An: I really wanted to write something darker after ~always and forever~ and I came up with this little story.

Warning: this story contains angst/ violence/ torture and yaoi/slash, possible mm rape in later chapters. You have been warned so if you don't like, then don't read. As I will not tolerate flamers.

Summary: the celebrations are over and the Blade Breakers prepare to leave Russia and head home to Japan, Boris is angered with the Demolition boys and punishes them and he has also set his sights on tacking revenge upon the Blade Breakers by Kiddnapping two of their team members and causing them pain.


Chapter one

He shuddered wrapping his arms around his knees it was dark and deadly quiet, their wasn't single sound to be heard, save the steady breathing of his team mates in their separate cells. Boris had snapped after their loss against the Blade Breakers at the world championships a few days ago. He'd thrown each of them into separate cells and beaten them brutally one by one since they arrived back at the Abbey.

A soft noise caught the teen's attention and slowly he lifted up his head, he could hear quiet sobbing and knew instantly it was Ian crying again. He sighed wishing he could comfort his smallest friend but he couldn't the cells were locked tight and in fact the only thing in the cells were; a single bed a straw to sleep on, they were taken to the bathroom every four hours by three or four Abbey guards and received a few slices of bread and a glass of water a day, so far they'd been locked up for two days now. The only time they left the cells for a long period of time was when they were taken to be punished.

" Tala…" Bryans dry voice said quietly from the cell next to Tala's.

" Yes…" the said teen asked and flinched in pain as he moved his arm.

" Are you okay?" the violet-eyed teen sounded worried and Tala detected a small note of fear in his voice.

" I fine" the red head lied closing his eyes. He wasn't of course but he didn't want his friends to worry, Boris had seen to it that Tala was punished the most severely of the team. Bryan was the next one to be punished harshly for his loss in the match against Ray. Ian and Spencer weren't punished as much as the other two teen but they were still being beaten and god know what else.

" Are Spencer…and…Ian okay?" Bryan managed to ask weakly.

" I think Spencer's sleeping…Ian was crying a few minutes ago, but he seems quiet now," the captain of the Demolition boys said quietly.

Footsteps sounded outside of his cell and the red head trembled slightly, the cell Door was unlocked and opened to reveal Boris' looming form, a cruel smirk on his face the red head gulped knowing what was to come.


" You okay Kai?" the golden-eyed Chinese boy asked worriedly looking at his team captain face, the crimson-eyed teen kept glancing out of the window worriedly.

"Yeah" he muttered coldly fixing his eyes on Ray "I'm fine" he sat on the end of his bed and stared into space. Kai wasn't okay at all he was far from okay, and he was worried, really worried; he dreaded to think what punishment Boris was putting his childhood friends through. He wanted to know if they were okay but going to the abbey was a bad idea and would only put him in danger.

"Look Kai you may not be the most expressive person on the team, but I know when something's wrong so don't lie" the Chinese teen said sternly giving his team captain a glare. Ray had been observing Kai for the past two days, ever since Tyson won the battle and they became world champions, the golden-eyed teen had seen the worried look Kai gave the Demolition boys before Boris ordered them out of the stadium.

" Stay out of my business Ray" Kai warned glaring at him, Ray didn't pry any further he'd taken the hint and let the conversation drop.

The silver haired boy stood up and made for the door, he looked at Ray and decided to ask the boy for his help, he needed to know if the Demolition boys were okay and he knew the abbey like the back of his hand so he could avoided the cameras easily.

"Ray" Kai said quietly.

"Hmm" Ray said moving his eyes to Kai; the Chinese teen frowned upon seeing the crimson-eyed teen biting his lower lip nervously.

" Would you help me Ray," he asked his cold mask had crumbled and worry shone in his eyes.

" With what?" the golden eyed teen asked softly.

" I need to know if…Demolition boys are okay" the last two words were said in a mere whisper full of pain and guilt.

"What!" Ray said surprised. " I don't mean to sound harsh Kai…but why do you care so much about those guys," he asked and recived a cold glare from Kai.

" Forget it Ray, I thought you of all people would understand" Kai snapped and left the room before the Chinese teen could open his mouth.

Ray sighed hearing the door slam shut, what's going with Kai he thought shaking his head, it wasn't like Kai to snap at people like that. The teen stood up and left the hotel after his team Caption and on the way he ran into Tyson, Max and Kenny who were heading back to the hotel laughing.

" Hey Ray what's sup bud" Tyson asked seeing the worried look on the Chinese teens face.

"I'm looking for Kai, have you seen him?" he asked tiredly.

" Yeah Mr grumps passed us about ten minutes ago" the navy haired blader said pointing behind him.

" I'd leave him, if I was you Ray. He looks pretty angry" Max warned seriously.

" Thanks for the warning guys, I'll go find him" Ray laughed

" Well good luck buddy," Tyson said patting the golden eyed teen on the back before he, Max and Kenny walked on. Ray watched them round the corner and sighed he then walked in the direction Tyson had pointed out.

"What is going on in your head, Kai" he wondered watching the sky darken overhead.


It was dark and cold by the time Kai entered the park, he used watch the other kids having fun and playing with their friends on the swings and slide from the Abbey grounds and wonder why he or any of the other kids staying at the Abbey weren't allowed to play or smile or show any emotion. He knew now that they had been doomed from the beginning, a life of emptiness, sorrow and torture.

He could see the cold, dark and lonely looking Abbey from were he sat, their was a few lights on but that was all and for some reason it frightened him, it was too quiet and empty looking for his own comfort.

"Kai" the silver haired boy didn't answer, he just watched the Abbey for any signal that he'd been sighted here, so close to that dark building. He hated that place almost as much as he hated Boris and his Grandfather, he remembered all the times when Boris would enjoy hurting his charges, torturing them and sometimes raping them and he did all of this for his own pleasure. He loved seeing people in pain he loved hearing them beg him to let them go, and most of all he loved watching them go insane or give up on their life. Kai's hands curled into fists, how could he leave now knowing Tala and the other Demolition boys were going to be punished severely for their loss.

They were his childhood friends and he, Kai was just going to abandon then again.

No not this time, no this time he wouldn't leave Russia without getting them out of the Abbey.

" Kai" he turned to see Ray standing behind him looking over towards the Abbey.

" What do you want?" asked coldly as he too, turned his eyes towards the cold stone building.

Ray shuddered the place gave him the creeps, he watched Kai ball his fists his eyes clouded with anger and rage.

" I want to help you" Ray said gently, he sat down next to Kai and gently placed a hand on the teens shoulder, Kai froze at Ray touch and quickly he moved his hand away and watched as Kai visibly relaxed.

" Tell me Kai what's going on" Kai remained quiet for a moment the he spoke his voice was hard and cold.

" I can't leave them here, alone with him" Ray didn't even have to ask who he was, because the Chinese teen knew Kai meant Boris.

" I've known Boris to do some fucked up things to those who fail their training, and I know what he'll do to the Demolition boys; he'll torture them, break them and eventually they'll go insane or just give up on life. He's done it before to so many kids" Kai's voice creaked and he tried to gain control over his emotions.

" Oh my god, I…had no idea" Ray said shocked.

" The worst thing is, Boris enjoys seeing others in pain" a tear slipped down Kai's face and he wipped it away quickly hoping Ray wouldn't notice.

" Your pain is his pleasure" Kai whispered.

" Dose he…has he…ever hurt you Kai?" Ray asked already knowing the answer the other teen began to tremble as he tired to block out the memories and pain of his life.

An uncomfortable silence fell over the two teens, each lost in their own thoughts, the clouds over head parted slightly and the stars twinkled at them and the moon shone down a beam of silver light illuminating the white snow covering the ground.

Ray looked up at the night's sky and the quarter moon. He heard a small thud and averted his eyes from the sky only to see Kai had been knocked unconscious, he reached into his pocket and felt around for his Blade. His fingers touched the cool surface of his Blade and would have pulled it out if a sharp pain shot through the back of his head and after that moment he knew nothing more than the darkness.


" Something's wrong" Lee muttered shaking his head, he gazed out of the window and wondered why he felt empty all of a sudden like something had been taken from him deep inside.

"Lee" Mariah said over putting a hand on his shoulder, she looked worried about something and she seemed a little shaky. " I just have a wired feeling, something's not right," she said echoing his earlier thoughts.

" I know Mariah, I feel it too" Lee said softly tacking her hand in his.

" I don't like this feeling" the pink haired girl said "I don't like it one bit" she looked at Lee who's eyes were narrowed in thought. She left the room quietly and went to her room once inside a tear escaped her eye and her only thought was about the golden-eyed Blade Breaker.

" Ray" the name escaped her lips quietly and the name seemed to linger in the air for a few seconds.


Boris sat in his office going through some papers when a knock sounded on the door. He mumbled a cold "come in" a cruel smile spread over his face as two Abbey guards entered one carrying the unconscious of Kai Hiwatari, Boris didn't even glance at the second guard or see the unconscious form of Ray Kon in his arms.

" I see you've found young Kai, I must say you were very quick" Boris said his eyes taking on a dangerous gleam.

" Yes sir, we found him in the park across the road" the abbey guard said respectfully.

" Really" Boris raised an eyebrow, he didn't think Kai was foolish enough to venture near the abbey so soon after the world championships. He turned to the second guard and finally noticed the Chinese teen his smile grew bigger if that was possible and the guards had to suppress a shudder.

" Ah, I see young Kai wasn't alone." he said thoughtfully, he didn't ask why they had brought Ray here because he really didn't care.

" Sir, what should we do with them?" the first guard asked still holding Kai.

" Put them in a cell" Boris said and waved them out.

" I'm sorry sir, but all the four cells are taken" Boris thought for a moment and again his eyes gleamed coldly and dangerously.

" Split them up and put them in with one of the boys," he said. The guards bowed and left with the two teens. Things are going to become very interesting Boris thought grinning coldly.


Well what do you think should I continue?, this is my first try at writing angst, it will become darker later in the story but I'll slip in a few fluffy bits too. ~Lady Leah~