. It was not Shuyin. It was, however, someone you have faced before. The child paused. Yu Yevon.
Tidus raised his eyes to fix on the Bevelle Fayth. "We destroyed Yevon."
You sent his restless spirit to the Farplane. But you all know, as well as I, that soul with that much hatred and guilt within, can cross the planes of the living. You've seen it before.
"Can't you…" Yuna pleaded.
That, is not within my power. He replied. She was not of my design.
"I don't understand any of this." Gippal murmured. "Who is she?" He asked, looking to the Fayth that still stood unwavering.
"I was the child that Bevelle destroyed, when they murdered Lenne and Shuyin a thousand years ago." The girl said. A moment of silence drew out, before she turned to face them. "My mother was only seven months along with me, though her magics kept me from the view of the outside world." Her eyes fixed on the doorway behind Yuna and she seemed to be staring out into eternity when she shook herself and spoke softly. "She prayed so hard that day, hoping with her entire soul that I may somehow live even as she died." The girl paused. "She prayed for more than herself so strongly, and I became a Fayth when she let go of life."
Her eyes cast themselves to the earth then. "I saw her for only a moment before she disappeared and I went to sleep. I never saw her again. I was left with only a few of her splintered memories and the remnants of her love for my father." A tear escaped her then. "It was so strong." She shifted her weight, glancing once to Yuna. "And out of her few memories, I was able to draw images of him. And I took from others what they knew and had seen of him." She then turned to Tidus. "And I used all those pieces to create you when they dreamed of Zanarkand."
Yuna looked to Tidus, who glanced solemnly back at her.
The Fayth gave a faint smile. "No, you will not disappear." Tidus swung his eyes back to her. "I created you, of course I know your thoughts. Your existence rested with me and the sleeping Fayth, but when I gave you back to her, I made you from her." Tidus stared at the girl, confused. "Just as I used my mothers faint images and the memories of the past to give you first life, I used what Yuna held of you inside herself to give you life again." The smile graced her lips once more. "You belong to her now."
Yuna frowned then for a moment, she glanced down at her feet, trying to organize her thoughts. Then she looked back up at the girl. "What will happen to you now?"
The Fayth moved to speak.
Joscelin. Came a soft voice.
The Fayth froze. Her eyes fell open wide and fixated on the space before her. She drew a breath and felt her heart begin to race. There was silence for a moment before the girl slowly and hesitantly turned around.
She turned and was faced by a beautiful young woman dressed in a blue velvet top graced by pale lace and a tiny, short black skirt. The woman's beautiful honey eyes stared at the Fayth warmly. There were no words spoken, just silence so thick one could touch it. No one noticed how it happened that the two women slowly moved towards each other until the younger stood barely inches away, standing only to the older woman's nose.
"Hi there." The woman spoke first.
Thick tears formed in the Fayth's eyes, though her face registered no change in emotion.
The Songstress reached a hand out and gingerly touched her fingertips to the girl's cheek. The Fayth closed her eyes and the tears streamed free. The sobs she had managed to choke, rose up from deep inside then. The movements that followed were quick as the woman pulled the girl tightly to herself and the girl's arms went up around her waist. The tears of the Fayth came freely and the Summoner held her without waver.
"Shhh, my sweet Joscelin." The Songstress whispered. "It's time to come home."
"Lenne." Came a soft male voice.
Refusing to release the girl, Lenne glanced over her shoulder at the young man standing behind her, the one whom the Fayth had duplicated. He moved forward, hesitant at first, taking the girl into measure. When the Fayth raised her head and cast tear flooded, mismatched eyes of ocean and chocolate on the young man, his defenses faded and he felt his emotions well up. He reached out and touched the girl's blonde and brown hair then moved closer to the pair and kissed the Fayth's head.
Lenne's eyes moved to Yuna and a smile passed between the two women. Yuna was happy for the trio, but her smile faltered when Liya grew heavy in her arms.
"Joscelin." Lenne said her name softly.
The girl looked up into her mother's eyes.
"You have one more dream to finish." The Songstress said gently. Her eyes moved from her child to Liya and the Fayth followed that glance until her eyes too fell on the girl who looked so much like herself.
Slowly and reluctantly, Joscelin disentwined herself from her mother's arms and turned to face Yuna and Tidus. Her footsteps were silent as she moved across the temple's glass floor. Her eyes fell from Yuna to Liya and she knelt quietly beside the pair.
Her eyes swept over the girl's sleeping form and her voice began softly at first. It was beautiful the way it came from her throat like the sound of a bell reverberating off of glass. It rose and her hands came up and hovered over Liya's chest. The song changed suddenly, it seemed not only to be coming from the young Fayth, but seemed to echo around her.
Joscelin dropped her right hand to her side and moved her left, keeping it a few inches from actual contact between herself and the girl, up from her chest to the girl's face. Hesitantly, as if she thought the girl would break beneath her touch, the Fayth gently set her fingers on Liya's chin. Joscelin took a shallow breath then moved closer to the unconscious girl as though to kiss her, but their lips never met.
Light came from the breath that the Fayth breathed into her creation. And it struck then that her song was beginning to fade. But it wasn't that the song was dying, it moved within the breath she gave to the girl and when the music died away, Liya opened her eyes.