Flying for Harry

Chapter 3

Disclaimer: Not mine!

A/N: Here is another revised chapter! Hope you like! Please review! Gracias



Wednesday Morning

"Morning Harry." said Hermione at breakfast.

"Morning, how are you?" he replied

"I'm just fine. Where is Ron?" she asked.

"He wasn't feeling good, so he is going to skip out on a few classes today."

"Oh. Well I'll go visit him later. Maybe I'll collect his homework and he won't be so behind."

Harry laughed at his friend.

"Anyways Harry, I need to talk to you about something." She said.

"What about?" he asked.

"Oliver Wood."

"Oh 'Mione don't worry, I've already talked to Ron about it."

"About what exactly?"

"About the other night. You know when you walked in?"

"Yes, about that, what do you think of Oliver"

"I like him. I know we have only been in school a few days but I have feelings for him. When we were together Monday I don't know, it was different. When I was with Justin last year it was so different from what I feel about Oliver."

"Harry, he is a teacher. Doing this could cost him his job."

"I know. I'm trying to push my feelings aside. Plus I don't even think he likes me. Anyways, I'm going to go take a shower before class. I'll see you later." he said giving her a kiss on the cheek and walking off, leaving a not completely satisfied Hermione.


Harry practically sprinted back to his dorm. He had never wished this before, but right now he wanted to be anything but a student at Hogwarts. His thoughts crowded his mind as he stripped off his clothes and jumped in the shower.

'I can't be selfish' he thought 'I have to think about Oliver here. It's his job. He would hate me if I caused him to loose his job-'

Suddenly his thoughts were stopped by someone else's presence in the shower. He turned around to see a grinning Seamus.

"Seamus good Merlin give me a warning next time you decide to jump in the shower with me." Harry said.

"Sorry mate, you looked troubled when you came in and I thought you could use a friendly face to talk to. We have class in a hour so we have time." He said as he grabbed some soap and started washing his chest.

Harry just snorted and turned around to grab his soap.

"So what's on your mind mate?" said Seamus grabbing Harry's soap out of his hand and beginning to wash Harry's hair. "Boy troubles?"

Harry groaned, "Yes."

"You know, I may not be Ron, your best friend, but I am gay. So I probably know a little more about these things than Ron does." he replied.

"Yeah I know."

"So, what's your problem?" Seamus asked

"I like someone, but it's sort of against the rules to like him."

"So it's a teacher?" he asked.

"Yeah, but no one really considers him a teacher so I don't see the problem. He's more like a friend to everyone." Harry replied.

"So it's a younger teacher. That pretty much rules out everyone except…"

"Oliver Wood." Harry finished.

"Ah the lovely Mr. Wood. 6'3, brown hair, blue eyes, Quidditch player, very buff, single, dated two men, the rest women, just recently gay, Witch Weekly's most eligible bachelor 3 times in a row. Nice pick."

"How on earth do you know all that?"

"I have my ways. Anyways...what are you going to do?"

"Nothing. The reason I am having problems is because I can't do anything. He is a teacher."

"Tough luck mate." replied Seamus.

"Anyways, I don't even know if he likes me." Harry said.

"Well then we will figure that out." Seamus replied.

"How?" asked Harry.

"Just trust me. I'll figure something out." He said.

"I don't know why, but I'm going to trust you here."

"You won't regret it." Seamus said, as they stepped out of the shower.

"Hey Harry," he said, his eyes scanning over Harry's body, "if this whole thing with Oliver doesn't work out, I'm available and willing."

Harry smiled and swatted Seamus.

"Ouch, Harry, I'm only joking." He said, smiling.


The next few weeks passed by in a blur. Harry never got any alone time with Oliver because Hermione and Ron made sure they were in the common room when they were working on Quidditch stuff. When the second month of school started rolling along Harry was starting to wonder what Seamus' miraculous plan was to see if Oliver liked him. Then it happened.

"Hey Harry," said Seamus coming up to Harry at dinner and giving him a kiss on the lips.

"Seamus?" Harry replied awestruck.

Seamus leaned over and whispered in Harry's ear "Just follow it, I'm trying to figure out if he likes you."

Harry understood. Seamus put his arm around Harry and looked to the teacher's table at Oliver. He looked completely pissed. Seamus snuggled closer, and then leaned in closely to Harry's ear.

"It's working like magic. He's so pissed!" Seamus giggled.

Harry was pleased and took the opportunity to whisper in Seamus' ear.

"Does that mean he likes me?" Harry asked

"Yep, but you want to really find out if he likes you enough?"


"Walk with me out and hold my hand okay? If he follows us, he obviously is jealous and head over heals for you and he will want to stop whatever he thinks we would do." he giggled "If he doesn't follow, he just likes you a little."

"Okay, let's go." Harry said.

Seamus stood up, helped Harry up, and clutched his hand. They started to walk out together when Seamus looked up and saw Oliver glare at him and stand up. When they exited the hall, they walked slowly to the Gryffindor common room, making sure not to walk to fast so Oliver could catch up.

When they finally got there, they stood there a few moments and sure enough, Oliver came walking up. They pretended to talk to each other when a quiet "Ahem" sounded from Oliver.

"Hello Oliver, I didn't see you standing there." said Seamus.

Oliver glared at him. "Sorry if I was interrupting something, I needed a word with Harry."

"No your not interrupting anything." said Harry a little too fast.

"Well then I better be going, see you in a bit Harry," said Seamus leaning in to hug Harry.

While they were hugging, Harry whispered, only so Seamus could hear, a small "Thanks". Seamus nodded and walked into the common room.

"So what did you want to talk about Oliver?" asked Harry.

"Umm walk with me okay?"


They walked in silence for a few moments when Oliver said, "So are you and Seamus good friends?"

Harry laughed inside.

"Yes, very good friends." he replied.

"Are you…umm?" said Oliver obviously nervous.

"Are we…?" Harry asked pushing it.

"Are you more then friends?" he said blushing and turning his head away.

"No, he's just there for me when I need someone to talk to." He replied.

"You know Harry, I'm here for you too. If you ever want someone to talk to besides Seamus, I'm always willing to listen." He said, his voice obviously shaking.

"Thanks Oliver, I'll remember that. I appreciate it." Harry said turning toward Oliver.

They were both looking at each other. They both were thinking the same thing. They both knew the same thing. They both were expecting what was going to happen. They both didn't know who was going to start it.

All it took was one look in Oliver's eyes and Harry knew exactly what he wanted to do. He plunged in and kissed him smack dab on the lips.

Oliver was in heaven. He had never felt lips such soft against his. He had never known a kiss could feel so good. He never wanted it to stop, and he would have never known why he was the first one to pull away in protest.

"Harry..." he whispered.

"Oliver, you don't know how bad I want you." Harry whispered back.

"Not nearly as much as I want you and not nearly as much as I am going to regret saying this…"

"Saying what…?" Harry said looking to his eyes pleadingly.

"We can't Harry. I...I can't..."

"We can one has to know. We can keep it a secret...I'm great at keeping secrets." Harry said, starting to panic. "Please Oliver."

As Oliver looked into the eyes of the pleading boy, he couldn't help it. He pulled him into a tight embrace.

"Harry, I'm so sorry." He could feel the boys' hot tears on his neck. "Maybe we can work this out when schools over, and it wont be against the rules anymore."

"I...I don't know...if I can wait that long." Harry said pulling away.

"If you can wait that long, I definitely will. Even if you can't, I will still be waiting."

"I had better go." Harry said wiping his eyes. "I'll see you around."

And with that, Harry left.


"How could I do this!" Oliver said to himself as he watched Harry leave. "How could I let myself get so out of control!"

As he rounded the last corner walking out of Oliver's view, Oliver sunk down on the ground and started crying into his hands.

"Mr. Wood, are you alright?" said a soft voice.

Oliver looked up and saw one of the ghosts of the castle floating above him.

"I'm sorry." Oliver said taking his head out of his hands.

"Goodness child, what on earth has made you cry this much?" she said moving toward him. His face was all red with tears still running down his eyes.

"I really can't tell you. I'm sorry for disturbing you." He replied in between sniffs.

"Oh Mr. Wood, I have seen many broken hearts in my years here, but none like this, who is this girl that's so special?"

"Actually, it's a guy."

"Well dear that's fine. Who's this guy then?" she replied.

"It's a student. Yes, I know the rules. I wouldn't be sitting here crying if I didn't know the rules."

"Oh my." She said.

"I know, and that's the reason I had to "break it off" or what not."

"Well dear, let me tell you this. When I was a little bit older than you were, I feel in love. Just as you, this was forbidden and I had to let him go. To this day, I still regret it." She said.

"Are you saying I should forget the rules, and go for him?" Oliver said in shock.

"I'm saying, follow your heart. It will always lead you to the right places." She said with a wink. "Now since tomorrow is Saturday, I expect you to get a good night sleep, and come to breakfast tomorrow with your handsome face fixed up and a smile on. Good day Mr. Wood."


As Harry rounded the last corner, he could hear Oliver starting to cry.

"He doesn't want to do this," he said to himself. "He doesn't want to wait."

He could hear the crying from Oliver getting heavier. Then he heard another voice. He couldn't tell who it was. He listened for a while and then sprinted back to his room, still crying. He came to a stop at the Common Room door. He sunk down, put his head in his hands, and started crying again.

"Mr. Potter may I ask what on earth you are doing?" said a crude voice.

Harry looked up to see his Potions teacher.

"Why would you care," he sniffed.

"Honestly, I don't, I'm just afraid some poor soul will walk down here and see the precious boy who lived crying his eyes out and realize that if this is the boy who is going to save the wizarding world we are all dead." He snarled.

"Screw you Snape, your nothing but a heartless bastard." Harry said, glaring at him with tears still falling down his cheeks.

"30 points from Gryffindor! NEVER insult me again or I will have you expelled. Now if you don't get back in your dorm right this second I will give you a detention." He said walking away.

Harry wiped his eyes and walked in the common room. His face was all red and his glasses were blurry. He could see Seamus, Ron, and Hermione all sitting down. He looked at Seamus' questioning look and nodded. Then he walked up to his dorm.

Ron got up to follow.

"Ron don't." said Seamus

"Why the bloody hell not? Did you just see him? He looked like shit. He needs someone to talk to." Ron replied, "Anyways who are you to tell me when I can talk to my best friend?"

"Ron, I know we haven't gotten along that well lately but you need to trust me on this one. Leave him be."

"Ron, honey listen to him, come sit down" said Hermione.

He sighed and gave up and went to sit down


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